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Windows Server 2012 R2 - WSUS Problem

Der letzte Beitrag zu diesem Thema ist mehr als 180 Tage alt. Bitte erstelle einen neuen Beitrag zu Deiner Anfrage!

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Hallo zusammen,


ich stehe hier vor einem Problem und weiß leider nicht mehr weiter!


Ich habe einen Windows Server 2012 R2 Essential


Mein WSUS zieht keine Updates mehr vom Microsoft Server. Manuell ist es auch nicht möglich.


WSUS Konsole zeigt foglendes an


Synchronisierungs Status


Status: Leerlauf

Letzte Synkronisierung: 21.02.2017 14:47





Typ: Lokal/SSL

Port: 8530

Benutzerrolle Administrator

Serverversion 6.3.9600.18324


Mir ist der Status Leerlauf ein großer Dorn im Auge.



Weiss den jemand für mich Rat?


Vielen Dank


Nein, damit kann das nichts zu tun haben. Welche Fehlermeldungen finden sich im Eventlog? In %programfiles%\Update Services\?? gibt es ein Logfile, SoftwareDistribution.log, dort auch mal nach Fehlern schauen.


Serverneustart hast Du schon gemacht? F5 drücken wenn die Konsole offen ist, hast Du auch schon gemacht?


Antworte doch bitte auf die dir gestellten Fragen wenn man dir helfen soll. Welche Produkte und Klassifizierungen hast du denn zum Download angewählt?

Wenn sich der Zeitpunkt der Synchronisierung aktualisiert bedeutet das, dass die Verbindung zu Microsoft Update funktioniert.
Meine Vermutung ist, dass du die falschen Produkte und Klassifizierungen ausgewählt hast.


entschuldigt bitte


Server Neustart brachte nichts. 

Es kamen keine neuen Updates

Eventlog keine besonderen Einträge


Das komische ist nur das ich am 8.2 das letzte Update erhalten habe.

Dann ging es am 22.2 wieder mit ein paar Updates weiter?


Lag es dann doch ein Microsoft?


BIn etwas verwundert!


Hast Du denn eine automatische Synchronisierung eingestellt? Wenn ja, wie oft lässt Du synchronisieren? Was sind für dich besondere Einträge im Eventlog?


Ich weiß nicht ob es am 22.2. bei dir noch Update gab, das musst Du wissen.


Unser WSUS synchronisiert täglich mehrmals und dabei kommen auch täglich Updates an, für den Defender allerdings.


Vielen Dank für eure antworten.


Ich habe eine automatische Synchronisierung eingeschaltet.Einmal täglich um 17 Uhr.

Updates gebe ich händisch frei.



