ezwmna 0 Geschrieben 14. April 2016 Melden Geschrieben 14. April 2016 Hallo, ich habe hier einen Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard.Der Server arbeitet als Domänencontroller, zusätzlich ist ein WSUS und IIS installiert. Bis vor einigen Tagen hat das alles wunderbar funktioniert... Doch dann konnten die Clients keine Updates mehr vom WSUS beziehen ("unbekannter Fehler bei Windows Update"). Direkt von MS-Update-Servern geht es noch.Auch die WSUS-Verwaltungs-Konsole stellte mit einem unbekannten Fehler die Arbeit ein. Nachdem ich mich einige Tage erfolglos damit versucht hatte habe ich den WSUS über "Rollen entfernen" im Servermanager entfernt, den Server neu gestartet und auf gleichem Wege versucht neu zu installieren. Dies ging dann jedoch leider nicht mehr, die Installation war zwar erfolgreich jedoch schlagen die "Nachinstallationsaufgaben" fehl."Fehler bei der Konfiguration. Es wurde eine Protokolldatei erstellt unter...." 2016-04-14 10:53:43 Postinstall started 2016-04-14 10:53:43 Detected role services: Api, UI, WidDatabase, Services 2016-04-14 10:53:43 Start: LoadSettingsFromXml 2016-04-14 10:53:43 Start: GetConfigValue with filename=UpdateServices-Services.xml item=ContentLocal 2016-04-14 10:53:43 Value is false 2016-04-14 10:53:43 End: GetConfigValue 2016-04-14 10:53:43 Hosting content on MU 2016-04-14 10:53:43 Database roleservice is not installed 2016-04-14 10:53:43 End: LoadSettingsFromXml Die Nachinstallation (PostInstall) wird gestartet. 2016-04-14 10:53:43 Start: Run 2016-04-14 10:53:43 Fetching WsusAdministratorsSid from registry store 2016-04-14 10:53:43 Value is S-1-5-21-2210294022-1511139352-1788192858-1001 2016-04-14 10:53:43 Fetching WsusReportersSid from registry store 2016-04-14 10:53:43 Value is S-1-5-21-2210294022-1511139352-1788192858-1002 2016-04-14 10:53:47 Configuring content directory... 2016-04-14 10:53:47 Configuring groups... 2016-04-14 10:53:47 Starting group configuration for WSUS Administrators... 2016-04-14 10:53:47 Found group in regsitry, attempting to use it... 2016-04-14 10:53:47 Searching for existing group... 2016-04-14 10:53:47 Existing group was found 2016-04-14 10:53:47 Writing group to registry... 2016-04-14 10:53:47 Finished group creation 2016-04-14 10:53:47 Starting group configuration for WSUS Reporters... 2016-04-14 10:53:47 Found group in regsitry, attempting to use it... 2016-04-14 10:53:47 Searching for existing group... 2016-04-14 10:53:47 Existing group was found 2016-04-14 10:53:47 Writing group to registry... 2016-04-14 10:53:47 Finished group creation 2016-04-14 10:53:47 Configuring permissions... 2016-04-14 10:53:47 Fetching content directory... 2016-04-14 10:53:47 Fetching ContentDir from registry store 2016-04-14 10:53:47 Value is C:\Program Files\Update Services 2016-04-14 10:53:47 Fetching group SIDs... 2016-04-14 10:53:47 Fetching WsusAdministratorsSid from registry store 2016-04-14 10:53:47 Value is S-1-5-21-2210294022-1511139352-1788192858-1001 2016-04-14 10:53:47 Fetching WsusReportersSid from registry store 2016-04-14 10:53:47 Value is S-1-5-21-2210294022-1511139352-1788192858-1002 2016-04-14 10:53:47 Creating group principals... 2016-04-14 10:53:48 Granting directory permissions... 2016-04-14 10:53:48 Granting permissions on content directory... 2016-04-14 10:53:49 Granting registry permissions... 