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Neuer WSUS verteilt keine Updates

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wir haben einen ServerDC (Windows 2012) mit WSUS gegen einen neuen ServerDC2 (Windows 2012 R2) mit WSUS ausgetauscht.


Einstellungen an die Clients per GPO verteilt. Es mußte nur die der Servername bei den Updatepath/Server geändert werden.


Interner Path für Windows-Update: http://serverdc2.domain.local:8530


Quelle: Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) Gruppenrichtlinie für Clients erstellen




Aber die Client bekommen zwar die Updates angezeigt nur können Sie diese nicht herunterladen.


Fehlermeldung am PC:



Code: 80244019

Problem beim Windows Update


Fehlermeldungen am Server:


Quelle: Windows Server Update Service

ID: 13002
Ebene: Fehler
Clientcomputer installieren Updates mit einer Fehlerrate von mehr als 25 Prozent.
Dies ist nicht normal.
Quelle: Windows Server Update Service
ID: 10021
Ebene: Warnung
Der Katalog wurde zuletzt vor mindestens 1 Tagen erfolgreich synchronisiert.


Bild1 WSUS Synchronisierung:



Bild2 WSUS Updates:



Bild3 Fehler PC:



Bild4 Windows Update Einstellungen PC/Server:




Ich habe mir einmal die C:\Windows\WindowsUpdate.log eines Clients angeschaut.


Es sieht aber eigentlich alles ganz gut aus. Bis auf das die Updates nicht gedownloadet werden können.