Hier mein Eventlog


2017-02-27 20:28:29.839 UTC Info w3wp.119 ThreadEntry PipelineRuntime.ProcessRequestNotification
2017-02-27 20:28:29.840 UTC Change w3wp.119 AdminDataAccess.StartSubscriptionManually Synchronization manually started
2017-02-27 20:28:32.111 UTC Info WsusService.8 SusEventDispatcher.TriggerEvent TriggerEvent called for NotificationEventName: CatalogSyncAgent, EventInfo: 
2017-02-27 20:28:32.112 UTC Info WsusService.42 ThreadEntry ThreadHelper.ThreadStart
2017-02-27 20:28:32.113 UTC Info WsusService.42 SusEventDispatcher.DispatchManagerWorkerThreadProc DispatchManager Worker Thread Processing NotificationEvent: CatalogSyncAgent
2017-02-27 20:28:32.124 UTC Info WsusService.8 SusEventDispatcher.TriggerEvent TriggerEvent called for NotificationEventName: ConfigurationChange, EventInfo: ConfigurationChange
2017-02-27 20:28:32.125 UTC Info WsusService.39 SusEventDispatcher.DispatchManagerWorkerThreadProc DispatchManager Worker Thread Processing NotificationEvent: ConfigurationChange
2017-02-27 20:28:32.132 UTC Info WsusService.33 CatalogSyncAgentCore.SyncUpdatesOutsideSubscription sync'ing 0 updates with catalog site flag
2017-02-27 20:28:32.134 UTC Info WsusService.33 EventLogEventReporter.ReportEvent EventId=382,Type=Information,Category=Synchronization,Message=Eine manuelle Synchronisierung wurde gestartet.
2017-02-27 20:28:32.145 UTC Info WsusService.39 ServerCertificateValidator.ConfigChangedHandler Update server configuration has changed. Sync against MU: True
2017-02-27 20:28:32.152 UTC Info WsusService.33 AuthorizationManager.GetUpstreamServerUriHeader Found config says USS is MU site
2017-02-27 20:28:32.166 UTC Info WsusService.33 ServerSyncLib.GetWebServiceProxyInternal Found config says USS is MU site
2017-02-27 20:28:32.174 UTC Info WsusService.33 AuthorizationManager.GetUpstreamServerUriHeader Found config says USS is MU site
2017-02-27 20:28:32.177 UTC Info WsusService.33 CatalogSyncAgentCore.ExecuteSyncProtocol Server ID is 1bc4f990-87d8-4ec3-bd73-3d8b9bc9adcc
2017-02-27 20:28:32.696 UTC Info WsusService.33 SusService.ValidateServerCertificate CheckValidationResult Succeeds: CertOK
2017-02-27 20:28:32.697 UTC Info WsusService.33 ServerCertificateValidator.IsHostAllowedException Requested host: fe2.update.microsoft.com
2017-02-27 20:28:32.698 UTC Info WsusService.33 ServerCertificateValidator.VerifyServerCertificate SSL validation succeeded.
2017-02-27 20:28:33.850 UTC Info WsusService.33 CatalogSyncAgentCore.SyncConfigUpdatesFromUSS Category Sync: Filter: <filter SyncAnchor="39062133,2017-02-27 16:00:01.791" GetConfig="1"></filter>
2017-02-27 20:28:34.168 UTC Info w3wp.11 SusEventDispatcher.TriggerEvent TriggerEvent called for NotificationEventName: ConfigurationChange, EventInfo: ConfigurationChange
2017-02-27 20:28:34.168 UTC Info w3wp.117 SusEventDispatcher.TriggerEvent TriggerEvent called for NotificationEventName: ConfigurationChange, EventInfo: ConfigurationChange
2017-02-27 20:28:34.168 UTC Info w3wp.126 SusEventDispatcher.TriggerEvent TriggerEvent called for NotificationEventName: ConfigurationChange, EventInfo: ConfigurationChange
2017-02-27 20:28:34.168 UTC Info w3wp.24 SusEventDispatcher.TriggerEvent TriggerEvent called for NotificationEventName: ConfigurationChange, EventInfo: ConfigurationChange
2017-02-27 20:28:34.169 UTC Info w3wp.85 ThreadEntry ThreadHelper.ThreadStart
2017-02-27 20:28:34.170 UTC Info w3wp.87 ThreadEntry ThreadHelper.ThreadStart
2017-02-27 20:28:34.171 UTC Info w3wp.90 ThreadEntry ThreadHelper.ThreadStart