2016-04-14 10:53:49 Granting registry permissions... 2016-04-14 10:53:49 Granting registry permissions... 2016-04-14 10:53:49 Configuring shares... 2016-04-14 10:53:49 Configuring network shares... 2016-04-14 10:53:49 Fetching content directory... 2016-04-14 10:53:49 Fetching ContentDir from registry store 2016-04-14 10:53:49 Value is C:\Program Files\Update Services 2016-04-14 10:53:49 Fetching WSUS admin SID... 2016-04-14 10:53:49 Fetching WsusAdministratorsSid from registry store 2016-04-14 10:53:49 Value is S-1-5-21-2210294022-1511139352-1788192858-1001 2016-04-14 10:53:49 Content directory is local, creating content shares... 2016-04-14 10:53:49 Creating share "UpdateServicesPackages" with path "C:\Program Files\Update Services\UpdateServicesPackages" and description "A network share to be used by client systems for collecting all software packages (usually applications) published on this WSUS system." 2016-04-14 10:53:49 Deleting existing share... 2016-04-14 10:53:49 Creating share... 2016-04-14 10:53:49 Share successfully created 2016-04-14 10:53:49 Creating share "WsusContent" with path "C:\Program Files\Update Services\WsusContent" and description "A network share to be used by Local Publishing to place published content on this WSUS system." 2016-04-14 10:53:49 Deleting existing share... 2016-04-14 10:53:49 Creating share... 2016-04-14 10:53:49 Share successfully created 2016-04-14 10:53:49 Creating share "WSUSTemp" with path "C:\Program Files\Update Services\LogFiles\WSUSTemp" and description "A network share used by Local Publishing from a Remote WSUS Console Instance." 2016-04-14 10:53:49 Creating share... 2016-04-14 10:53:49 Share successfully created 2016-04-14 10:53:49 Finished creating content shares 2016-04-14 10:53:49 Stopping service WSUSService 2016-04-14 10:53:49 Stopping service W3SVC 2016-04-14 10:53:51 Configuring WID database... 2016-04-14 10:53:51 Configuring the database... 2016-04-14 10:53:51 Establishing DB connection... 2016-04-14 10:53:51 Checking to see if database exists... 2016-04-14 10:53:51 Database exists 2016-04-14 10:53:51 Switching database to single user mode... 2016-04-14 10:53:54 Loading install type query... 2016-04-14 10:53:54 DECLARE @currentDBVersion int DECLARE @scriptMajorVersion int = (9600) DECLARE @scriptMinorVersion int = (18228) DECLARE @databaseMajorVersion int DECLARE @databaseMinorVersion int DECLARE @databaseBuildNumber nvarchar(10) IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.databases WHERE name='SUSDB') BEGIN SELECT 1 END ELSE BEGIN SET @currentDBVersion = (SELECT SchemaVersion FROM SUSDB.dbo.tbSchemaVersion WHERE ComponentName = 'CoreDB') SET @databaseBuildNumber = (SELECT BuildNumber FROM SUSDB.dbo.tbSchemaVersion WHERE ComponentName = 'CoreDB') DECLARE @delimiterPosition INT = CHARINDEX('.', @databaseBuildNumber) IF (@delimiterPosition = 0) BEGIN RAISERROR('Invalid schema version number', 16, 1) with nowait return END SET @databaseMajorVersion = SUBSTRING(@databaseBuildNumber, 1, @delimiterPosition - 1) SET @databaseMinorVersion = SUBSTRING(@databaseBuildNumber, (@delimiterPosition + 1), (10 - @delimiterPosition)) IF @currentDBVersion < 926 BEGIN SELECT 3 END ELSE BEGIN IF (@scriptMajorVersion > @databaseMajorVersion OR (@scriptMajorVersion = @databaseMajorVersion AND @scriptMinorVersion > @databaseMinorVersion)) BEGIN SELECT 2 END ELSE IF (@scriptMajorVersion = @databaseMajorVersion AND @scriptMinorVersion = @databaseMinorVersion) BEGIN SELECT 0 END ELSE BEGIN SELECT 4 END END END 2016-04-14 10:53:54 Install type is: Reinstall 2016-04-14 10:53:54 Creating logins... 