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Windows Azure Pack Update 3 verfügbar

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seit heute steht das Update 3 für das Windows Azure Pack zur Verfügung. Damit werden die folgenden 10 Probleme behoben:

  1. For stand-alone virtual machines (VMs) whose templates specified multiple network adapters, the tenant user cannot associate a particular network to each network adapter.

    Symptom: If the user is creating a VM that’s based on a template that contains multiple network adapters, the Tenant Site VM extension will automatically assign the first available network.

    Resolution: The tenant user now has the necessary user interface (UI) to select a particular network for a particular network adapter.
Developers who use Web Site Cloud to deploy PHP applications do not have an option to specify PHP 5.5 version.

Symptom: If the user wants to deploy a PHP 5.5 application, there is no option to specify that version of PHP.

Resolution: The user now has the PHP 5.5 version option.
Usage records that contain more than 4,000 characters of resource data are not supported.

Symptom: If the Usage Collector encounters a usage record that has more than 4,000 characters, it fails and shuts down the usage pipeline for System Center usage data.

Resolution: Some of the instructions in this article involve running an SQL script that will increase the size of the table field to nvarchar(max).
Tenants experience unexpected behavior in the portal when they create websites that have the same name in different plan subscriptions that are each on a separate Web Site cloud.

Symptom: When a tenant creates two websites that have the same name on different Web Site clouds and subscriptions, the portal may display inaccurate information about one or both of the websites.

Resolution: Users can now create websites that have the same name through separate subscriptions and clouds without seeing incorrect information about their sites or subscriptions.
Tenants who create an ASP.NET site by using Web Site Cloud cannot specify whether the Application Pool will be running in Classic or Integrated Mode.

Symptom: When a tenant tries to create a website, the user notices that the Application Mode setting is not available. If the application requires Classic Mode, it will run the risk of failing at run time.

Resolution: Users can now specify the Application Pool mode for their applications.
Administrators cannot use Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDN) when they configure SQL Always-On Listeners, because the Windows Azure Pack Resource Provider for SQL Server does not support it.

Symptom: When an administrator enters an FQDN in the SQL Extension of the Administration site, the SQL Resource Provider accepts it, but an error is returned after the provider tries to process the FQDN.

Resolution: FQDNs are now fully supported by the Resource Provider.
When a tenant creates a VM, the name that is provided is not honored. Instead, a name is generated.

Symptom: When tenants build a VM on premises, they expect the name that they provided to be honored as the NetBIOS name of the computer. This is not the case; the VM extension generates a name to maintain uniqueness in System Center Virtual Machine Manager.

Resolution: Now the VM Resource Provider generates a name that’s based on the name that the user provides in the following pattern:Computer Name = name + “###”


The numbers are added to the end of the name to guarantee uniqueness in System Center Virtual Machine Manager.

The metrics that are associated with websites that are located in separate clouds whose endpoint credentials differ from each other are sometimes not retrieved; instead an error message is displayed.

Symptom: When the tenant or administrator accesses information about websites that are located in clouds that are configured to use different endpoint access credentials, you receive the following error message from the Administration site:The server could not retrieve metrics (Internal Server Error).


Resolution: The monitoring service responsible for retrieving the websites data now returns the correct metrics instead of an error.

The SQL Resource Provider grants DB Owner permissions to tenants when during database provisioning.

Symptom: When a SQL Server Database is provisioned by a tenant, the SQL Resource Provider grants DB Owner permissions to the corresponding SQL login.

Resolution: Tenant logins that are created after you apply Update Rollup 3 are no longer granted DB Owner permissions. Existing tenant logins and already existing databases are not affected. To retroactively give existing tenant logins the same set of permissions and to remove the DB Owner level access, see the following TechNet article:



SQL Server Integrated Security or Windows Authentication is not supported by the Windows Azure Pack Tenant Site SQL extension.

Symptom: When the tenant tries to create a database, no option for Windows Authentication is provided.

Resolution: The SQL Tenant Site Extension now supports Windows Authentication.

-> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2965416

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