2015-05-08 06:53:41:677 832 36ac AU #############

2015-05-08 06:53:41:677 832 36ac AU ## START ##  AU: Download updates
2015-05-08 06:53:41:677 832 36ac AU #########
2015-05-08 06:53:41:677 832 36ac AU  # Approved updates = 2
2015-05-08 06:53:41:677 832 36ac AU WARNING: Failed to get Wu Exemption info from NLM, assuming not exempt, error = 0x80240037
2015-05-08 06:53:41:677 832 36ac AU WARNING: GetCurrentNetworkCostPolicy failed, error = 0x80240037
2015-05-08 06:53:41:677 832 36ac AU AU initiated download, updateId = {11BE61A1-3396-4ECF-9044-3F18D12DEB7C}.201, callId = {36ECBD94-C7C2-462C-B6BC-A3B3A17495C2}
2015-05-08 06:53:41:677 832 36ac AU WARNING: Failed to get Wu Exemption info from NLM, assuming not exempt, error = 0x80240037
2015-05-08 06:53:41:677 832 36ac AU WARNING: GetCurrentNetworkCostPolicy failed, error = 0x80240037
2015-05-08 06:53:41:677 832 36ac AU AU initiated download, updateId = {876DB1F6-9329-4CB0-8487-459ED94E9587}.201, callId = {D179C4F3-3BCA-4898-9F75-17F22C58EB40}
2015-05-08 06:53:41:677 832 d94 DnldMgr ***********  DnldMgr: Begin Downloading Updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdatesWuApp]  ***********
2015-05-08 06:53:41:677 832 d94 DnldMgr  * Call ID = {36ECBD94-C7C2-462C-B6BC-A3B3A17495C2}
2015-05-08 06:53:41:677 832 d94 DnldMgr  * Priority = 3, NetworkCostPolicy = 6, Interactive = 1, Owner is system = 0, Explicit proxy = 0, Proxy session id = 2, ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2015-05-08 06:53:41:677 832 d94 DnldMgr  * Updates to download = 1
2015-05-08 06:53:41:677 832 d94 Agent  *   Title = Update für Windows Server 2012 (KB3003729)
2015-05-08 06:53:41:677 832 d94 Agent  *   UpdateId = {11BE61A1-3396-4ECF-9044-3F18D12DEB7C}.201
2015-05-08 06:53:41:677 832 d94 Agent  *     Bundles 1 updates:
2015-05-08 06:53:41:677 832 d94 Agent  *       {56A13E69-4558-4632-9FE3-CDDFEF02A5B3}.201
2015-05-08 06:53:41:677 832 d94 DnldMgr No locked revisions found for update 56A13E69-4558-4632-9FE3-CDDFEF02A5B3; locking the user-specified revision.
2015-05-08 06:53:41:677 832 d94 DnldMgr Adding revision ID 201 for update 56A13E69-4558-4632-9FE3-CDDFEF02A5B3 to the lock revision cache.
2015-05-08 06:53:41:677 832 d94 EP Got WSUS Client/Server URL: "http://serverdc2.domain.local:8530/ClientWebService/client.asmx"
2015-05-08 06:53:41:677 832 d94 PT +++++++++++  PT: Synchronizing file locations  +++++++++++
2015-05-08 06:53:41:677 832 d94 PT  + ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}, Server URL = http://serverdc2.domain.local:8530/ClientWebService/client.asmx
2015-05-08 06:53:41:677 832 36ac AU  # Pending download calls = 2
2015-05-08 06:53:41:677 832 36ac AU <<## SUBMITTED ## AU: Download updates
2015-05-08 06:53:41:693 832 d94 DnldMgr ***********  DnldMgr: New download job [updateId = {56A13E69-4558-4632-9FE3-CDDFEF02A5B3}.201]  ***********
2015-05-08 06:53:41:693 832 d94 DnldMgr WARNING: CheckIfDirExists returned error 0x80070002.
2015-05-08 06:53:41:693 832 d94 DnldMgr  * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2015-05-08 06:53:41:693 832 d94 DnldMgr Generating download request for update {56A13E69-4558-4632-9FE3-CDDFEF02A5B3}.201
2015-05-08 06:53:41:693 832 d94 Handler Generating request for CBS update 56A13E69-4558-4632-9FE3-CDDFEF02A5B3 in sandbox C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\6d4ecd6f47fca2e51b83007efa07c027
2015-05-08 06:53:41:693 832 d94 Handler Selecting self-contained because update has express payload but server doesn't support it.
2015-05-08 06:53:41:693 832 d94 Handler Selected payload type is ptSelfContained