2017-02-27 20:28:34.172 UTC Info w3wp.89 ThreadEntry ThreadHelper.ThreadStart
2017-02-27 20:28:34.172 UTC Info w3wp.85 SusEventDispatcher.DispatchManagerWorkerThreadProc DispatchManager Worker Thread Processing NotificationEvent: ConfigurationChange
2017-02-27 20:28:34.172 UTC Info w3wp.87 SusEventDispatcher.DispatchManagerWorkerThreadProc DispatchManager Worker Thread Processing NotificationEvent: ConfigurationChange
2017-02-27 20:28:34.173 UTC Info w3wp.90 SusEventDispatcher.DispatchManagerWorkerThreadProc DispatchManager Worker Thread Processing NotificationEvent: ConfigurationChange
2017-02-27 20:28:34.173 UTC Info w3wp.89 SusEventDispatcher.DispatchManagerWorkerThreadProc DispatchManager Worker Thread Processing NotificationEvent: ConfigurationChange
2017-02-27 20:28:34.175 UTC Info w3wp.85 RevisionIdCacheChangeNotificationDispatcher.InternalEventHandler Get event ConfigurationChange from dispatchmanager
2017-02-27 20:28:34.177 UTC Info w3wp.90 ChangeNotificationDispatcher.InternalEventHandler Get event ConfigurationChange from dispatchmanager
2017-02-27 20:28:34.179 UTC Info w3wp.23 SusEventDispatcher.RegisterEventHandler RegisterEventHandler called for NotificationEventName: ConfigurationChange
2017-02-27 20:28:34.180 UTC Info w3wp.129 Client.OnConfigurationChange Creating a new ClientImplementation because the DB configuration changed
2017-02-27 20:28:34.182 UTC Info w3wp.129 ClientImplementation..ctor Initializing ClientWebService ProcessID = 4128, Process Start Time = 27.02.2017 15:24:49, Product Version = 6.3.9600.18324
2017-02-27 20:28:34.192 UTC Info w3wp.129 AuthorizationManager.GetUpstreamServerUriHeader Found config says USS is MU site
2017-02-27 20:28:34.193 UTC Info w3wp.23 AuthorizationManager.GetUpstreamServerUriHeader Found config says USS is MU site
2017-02-27 20:28:34.202 UTC Info w3wp.87 AuthorizationManager.GetUpstreamServerUriHeader Found config says USS is MU site
2017-02-27 20:28:34.523 UTC Info WsusService.33 CatalogSyncAgentCore.SyncConfigUpdatesFromUSS Need 1 config updates, 1 are new
2017-02-27 20:28:34.902 UTC Info WsusService.33 CatalogSyncAgentCore.ImportMultipleUpdates Imported 1/1 updates in 1 iterations; 0 will be retried
2017-02-27 20:28:34.903 UTC Info WsusService.33 CatalogSyncAgentCore.GetUpdateDataInChunksAndImport 0 updates to go
2017-02-27 20:28:34.915 UTC Info WsusService.33 CatalogSyncAgentCore.SyncConfigUpdatesFromUSS Category Sync: New Config Anchor: 39062579,2017-02-27 20:28:33.725
2017-02-27 20:28:34.931 UTC Info WsusService.33 CatalogSyncAgentCore.ExecuteSyncProtocol Catalog Sync: Filter: <filter SyncAnchor="39050432,2017-02-24 16:00:06.522"><CategoryList><category delta="1" value="05eebf61-148b-43cf-80da-1c99ab0b8699" /><category delta="1" value="26cbba0f-45de-40d5-b94a-3cbe5b761c9d" /><category delta="1" value="323cceaf-b60b-4a0d-8a8a-3069efde76bf" /><category delta="1" value="34f268b4-7e2d-40e1-8966-8bb6ea3dad27" /><category delta="1" value="470bd53a-c36a-448f-b620-91feede01946" /><category delta="1" value="4e487029-f550-4c22-8b31-9173f3f95786" /><category delta="1" value="50c04525-9b15-4f7c-bed4-87455bcd7ded" /><category delta="1" value="5312e4f1-6372-442d-aeb2-15f2132c9bd7" /><category delta="1" value="569e8e8f-c6cd-42c8-92a3-efbb20a0f6f5" /><category delta="1" value="704a0a4a-518f-4d69-9e03-10ba44198bd5" /><category delta="1" value="7d247b99-caa2-45e4-9c8f-6d60d0aae35c" /><category delta="1" value="8508af86-b85e-450f-a518-3b6f8f204eea" /><category delta="1" value="8b4e84f6-595f-41ed-854f-4ca886e317a5" /><category