darksider71 0 Geschrieben 26. Januar 2015 Melden Geschrieben 26. Januar 2015 Hallo zusammen,ich habe mir vor 1,5 Jahren einen neuen PC beim Händler im Internet bestellt.Dabei Windows 7 HP 64bit DVD (Intended for distribution with a refurbished PC) und einen Aufkleber mit Key auf dem Gehäuse. Da ich nun privat sehr viel mit Bildbearbeitung zutun habe,habe ich mir nun einen neuen Rechner zusammengestellt,da der alte DualCore von AMD nicht stand halten konnte. Mit einem sog. PC-Konfigurator habe ich mir also einen i5 QuadCore erstellt,mit allem drum und dran was ich so brauche,ausser einem BS,da ich das ja schon vom "alten" PC habe. Kann ich nun meine vorhande Windows 7 HP 64bit Version einfach so auf den neuen Rechner übernehmen ??? Oder mus mir doch eine andere Version kaufen ? Gibt es irgendwelche Möglichkeiten ? Danke Zitieren
Dr.Melzer 191 Geschrieben 26. Januar 2015 Melden Geschrieben 26. Januar 2015 Was steht denn dazu in dem EULA das bei der Lizenz dabei ist? Zitieren
darksider71 0 Geschrieben 26. Januar 2015 Autor Melden Geschrieben 26. Januar 2015 Hallo Dr.Melzer,leider keine Ahnung,da ja solche Sachen erst bei Installation angezeigt werden.Noch habe ich den neuen Rechner nicht bzw. habe das "alte" Windows versucht aufs neue System aufzuspielen.Fakt ist,das ich nicht die alte Festplatte in den neuen Rechner baue,sondern das BS auf die SSD im neuen neu aufspielen möchte. Zitieren
Dr.Melzer 191 Geschrieben 26. Januar 2015 Melden Geschrieben 26. Januar 2015 Auf dem Installationsdatenträger gibt es eine EULA.txt. Das sind deine Lizenzbedingungen. Schau da mal rein. Zitieren
darksider71 0 Geschrieben 26. Januar 2015 Autor Melden Geschrieben 26. Januar 2015 Habe die DVD eingelegt und darauf ohne Erfolg eine sog. EULA Textdatei gefunden Gefunden habe ich folgendes: MICROSOFT SOFTWARE LICENSE TERMS Die komplette Datei ist aber auf englisch - also mit meinem Schul-Englisch komme ich da nicht weiter ;-) Zitieren
Dr.Melzer 191 Geschrieben 26. Januar 2015 Melden Geschrieben 26. Januar 2015 Ist das eine englische Lizenz? Zitieren
zahni 571 Geschrieben 26. Januar 2015 Melden Geschrieben 26. Januar 2015 War das ein HP-PC? Ich wusste nicht, das Microsoft diese Lizenzen mit einer OEM-Kennzeichnung (HP) versieht. Zitieren
darksider71 0 Geschrieben 26. Januar 2015 Autor Melden Geschrieben 26. Januar 2015 Auf der DVD selber ist alles in englisch bedruckt - nein,es ist kein HP Rechner sondern Im Net bei HMCW damals gekauft Zitieren
zahni 571 Geschrieben 26. Januar 2015 Melden Geschrieben 26. Januar 2015 Die Fa.? http://www.amazon.de/forum/sonderangebote%20und%20restposten?_encoding=UTF8&cdForum=Fx1ZLFKT71P9IM4&cdThread=Tx1YXZFH02A0DTD Ok, ist OT ;) Zur Lizenz: Wir können aus Ferne leider nicht bewerten, was das für eine Lizenz ist. Es kann gut sein, dass sie sich schon auf dem 1. PC nicht ganz legal befand. Zitieren
Dr.Melzer 191 Geschrieben 26. Januar 2015 Melden Geschrieben 26. Januar 2015 Also Die komplette Datei ist aber auf englisch - also mit meinem Schul-Englisch komme ich da nicht weiter ;-) Hänge die Datei mal als Anhang an dienen nächsten Beitrag. Gut möglich dass Zahni recht hat und das schon von Anfang an keine legale Sache war... Zitieren
darksider71 0 Geschrieben 27. Januar 2015 Autor Melden Geschrieben 27. Januar 2015 So,habe gestern nun die Rechnung zum "alten" Rechner gefunden,da steht zum BS: "Microsoft Windows 7 Premium 64-Bit GSD Lizenz MAR - inkl. 64 Bit DVD multilingual" Kann man damit etwas anfangen ? Also über amazon habe ich ihn nicht gekauft,sondern über deren eBay-Shop....lief auch alles normal über die Bühne Zitieren
Dr.Melzer 191 Geschrieben 27. Januar 2015 Melden Geschrieben 27. Januar 2015 So,habe gestern nun die Rechnung zum "alten" Rechner gefunden,da steht zum BS: "Microsoft Windows 7 Premium 64-Bit GSD Lizenz MAR - inkl. 64 Bit DVD multilingual" Kann man damit etwas anfangen ? Nö, relevant ist das EULA welches mit dabei war Also über amazon habe ich ihn nicht gekauft,sondern über deren eBay-Shop....lief auch alles normal über die Bühne Und du denkst EBay ist seriöser als Amazon? Du kannst auch Raubkopien über "normale" Shops kaufen und die Abwicklung läuft ganz normal... Zitieren
darksider71 0 Geschrieben 27. Januar 2015 Autor Melden Geschrieben 27. Januar 2015 Nee wahrlich nicht ;-) - kaufe zur Zeit lieber bei amazon direkt als Premiumkunde als bei ePAY Wie gesagt habe ich nichts zwecks EULA auf der DVD gefunden,eben nur diese Lizenz in englisch (10 Seiten !) Zitieren
zahni 571 Geschrieben 27. Januar 2015 Melden Geschrieben 27. Januar 2015 (bearbeitet) Dann hänge die Datei hier doch an. Zum Lesen der EULA reicht unser Englisch. bearbeitet 27. Januar 2015 von zahni Zitieren