2015-05-08 06:53:41:693 832 d94 Handler Detected download state is dsStart
2015-05-08 06:53:41:693 832 d94 Handler Adding windows8-rt-kb3003729-x64.cab (entire file) to request list.
2015-05-08 06:53:41:693 832 d94 Handler Request generation for CBS update complete with hr=0x0 and pfResetSandbox=0 
2015-05-08 06:53:41:693 832 d94 DnldMgr ***********  DnldMgr: New download job [updateId = {56A13E69-4558-4632-9FE3-CDDFEF02A5B3}.201]  ***********
2015-05-08 06:53:41:693 832 d94 DnldMgr WARNING: CheckIfDirExists returned error 0x80070002.
2015-05-08 06:53:41:693 832 d94 DnldMgr  * BITS job initialized, JobId = {A2956148-6B00-461C-A887-5E5FDCA74E22}
2015-05-08 06:53:41:693 832 d94 DnldMgr  * Downloading from http://serverdc2.domain.local:8530/Content/77/D8F73D7037F5F4C7E010F725238B0B8B253B8E77.cab to C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\6d4ecd6f47fca2e51b83007efa07c027\windows8-rt-kb3003729-x64.cab (full file).
2015-05-08 06:53:41:693 832 d94 DnldMgr *********
2015-05-08 06:53:41:693 832 d94 DnldMgr **  END  **  DnldMgr: Begin Downloading Updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdatesWuApp]
2015-05-08 06:53:41:693 832 d94 DnldMgr *************
2015-05-08 06:53:41:693 832 3280 DnldMgr WARNING: BITS job {A2956148-6B00-461C-A887-5E5FDCA74E22} failed, updateId = {56A13E69-4558-4632-9FE3-CDDFEF02A5B3}.201, hr = 0x80190194, BG_ERROR_CONTEXT = 5
2015-05-08 06:53:41:693 832 3280 DnldMgr  Progress failure bytes total = 10203944, bytes transferred = 0
2015-05-08 06:53:41:693 832 3280 DnldMgr  Failed job file: URL = http://serverdc2.domain.local:8530/Content/77/D8F73D7037F5F4C7E010F725238B0B8B253B8E77.cab, local path = C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\6d4ecd6f47fca2e51b83007efa07c027\windows8-rt-kb3003729-x64.cab
2015-05-08 06:53:41:693 832 3280 DnldMgr CUpdateDownloadJob::GetNetworkCostSwitch() Neither unrestricted or restricted network cost used, so using current cost
2015-05-08 06:53:41:693 832 3280 DnldMgr Error 0x80244019 occurred while downloading update; notifying dependent calls.
2015-05-08 06:53:41:693 832 d94 DnldMgr ***********  DnldMgr: Begin Downloading Updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdatesWuApp]  ***********
2015-05-08 06:53:41:693 832 d94 DnldMgr  * Call ID = {D179C4F3-3BCA-4898-9F75-17F22C58EB40}
2015-05-08 06:53:41:693 832 d94 DnldMgr  * Priority = 3, NetworkCostPolicy = 6, Interactive = 1, Owner is system = 0, Explicit proxy = 0, Proxy session id = 2, ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2015-05-08 06:53:41:693 832 d94 DnldMgr  * Updates to download = 1
2015-05-08 06:53:41:693 832 d94 Agent  *   Title = Update für Windows Server 2012 (KB3045645)
2015-05-08 06:53:41:693 832 d94 Agent  *   UpdateId = {876DB1F6-9329-4CB0-8487-459ED94E9587}.201
2015-05-08 06:53:41:693 832 d94 Agent  *     Bundles 1 updates:
2015-05-08 06:53:41:693 832 d94 Agent  *       {F6A0ADE9-434D-4A86-BA42-4900CC118B5E}.201
2015-05-08 06:53:41:693 832 d94 DnldMgr No locked revisions found for update F6A0ADE9-434D-4A86-BA42-4900CC118B5E; locking the user-specified revision.
2015-05-08 06:53:41:693 832 d94 DnldMgr Adding revision ID 201 for update F6A0ADE9-434D-4A86-BA42-4900CC118B5E to the lock revision cache.
2015-05-08 06:53:41:693 832 d94 EP Got WSUS Client/Server URL: "http://serverdc2.domain.local:8530/ClientWebService/client.asmx"
2015-05-08 06:53:41:693 832 d94 PT +++++++++++  PT: Synchronizing file locations  +++++++++++
2015-05-08 06:53:41:693 832 d94 PT  + ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}, Server URL = http://serverdc2.domain.local:8530/ClientWebService/client.asmx