2016-04-14 10:53:54 Fetching account info for S-1-5-20 2016-04-14 10:53:54 Found principal 2016-04-14 10:53:54 Found account 2016-04-14 10:53:54 Got binary SID 2016-04-14 10:53:55 Fetching WsusAdministratorsSid from registry store 2016-04-14 10:53:55 Value is S-1-5-21-2210294022-1511139352-1788192858-1001 2016-04-14 10:53:55 Fetching account info for S-1-5-21-2210294022-1511139352-1788192858-1001 2016-04-14 10:53:55 Fetching account info for S-1-5-21-2210294022-1511139352-1788192858-1001 2016-04-14 10:53:55 Found principal 2016-04-14 10:53:55 Found account 2016-04-14 10:53:55 Got binary SID 2016-04-14 10:53:55 Setting content location... 2016-04-14 10:53:55 Fetching ContentDir from registry store 2016-04-14 10:53:55 Value is C:\Program Files\Update Services 2016-04-14 10:53:55 Swtching DB to multi-user mode...... 2016-04-14 10:53:58 Finished setting multi-user mode 2016-04-14 10:53:58 Writing DB settings to registry... 2016-04-14 10:53:58 Marking PostInstall done for UpdateServices-WidDatabase in the registry... 2016-04-14 10:53:58 Starting service W3SVC 2016-04-14 10:53:58 Configuring IIS... 2016-04-14 10:53:58 Start: ConfigureWebsite 2016-04-14 10:53:59 Configuring website on port 8530 2016-04-14 10:54:34 2016-04-14 10:54:12 Info IISCustomAction Setupaktion wird ausgefhrt, Befehl "/Install" 2016-04-14 10:54:33 Info IISCustomAction Der Befehl "/Install" wurde erfolgreich ausgefhrt. 2016-04-14 10:54:34 End: ConfigureWebsite 2016-04-14 10:54:34 Configuring performance counters... 2016-04-14 10:54:35 Configuring Stats.NET perf counter... 2016-04-14 10:54:35 Configuring reporting perf counter... 2016-04-14 10:54:35 Configuring client webservice perf counter... 2016-04-14 10:54:35 Configuring server sync webservice perf counter... 2016-04-14 10:54:35 Configuring API remoting perf counter... 2016-04-14 10:54:35 Bringing services online... 2016-04-14 10:54:35 Checking initialization status... 2016-04-14 10:54:37 StartServer starting... 2016-04-14 10:54:37 Generating encryption key to write to the registry... 2016-04-14 10:54:37 Generating encryption key to write to the database... 2016-04-14 10:54:38 Generating encryption key succeeded... 2016-04-14 10:54:38 Setting WSUSService to autostart... 2016-04-14 10:54:38 WSUSService is set to autostart. 2016-04-14 10:54:38 Starting WSUSService... 2016-04-14 10:54:38 WSUSService is now started. 2016-04-14 10:54:38 Importing default detectoids. 2016-04-14 10:54:38 Importing CriticalUpdates.xml... 2016-04-14 10:54:40 Importing Drivers.xml... 2016-04-14 10:54:40 Importing FeaturePacks.xml... 2016-04-14 10:54:40 Importing MicrosoftCorporation.xml... 2016-04-14 10:54:40 Importing SecurityUpdates.xml... 2016-04-14 10:54:40 Importing ServicePacks.xml... 2016-04-14 10:54:40 Importing Tools.xml... 2016-04-14 10:54:40 Importing UpdateRollups.xml... 2016-04-14 10:54:40 Importing Updates.xml... 2016-04-14 10:54:41 Importing Windows.xml... 2016-04-14 10:54:41 Importing Windows2000family.xml... 2016-04-14 10:54:41 Importing WindowsServer2003DatacenterEdition.xml... 2016-04-14 10:54:41 Importing WindowsServer2003Family.xml... 2016-04-14 10:54:41 