darksider71 0 Geschrieben 27. Januar 2015 Autor Melden Geschrieben 27. Januar 2015 Im anhang die Lizenz Fehler Du hast keine Berechtigung, diese Art von Dateien hochzuladen MICROSOFT SOFTWARE LICENSE TERMS WINDOWS 7 HOME PREMIUM SERVICE PACK 1 These license terms are an agreement between you and · the computer manufacturer that distributes the software with the computer, or · the software installer that distributes the software with the computer. Please read them. They apply to the software named above, which includes the media on which you received it, if any. Printed-paper license terms, which may come with the software take the place of any on-screen license terms. These terms also apply to any Microsoft · updates, · supplements, · Internet-based services, and · support services for this software, unless other terms accompany those items. If so, those other terms apply. If you obtain updates or supplements directly from Microsoft, Microsoft, and not the manufacturer or installer, licenses those to you. By using the software, you accept these terms. If you do not accept them, do not use the software. Instead, contact the manufacturer or installer to determine its return policy. You must comply with that policy, which might limit your rights or require you to return the entire system on which the software is installed. As described below, using the software also operates as your consent to the transmission of certain computer information during activation, validation and for Internet-based services. If you comply with these license terms, you have the rights below for each license you acquire. 1. OVERVIEW. a. Software. The software includes desktop operating system software. This software does not include Windows Live services. Windows Live services are available from Microsoft under a separate agreement. b. License Model. The software is licensed on a per copy per computer basis. A computer is a physical hardware system with an internal storage device capable of running the software. A hardware partition or blade is considered to be a separate computer. 2. INSTALLATION AND USE RIGHTS. a. One Copy per Computer. The software license is permanently assigned to the computer with which the software is distributed. That computer is the “licensed computer.” b. Licensed Computer. You may use the software on up to two processors on the licensed computer at one time. Unless otherwise provided in these license terms, you may not use the software on any other computer. c. Number of Users. Unless otherwise provided in these license terms, only one user may use the software at a time on the licensed computer. d. Alternative Versions. The software may include more than one version, such as 32-bit and 64-bit. You may use only one version at one time. If the manufacturer or installer provides you with a one-time selection between language versions, you may use only the one language version you select. Wobei ich 2. b so verstehe das ich es gleichzeitig auf 2 Rechnern installieren darf,oder ? MICROSOFT SOFTWARE SUPPLEMENTAL LICENSE TERMS LANGUAGE INTERFACE PACK FOR WINDOWS 7 Microsoft Corporation (or based on where you live, one of its affiliates) licenses this supplement to you. If you are licensed to use a version of Microsoft Windows 7, (for which this supplement is applicable) (the “Software”), you may use the supplement. This supplement contains computer software and may include associated media, printed materials, online or electronic documentation, and Internet-based services (collectively, the “Components”). You may use a copy of this supplement with each validly licensed copy of the Software. The following license terms describe use terms for the Components. These terms and license for the Components apply to your use of the Components and the use terms agreement (either from Microsoft or some other entity) under which you have previously licensed the Software (“Software License Terms”). If there is a conflict these supplemental license terms apply. By using this supplement, you accept these terms. If you do not accept them, do not use this supplement. If you comply with these license terms, you have the rights below. 1. INSTALLATION AND USE RIGHTS. You may reproduce, install and use one copy of the Components on your licensed computer. 