2015-05-08 06:53:41:708 832 2f5c AU >>##  RESUMED  ## AU: Download update [updateId = {11BE61A1-3396-4ECF-9044-3F18D12DEB7C}]
2015-05-08 06:53:41:708 832 2f5c AU  # WARNING: Download failed, error = 0x80244019
2015-05-08 06:53:41:708 832 d94 DnldMgr ***********  DnldMgr: New download job [updateId = {F6A0ADE9-434D-4A86-BA42-4900CC118B5E}.201]  ***********
2015-05-08 06:53:41:708 832 d94 DnldMgr WARNING: CheckIfDirExists returned error 0x80070002.
2015-05-08 06:53:41:708 832 d94 DnldMgr  * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2015-05-08 06:53:41:708 832 d94 DnldMgr Generating download request for update {F6A0ADE9-434D-4A86-BA42-4900CC118B5E}.201
2015-05-08 06:53:41:708 832 d94 Handler Generating request for CBS update F6A0ADE9-434D-4A86-BA42-4900CC118B5E in sandbox C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\8d92681f11fa1ff57f76d2c150f38ad4
2015-05-08 06:53:41:708 832 d94 Handler Selecting self-contained because update has express payload but server doesn't support it.
2015-05-08 06:53:41:708 832 d94 Handler Selected payload type is ptSelfContained
2015-05-08 06:53:41:708 832 d94 Handler Detected download state is dsStart
2015-05-08 06:53:41:708 832 d94 Handler Adding windows8-rt-kb3045645-x64.cab (entire file) to request list.
2015-05-08 06:53:41:708 832 d94 Handler Request generation for CBS update complete with hr=0x0 and pfResetSandbox=0 
2015-05-08 06:53:41:708 832 d94 DnldMgr ***********  DnldMgr: New download job [updateId = {F6A0ADE9-434D-4A86-BA42-4900CC118B5E}.201]  ***********
2015-05-08 06:53:41:708 832 d94 DnldMgr WARNING: CheckIfDirExists returned error 0x80070002.
2015-05-08 06:53:41:708 832 d94 DnldMgr  * BITS job initialized, JobId = {95C87D3C-0551-4DF5-8EC5-A48A09607371}
2015-05-08 06:53:41:708 832 d94 DnldMgr  * Downloading from http://serverdc2.domain.local:8530/Content/39/915AEA5135E1716BD4966BD8189B1A45F7A6BE39.cab to C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\8d92681f11fa1ff57f76d2c150f38ad4\windows8-rt-kb3045645-x64.cab (full file).
2015-05-08 06:53:41:708 832 d94 DnldMgr *********
2015-05-08 06:53:41:708 832 d94 DnldMgr **  END  **  DnldMgr: Begin Downloading Updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdatesWuApp]
2015-05-08 06:53:41:708 832 d94 DnldMgr *************
2015-05-08 06:53:41:708 832 1e90 DnldMgr WARNING: BITS job {95C87D3C-0551-4DF5-8EC5-A48A09607371} failed, updateId = {F6A0ADE9-434D-4A86-BA42-4900CC118B5E}.201, hr = 0x80190194, BG_ERROR_CONTEXT = 5
2015-05-08 06:53:41:708 832 1e90 DnldMgr  Progress failure bytes total = 2637487, bytes transferred = 0
2015-05-08 06:53:41:708 832 1e90 DnldMgr  Failed job file: URL = http://serverdc2.domain.local:8530/Content/39/915AEA5135E1716BD4966BD8189B1A45F7A6BE39.cab, local path = C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\8d92681f11fa1ff57f76d2c150f38ad4\windows8-rt-kb3045645-x64.cab
2015-05-08 06:53:41:708 832 1e90 DnldMgr CUpdateDownloadJob::GetNetworkCostSwitch() Neither unrestricted or restricted network cost used, so using current cost
2015-05-08 06:53:41:724 832 1e90 DnldMgr Error 0x80244019 occurred while downloading update; notifying dependent calls.
2015-05-08 06:53:41:724 832 2f5c AU >>##  RESUMED  ## AU: Download update [updateId = {876DB1F6-9329-4CB0-8487-459ED94E9587}]
2015-05-08 06:53:41:724 832 2f5c AU  # WARNING: Download failed, error = 0x80244019
2015-05-08 06:53:41:724 832 2f5c AU #########
2015-05-08 06:53:41:724 832 2f5c AU ##  END  ##  AU: Download updates
2015-05-08 06:53:41:724 832 2f5c AU #############

