Telek 10 Geschrieben 11. Dezember 2003 Melden Geschrieben 11. Dezember 2003 hab was interessantes Gefunden NetMeeting hasn't disappeared. It's just hiding. Microsoft wants Windows XP users to rely on Windows Messenger for communicating on the Internet. If you used NetMeeting (Windows built-in netcam program) in the past, then you're supposed to switch to Windows Messenger. On today's episode of "Call for Help," Chris is going to show you that NetMeeting lives in XP. If you want to use NetMeeting, here's how you can find it. Click on the Start menu. Select Run. Type "conf" (without quotes) in the Open field and hit OK. NetMeeting will launch. You'll have to go through the setup Wizard the first time you launch it. Zitieren
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