Importing WindowsXPfamily.xml... 2016-04-14 10:54:41 Importing LocalPublisher.xml... 2016-04-14 10:54:41 Importing LocallyPublishedPackages.xml... 2016-04-14 10:54:41 Importing Applications.xml... 2016-04-14 10:54:41 Importing Exchange.xml... 2016-04-14 10:54:41 Importing Office.xml... 2016-04-14 10:54:41 Importing SQL.xml... 2016-04-14 10:54:41 Importing Exchange2000Server.xml... 2016-04-14 10:54:41 Importing ExchangeServer2003.xml... 2016-04-14 10:54:41 Importing OfficeXP.xml... 2016-04-14 10:54:41 Importing Office2003.xml... 2016-04-14 10:54:41 Importing SQLServer.xml... 2016-04-14 10:54:41 Importing WindowsXP64BitEditionVersion2003.xml... 2016-04-14 10:54:41 Importing DefinitionUpdateSusXml.xml... 2016-04-14 10:54:41 Importing ClientServicingApiDetectoid.xml... 2016-04-14 10:54:41 Importing default detectoids succeeded. 2016-04-14 10:54:47 Synchronization in progress. Please cancel synchronization and rerun postinstall again. Exception: System.Net.WebException: Fehler bei der Anforderung mit HTTP-Status 401: Unauthorized. bei System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall) bei System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters) bei Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.ApiRemoting.GetServerVersion() bei Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.DatabaseAccess.AdminDataAccessProxy.GetServerVersion() bei Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.BaseApi.UpdateServer.CreateUpdateServer(String serverName, Boolean useSecureConnection, Int32 portNumber) bei Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.BaseApi.UpdateServer..ctor(Boolean bypassApiRemoting) bei Microsoft.UpdateServices.Setup.StartServer.StartServer.FixSubscriptionCategories() 2016-04-14 10:54:47 StartServer encountered errors. Exception=Synchronization in progress. Please cancel synchronization and run postinstall again. 2016-04-14 10:54:47 Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.CommandException: Der WSUS-Dienst konnte nicht gestartet und nicht konfiguriert werden. bei Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.PostInstall.Run() bei Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.PostInstall.Execute(String[] arguments) Schwerwiegender Fehler: Der WSUS-Dienst konnte nicht gestartet und nicht konfiguriert werden. Sobald der WSUS deinstalliert ist (und der Server neu gestartet wurde) geht auch der IIS nicht mehr - egal welche Datei aufgerufen wird, sogar bei nicht-existenten Dateien, kommt ein Fehler 500. Im Log steht leider nichts wirklich sinnvolles, nur IP, Datum, aufgerufene URL etc und der Statuscode 500. Da ist mir das Errorlog vom Apache doch lieber, da sieht man wenigstens was den Fehler macht :/ 2016-04-14 08:46:36 W3SVC1 xxxxxxServer GET /xxxx.html - 80 - HTTP/1.1 Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.1;+WOW64;+Trident/7.0;+rv:11.0)+like+Gecko - - xxxserver 500 19 126 1341 453 7 Im aktuellen Zustand (WSUS installiert aber nicht konfigurierbar) geht der IIS. Immerhin etwas ;) Also: Wie kriege ich den WSUS wieder zum laufen? Danke :-) Zitieren
Delphi 0 Geschrieben 18. April 2016 Melden Geschrieben 18. April 2016 Hi ezwmna ist es dein einziger DC in der Domäne? Wäre es eine Option den Server neu aufzusetzen und die Rollen nochmals hinzufügen? Gruss Dany Zitieren
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