Kleiner Nachtrag....


2015-05-08 07:36:50:271 832 32e0 Report ***********  Report: Initializing static reporting data  ***********

2015-05-08 07:36:50:271 832 32e0 Report   * OS Version = 6.2.9200.0.0.196880

2015-05-08 07:36:50:271 832 32e0 Report   * OS Product Type = 0x00000007

2015-05-08 07:36:50:271 832 32e0 Report   * Computer Brand = Supermicro

2015-05-08 07:36:50:271 832 32e0 Report   * Computer Model = X9SCI/X9SCA

2015-05-08 07:36:50:271 832 32e0 Report   * Platform Role = 1

2015-05-08 07:36:50:271 832 32e0 Report   * AlwaysOn/AlwaysConnected (AOAC) = 0

2015-05-08 07:36:50:271 832 32e0 Report   * Bios Revision = 2.0b

2015-05-08 07:36:50:271 832 32e0 Report   * Bios Name = BIOS Date: 09/17/12 11:54:07 Ver: 04.06.05

2015-05-08 07:36:50:271 832 32e0 Report   * Bios Release Date = 2012-09-17T00:00:00

2015-05-08 07:36:50:271 832 32e0 Report   * Bios Sku Number = To be filled by O.E.M.

2015-05-08 07:36:50:286 832 32e0 Report   * Bios Vendor = American Megatrends Inc.

2015-05-08 07:36:50:286 832 32e0 Report   * Bios Family = To be filled by O.E.M.

2015-05-08 07:36:50:286 832 32e0 Report   * Bios Major Release = 2

2015-05-08 07:36:50:286 832 32e0 Report   * Bios Minor Release = 11

2015-05-08 07:36:50:286 832 32e0 Report   * Locale ID = 1031

2015-05-08 07:36:50:286 832 32e0 AU <<## SUBMITTED ## AU: Search for updates  [CallId = {A8FD6119-EFFB-458F-A708-AFC833BE4CBA} ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}]

2015-05-08 07:36:50:286 832 32e0 Agent SkipSelfUpdateCheck search flag set for serverId: 117CAB2D-82B1-4B5A-A08C-4D62DBEE7782

2015-05-08 07:36:50:286 832 32e0 AU <<## SUBMITTED ## AU: Search for updates  [CallId = {1A6C3A94-DDB9-4E68-A45A-A6B7E88167A3} ServiceId = {117CAB2D-82B1-4B5A-A08C-4D62DBEE7782}]

2015-05-08 07:36:50:286 832 3cf4 Agent *************

2015-05-08 07:36:50:286 832 3cf4 Agent ** START **  Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]

2015-05-08 07:36:50:286 832 3cf4 Agent *********

2015-05-08 07:36:50:286 832 3cf4 Agent   * Online = No; Ignore download priority = No

2015-05-08 07:36:50:286 832 3cf4 Agent   * Criteria = "IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Installation' or IsPresent=1 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' or IsInstalled=1 and DeploymentAction='Installation' and RebootRequired=1 or IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and RebootRequired=1"

2015-05-08 07:36:50:286 832 3cf4 Agent   * ServiceID = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7} Managed

2015-05-08 07:36:50:286 832 3cf4 Agent   * Search Scope = {Machine & All Users}

2015-05-08 07:36:50:286 832 3cf4 Agent   * Caller SID for Applicability: S-1-5-18

2015-05-08 07:36:54:302 832 3cf4 Agent   * Added update {876DB1F6-9329-4CB0-8487-459ED94E9587}.201 to search result

2015-05-08 07:36:54:302 832 3cf4 Agent   * Added update {11BE61A1-3396-4ECF-9044-3F18D12DEB7C}.201 to search result

2015-05-08 07:36:54:302 832 3cf4 Agent   * Found 2 updates and 76 categories in search; evaluated appl. rules of 1063 out of 2452 deployed entities

2015-05-08 07:36:54:318 832 3cf4 Agent *********

2015-05-08 07:36:54:318 832 3cf4 Agent **  END  **  Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]

2015-05-08 07:36:54:318 832 3cf4 Agent *************

2015-05-08 07:36:54:318 832 3cf4 Agent *************

2015-05-08 07:36:54:318 832 3cf4 Agent ** START **  Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]

2015-05-08 07:36:54:318 832 3cf4 Agent *********

2015-05-08 07:36:54:318 832 3cf4 Agent   * Online = No; Ignore download priority = No

2015-05-08 07:36:54:318 832 3cf4 Agent   * Criteria = "IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Installation' or IsPresent=1 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' or IsInstalled=1 and DeploymentAction='Installation' and RebootRequired=1 or IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and RebootRequired=1"