delta="1" value="8c27cdba-6a1c-455e-af20-46b7771bbb96" /><category delta="1" value="a105a108-7c9b-4518-bbbe-73f0fe30012b" /><category delta="1" value="a3c2375d-0c8a-42f9-bce0-28333e198407" /><category delta="1" value="cb263e3f-6c5a-4b71-88fa-1706f9549f51" /><category delta="1" value="d2085b71-5f1f-43a9-880d-ed159016d5c6" /><category delta="1" value="d31bd4c3-d872-41c9-a2e7-231f372588cb" /><category delta="1" value="dd78b8a1-0b20-45c1-add6-4da72e9364cf" /><category delta="1" value="e88a19fb-a847-4e3d-9ae2-13c2b84f58a6" /><category delta="1" value="f3c2263d-b256-4c49-a246-973c0e366449" /><category delta="1" value="f4b9c883-f4db-4fb5-b204-3343c11fa021" /><category delta="1" value="f76b7f51-b762-4fd0-a35c-e04f582acf42" /><category delta="1" value="fc7c9913-7a1e-4b30-b602-3c62fffd9b1a" /><category delta="1" value="e104dd76-2895-41c4-9eb5-c483a61e9427" /><category delta="1" value="abc45868-0c9c-4bc0-a36d-03d54113baf4" /><category delta="1" value="6111a83d-7a6b-4a2c-a7c2-f222eebcabf4" /><category delta="1" value="e4b04398-adbd-4b69-93b9-477322331cd3" /></CategoryList><UCList><updateclassification delta="1" value="e6cf1350-c01b-414d-a61f-263d14d133b4" /><updateclassification delta="1" value="b54e7d24-7add-428f-8b75-90a396fa584f" /><updateclassification delta="1" value="0fa1201d-4330-4fa8-8ae9-b877473b6441" /><updateclassification delta="1" value="68c5b0a3-d1a6-4553-ae49-01d3a7827828" /><updateclassification delta="1" value="b4832bd8-e735-4761-8daf-37f882276dab" /><updateclassification delta="1" value="28bc880e-0592-4cbf-8f95-c79b17911d5f" /><updateclassification delta="1" value="cd5ffd1e-e932-4e3a-bf74-18bf0b1bbd83" /><updateclassification delta="1" value="e0789628-ce08-4437-be74-2495b842f43b" /></UCList><languageList><language delta="1" value="1031" /></languageList></filter>
2017-02-27 20:28:35.234 UTC Info WsusService.33 CatalogSyncAgentCore.ExecuteSyncProtocol Catalog Sync: New Anchor: 39062579,2017-02-27 20:28:35.100
2017-02-27 20:28:35.235 UTC Info WsusService.33 CatalogSyncAgentCore.ExecuteSyncProtocol Need 0 updates, 0 are new
2017-02-27 20:28:35.235 UTC Info WsusService.33 CatalogSyncAgentCore.ExecuteSyncProtocol Total actually inserted updates: 0
2017-02-27 20:28:35.250 UTC Change WsusService.33 AdminDataAccess.ExecuteSPResumeAllDownloads Downloading retried
2017-02-27 20:28:35.251 UTC Info WsusService.33 CatalogSyncAgentCore.UpdateSyncResultAndGenerateReportingEvent CatalogSyncThreadProcess: report subscription succeeded
2017-02-27 20:28:35.253 UTC Info WsusService.33 EventLogEventReporter.ReportEvent EventId=384,Type=Information,Category=Synchronization,Message=Die Synchronisierung wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen.
2017-02-27 20:28:35.275 UTC Info WsusService.17 CatalogSyncAgent.WaitUntilSyncFinishedOrCancelled Agent signalled done.
2017-02-27 20:28:35.276 UTC Info WsusService.17 CatalogSyncAgent.SetSubscriptionStateWithRetry Firing event SyncFinish...
2017-02-27 20:28:35.291 UTC Info WsusService.17 CatalogSyncAgent.WakeUpWorkerThreadProc Found no more jobs. CatalogSyncAgent quits but will run rollup before terminating ...
2017-02-27 20:28:35.305 UTC Info WsusService.17 CatalogSyncAgent.UpdateServerHealthStatusBasedOnError ServerHealth: Updating Server Health for Component: CatalogSyncAgent, Marking as Not Running
2017-02-27 20:28:37.143 UTC Info WsusService.8 SusEventDispatcher.TriggerEvent TriggerEvent called for NotificationEventName: RollupAgent, EventInfo: 
2017-02-27 20:28:37.145 UTC Info WsusService.42 SusEventDispatcher.DispatchManagerWorkerThreadProc DispatchManager Worker Thread Processing NotificationEvent: RollupAgent