2. ADDITIONAL LICENSE REQUIREMENTS AND OR/OR USE RIGHTS a. If you are (a) a government or government agency, (b) an accredited educational institution, © a government-affiliated or government-sponsored cultural or language board, or (d) a government-affiliated or government-sponsored cultural or language institution, and before you begin any redistribution you go to go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=148454 to complete a registration process, Microsoft additionally grants you the limited and non-exclusive right to redistribute unaltered copies of the Components (“redistributable components”), subject to the following terms: · You may only redistribute the redistributable components to validly licensed users of the Software, and you may not market or charge for the redistributable components. · You will not redistribute redistributable components so that any part becomes subject to an excluded license. An excluded license is any license that requires, as a condition of use, modification and/or distribution of software subject to the excluded license, that such the software be (a) disclosed or distributed in source code form; (b) licensed for the purpose of making derivative works; or © redistributable at no charge. · You will not modify, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or change the file name of redistributable components. · Your redistribution of the redistributable components must be in the form received from Microsoft, without additional third party marketing, offerings or other information. You will not remove, modify, or interfere with the license terms agreement (“License Terms”) and/or the License Terms acceptance process/functionality included by Microsoft with any redistributable component. · You will not alter any copyright, trademark or patent notice in the redistributable components. · You will not use Microsoft’s trademarks in your programs’ names or in a way that suggests your programs come from or are endorsed by Microsoft. · You shall not make any claims, warranties, or representations with respect to the redistributable components and will indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Microsoft from any claims, including attorneys’ fees, related to the distribution or use of your redistribution of redistributed components. · You are responsible for any and all costs associated with any of your activities related to redistributable components. · You are responsible for obtaining any governmental approvals required for your redistribution activities. b. Bolded terms used in this Supplemental License and not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings assigned to them in the Software License Terms. 3. Additional Rights and Limitations a. If the Software was licensed to you by Microsoft or any of its wholly owned subsidiaries, the limited warranty (if any) included in the Software License Terms applies to the Components provided that the Components have been licensed to you within the term of that limited warranty. However, this Supplemental License does not extend the time period for which that limited warranty is provided. b. If the Software was licensed to you by an entity other than Microsoft or any of its wholly owned subsidiaries, then (a) “Manufacturer” under the Software License Terms is not a party to this Supplemental License and has no obligation under this Supplemental License to provide support for the Components, (b) this Supplemental License in no way amends or alters the Software License Terms. If the Software was licensed to you by an entity other than Microsoft or any of its wholly owned subsidiaries, then the following two paragraphs also apply: · DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY. The components are licensed “as-is.” You bear the risk of using them. Microsoft gives no express warranties, guarantees or conditions. You may have additional consumer rights under your local laws which this agreement cannot change. To the extent permitted under your local laws, Microsoft excludes the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. · LIMITATION ON AND EXCLUSION OF REMEDIES AND DAMAGES. You can recover from Microsoft and its suppliers only direct damages up to U.S. $5.00. You cannot recover any other damages, including consequential, lost profits, special, indirect or incidental damages. This limitation applies to: anything related to the COMPONENTS, services, content (including code) on third party Internet sites, or third party programs, and claims for breach of contract, breach of warranty, guarantee or condition, strict liability, negligence, or other tort to the extent permitted by applicable law. It also applies even if Microsoft knew or should have known about the possibility of the damages. The above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you because your country may not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental, consequential or other damages. EULAID:Win7_RM.0_LIP_RTL_en-us Zitieren
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