Bigmama 10 Geschrieben 29. Oktober 2015 Melden Geschrieben 29. Oktober 2015 Hallo zusammen, ist es möglich auf einem Server 2012 R2 die RDS-Dienste ohne Domain-Anbindung zu betreiben? Wir wollen diesen in einer DMZ platzieren und deshalb nicht in die Domain aufnehmen. Darüber wollen wir lediglich 2 Apps per RD-WebAccess zu Verfügung stellen. Die Server-Rollen konnte ich installieren, allerdings keine Collection erstellen. Hat jemand eine Idee bzw. ist das so überhaupt realisierbar? Besten Dank im Voraus! Zitieren
sgoe 12 Geschrieben 30. Oktober 2015 Melden Geschrieben 30. Oktober 2015 ich habs so gemacht I've found myself in the same scenario as you. Deploying Remote Desktop on a standalone Server 2012 box is quite hard, because the guys at Microsoft don't let you run this on a domain-less network and if you do, you can't manage all the settings. So, you can install a workgroup-based-box and get the Remote Desktop roles working on it. We need also to install Remote Desktop Licensing features on the same machine. But, once at this point, even if you have proper RDS CALs installed on the server, when the user logs in, receives the message that the trial period is on. I've finally managed to get it working, at least something like the good-old Terminal Services we used to know. That's working for me on two production machines of small clients who need RDS but can't afford having two servers on their network. Here we go:Install the Remote Desktop Licensing and the Remote Desktop Session Host role services using the following steps:Open Server ManagerClick on Manage and select Add Roles and FeaturesSelect Role-based or Feature-based installationUnder Remote Desktop Services, choose Remote Desktop Licensing and Remote Desktop Session Host role services.Proceed with installationAdd the License Server to Terminal Server License Servers group and restart the Remote Desktop service (you can use licmgr.exe)Add the licenses to the license server.Configure the Remote Desktop Session Host role with to use the local Remote Desktop Licensing server. Follow these steps:Open PowerShell as administratorType the following command on the PS prompt and press Enter:$obj = gwmi -namespace "Root/CIMV2/TerminalServices" Win32_TerminalServiceSetting Run the following command to set the licensing mode (Note: Value = 2 for Per device, Value = 4 for Per User, we use per-user) $obj.ChangeMode(4) Run the following command to replace the machine name with License Server (mylicenseserver is the name of your server): $obj.SetSpecifiedLicenseServerList("mylicenseserver") Run the following command to verify the settings that are configured using above mentioned steps: $obj.GetSpecifiedLicenseServerList() You should see the server name in the output. Once done this, reboot the system and log in with any user (if using a workgroup, you know your users must be part of the Remote Desktop Users) and the trial period message will dissapear. Source of all this mess: Managing with Powershell There are a few things you can manage with Powershell. To see the commands try: import-module RemoteDesktop get-command -module RemoteDesktop There is a list of commands you can execute via Powershell to manage your box. However, I've tried a few but some of them require you to have some extra features installed, that can't be deployed on the scenario we are talking about. The ugly way If none of the above works for you, there is a way to reset the grace period to the initial 120 days. Of course, I don't recommend doing this, as the user will keep noticing the message. Of course, you'll need to purchase proper licenses. To reset the counter, just delete this registry key: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\RCM\Grace Period Of course, you'll need extra-privileges to do that, executing regedit as administrator will not work. Try this:Get PSEXECStart a cmd as administratorrun psexec -s -i regedit.exedelete the desired keyrebootHope some of this works for you. If you do some advances with Powershell and RDS, let us know. leider finde ich den Link nicht. Zitieren
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