2017-02-27 20:28:37.146 UTC Info WsusService.8 SusEventDispatcher.TriggerEvent TriggerEvent called for NotificationEventName: ConfigurationChange, EventInfo: ConfigurationChange
2017-02-27 20:28:37.147 UTC Info WsusService.14 SusEventDispatcher.DispatchManagerWorkerThreadProc DispatchManager Worker Thread Processing NotificationEvent: ConfigurationChange
2017-02-27 20:28:37.153 UTC Info WsusService.8 SusEventDispatcher.TriggerEvent TriggerEvent called for NotificationEventName: DeploymentChange, EventInfo: DeploymentChange
2017-02-27 20:28:37.167 UTC Info WsusService.14 ServerCertificateValidator.ConfigChangedHandler Update server configuration has changed. Sync against MU: True
2017-02-27 20:28:38.209 UTC Info WsusService.25 RollupEventReporter.BuildReportingServiceUrl Found config says USS is MU site
2017-02-27 20:28:38.236 UTC Info WsusService.25 MicrosoftUpdateRollup.ReportEvents Rolling up 2 events.
2017-02-27 20:28:38.551 UTC Info WsusService.25 SusService.ValidateServerCertificate CheckValidationResult Succeeds: CertOK
2017-02-27 20:28:38.552 UTC Info WsusService.25 ServerCertificateValidator.IsHostAllowedException Requested host: statsfe2.update.microsoft.com
2017-02-27 20:28:38.553 UTC Info WsusService.25 ServerCertificateValidator.IsHostAllowedException Ignoring SSL validation for a well-know host.
2017-02-27 20:28:38.817 UTC Info WsusService.25 RollupEventReader.SetLastRollupComplete Finished Rollup.  Setting time anchor in local DB as 27.02.2017 20:28:35
2017-02-27 20:28:39.192 UTC Info w3wp.11 SusEventDispatcher.TriggerEvent TriggerEvent called for NotificationEventName: ConfigurationChange, EventInfo: ConfigurationChange
2017-02-27 20:28:39.192 UTC Info w3wp.24 SusEventDispatcher.TriggerEvent TriggerEvent called for NotificationEventName: ConfigurationChange, EventInfo: ConfigurationChange
2017-02-27 20:28:39.192 UTC Info w3wp.117 SusEventDispatcher.TriggerEvent TriggerEvent called for NotificationEventName: ConfigurationChange, EventInfo: ConfigurationChange
2017-02-27 20:28:39.192 UTC Info w3wp.126 SusEventDispatcher.TriggerEvent TriggerEvent called for NotificationEventName: ConfigurationChange, EventInfo: ConfigurationChange
2017-02-27 20:28:39.192 UTC Info w3wp.92 ThreadEntry ThreadHelper.ThreadStart
2017-02-27 20:28:39.192 UTC Info w3wp.93 ThreadEntry ThreadHelper.ThreadStart
2017-02-27 20:28:39.192 UTC Info w3wp.91 ThreadEntry ThreadHelper.ThreadStart
2017-02-27 20:28:39.192 UTC Info w3wp.92 SusEventDispatcher.DispatchManagerWorkerThreadProc DispatchManager Worker Thread Processing NotificationEvent: ConfigurationChange
2017-02-27 20:28:39.192 UTC Info w3wp.94 ThreadEntry ThreadHelper.ThreadStart
2017-02-27 20:28:39.192 UTC Info w3wp.93 SusEventDispatcher.DispatchManagerWorkerThreadProc DispatchManager Worker Thread Processing NotificationEvent: ConfigurationChange
2017-02-27 20:28:39.192 UTC Info w3wp.91 SusEventDispatcher.DispatchManagerWorkerThreadProc DispatchManager Worker Thread Processing NotificationEvent: ConfigurationChange
2017-02-27 20:28:39.192 UTC Info w3wp.92 RevisionIdCacheChangeNotificationDispatcher.InternalEventHandler Get event ConfigurationChange from dispatchmanager
2017-02-27 20:28:39.192 UTC Info w3wp.94 SusEventDispatcher.DispatchManagerWorkerThreadProc DispatchManager Worker Thread Processing NotificationEvent: ConfigurationChange
2017-02-27 20:28:39.192 UTC Info w3wp.23 SusEventDispatcher.RegisterEventHandler RegisterEventHandler called for NotificationEventName: ConfigurationChange
