lefg 276 Geschrieben 1. Mai 2016 Melden Geschrieben 1. Mai 2016 (bearbeitet) This Freeware program was written to help you design solar collector or wifi projects using parabolic reflectors. Whether you're improving the signal strength of your wifi antenna, or designing a satellite antenna or solar trough, this program calculates the focal length and (x, y) coordinates for a parabola of any diameter and depth. It can help you determine what size and shape to make your parabola very quickly. Version 2 includes Wifi calculations for centered or offset feedhorn dishes. If you would like modifications to the program to make it more useful to you or to send feedback, you can email me here. http://mscir.tripod.com/parabola/ Absolut geil Design and Build Your Own Signal-Boosting Reflectors: http://www.pcworld.com/article/150951/router_reflector_hack.html#slide1 bearbeitet 1. Mai 2016 von lefg Zitieren
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