2015-05-08 07:36:54:318 832 3cf4 Agent   * ServiceID = {117CAB2D-82B1-4B5A-A08C-4D62DBEE7782} Third party service

2015-05-08 07:36:54:318 832 3cf4 Agent   * Search Scope = {Machine & All Users}

2015-05-08 07:36:54:318 832 3cf4 Agent   * Caller SID for Applicability: S-1-5-18

2015-05-08 07:36:54:318 832 1dd0 AU >>##  RESUMED  ## AU: Search for updates [CallId = {A8FD6119-EFFB-458F-A708-AFC833BE4CBA} ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}]

2015-05-08 07:36:54:318 832 1dd0 AU   # 2 updates detected

2015-05-08 07:36:54:318 832 1dd0 AU #########

2015-05-08 07:36:54:318 832 1dd0 AU ##  END  ##  AU: Search for updates  [CallId = {A8FD6119-EFFB-458F-A708-AFC833BE4CBA} ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}]

2015-05-08 07:36:54:318 832 1dd0 AU #############

2015-05-08 07:36:54:349 832 3cf4 Agent   * Found 0 updates and 0 categories in search; evaluated appl. rules of 0 out of 0 deployed entities

2015-05-08 07:36:54:365 832 3cf4 Agent *********

2015-05-08 07:36:54:365 832 3cf4 Agent **  END  **  Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]

2015-05-08 07:36:54:365 832 3cf4 Agent *************

2015-05-08 07:36:54:365 832 1dd0 AU >>##  RESUMED  ## AU: Search for updates [CallId = {1A6C3A94-DDB9-4E68-A45A-A6B7E88167A3} ServiceId = {117CAB2D-82B1-4B5A-A08C-4D62DBEE7782}]

2015-05-08 07:36:54:365 832 1dd0 AU   # 0 updates detected

2015-05-08 07:36:54:365 832 1dd0 AU #########

2015-05-08 07:36:54:365 832 1dd0 AU ##  END  ##  AU: Search for updates  [CallId = {1A6C3A94-DDB9-4E68-A45A-A6B7E88167A3} ServiceId = {117CAB2D-82B1-4B5A-A08C-4D62DBEE7782}]

2015-05-08 07:36:54:365 832 1dd0 AU #############

2015-05-08 07:36:54:365 832 1dd0 AU All AU searches complete.

bearbeitet von magicpeter
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)



auf den Clients folgendes Skript einmal getestet?


gpupdate /force
REG DELETE HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate /va /f
net stop wuauserv
rd /s /q %windir%\SoftwareDistribution
net start wuauserv
wuauclt /resetauthorization /detectnow


dadurch werden alle Einstellungen auf einem Client zurückgesetzt und es kann eine NEUE Verbindung zum NEUEN WSUS hergestellt werden.

bearbeitet von Robinho1986



Es scheint so als ob die Datei D8F73D7037F5F4C7E010F725238B0B8B253B8E77.cab an dem Speicherort nicht vorhanden ist.

Ich habe dann einmal im WSUS Verzeichnis geschaut ob die Datei da ist:
Leider nicht da, nur eine andere Datei.
Es handelt sich bei diesem Client um einen Windows 2012 Server.
Im WSUS sind aber alle Updates für Windows 2012 Server genehmigt. 
Wie kann ich dafür sorgen das die Datei auch heruntergeladen wird?
Ich habe die erforderlichen und fehlerhaften Updates für Windows 2012 Server noch einmal genehmigt.
Im WSUS wird der Downloadstatus gerade aktualisiert.
148,83 MB von 1.615, MB heruntergeladen
Mal schauen ob Sie jetzt heruntergeladen werden.
Ich halt euch auf dem laufenden.
  • 3 Wochen später...
Der letzte Beitrag zu diesem Thema ist mehr als 180 Tage alt. Bitte erstelle einen neuen Beitrag zu Deiner Anfrage!

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