2017-02-27 20:28:39.192 UTC Info w3wp.126 SusEventDispatcher.TriggerEvent TriggerEvent called for NotificationEventName: DeploymentChange, EventInfo: DeploymentChange
2017-02-27 20:28:39.192 UTC Info w3wp.24 SusEventDispatcher.TriggerEvent TriggerEvent called for NotificationEventName: DeploymentChange, EventInfo: DeploymentChange
2017-02-27 20:28:39.192 UTC Info w3wp.11 SusEventDispatcher.TriggerEvent TriggerEvent called for NotificationEventName: DeploymentChange, EventInfo: DeploymentChange
2017-02-27 20:28:39.192 UTC Info w3wp.94 ChangeNotificationDispatcher.InternalEventHandler Get event ConfigurationChange from dispatchmanager
2017-02-27 20:28:39.192 UTC Info w3wp.117 SusEventDispatcher.TriggerEvent TriggerEvent called for NotificationEventName: DeploymentChange, EventInfo: DeploymentChange
2017-02-27 20:28:39.192 UTC Info w3wp.100 ThreadEntry ThreadHelper.ThreadStart
2017-02-27 20:28:39.207 UTC Info w3wp.94 SusEventDispatcher.DispatchManagerWorkerThreadProc DispatchManager Worker Thread Processing NotificationEvent: DeploymentChange
2017-02-27 20:28:39.207 UTC Info w3wp.100 SusEventDispatcher.DispatchManagerWorkerThreadProc DispatchManager Worker Thread Processing NotificationEvent: DeploymentChange
2017-02-27 20:28:39.207 UTC Info w3wp.94 ChangeNotificationDispatcher.InternalEventHandler Get event DeploymentChange from dispatchmanager
2017-02-27 20:28:39.207 UTC Info w3wp.100 DeploymentChangeNotification.InternalEventHandler deployment change event received
2017-02-27 20:28:39.207 UTC Info w3wp.100 RevisionIdCacheChangeNotificationDispatcher.InternalEventHandler Get event DeploymentChange from dispatchmanager
2017-02-27 20:28:39.207 UTC Info w3wp.129 Client.OnConfigurationChange Creating a new ClientImplementation because the DB configuration changed
2017-02-27 20:28:39.207 UTC Info w3wp.129 ClientImplementation..ctor Initializing ClientWebService ProcessID = 4128, Process Start Time = 27.02.2017 15:24:49, Product Version = 6.3.9600.18324
2017-02-27 20:28:39.207 UTC Info w3wp.23 AuthorizationManager.GetUpstreamServerUriHeader Found config says USS is MU site
2017-02-27 20:28:39.223 UTC Info w3wp.91 AuthorizationManager.GetUpstreamServerUriHeader Found config says USS is MU site
2017-02-27 20:28:39.223 UTC Info w3wp.129 AuthorizationManager.GetUpstreamServerUriHeader Found config says USS is MU site
2017-02-27 20:29:09.224 UTC Info w3wp.128 ThreadEntry TimerQueue.FireNextTimers
2017-02-27 20:29:09.225 UTC Info w3wp.128 ServerImplementation.UpdateCache Database change occured; check if we need to update cache.
2017-02-27 20:29:09.227 UTC Info w3wp.128 RevisionIdCache.UpdateCategoryAndRevisionIdCache Fetching the category and revision id change for cache from database
2017-02-27 20:29:09.246 UTC Info w3wp.121 ThreadEntry TimerQueue.FireNextTimers
2017-02-27 20:29:09.247 UTC Info w3wp.121 DataAccessCache.DeploymentChange Refreshing the syncUpdates cache
2017-02-27 20:29:09.281 UTC Info w3wp.128 RevisionIdCache.UpdateCategoryCache Refreshing the category cache
2017-02-27 20:29:09.286 UTC Info w3wp.128 RevisionIdCache.UpdateRevisionCache Refreshing the revision cache
2017-02-27 20:29:09.593 UTC Info w3wp.121 SyncUpdatesHelper..ctor RevisionData was returned for undeployed revisionId 4. DbChangeNumber = 48844
2017-02-27 20:29:09.969 UTC Info w3wp.121 DataAccessCache.DeploymentChange LastCacheRefreshTime: 721 milliseconds
2017-02-27 20:29:09.970 UTC Info w3wp.121 DataAccessCache.DeploymentChange MaximumCacheRefreshTime: 721 milliseconds
2017-02-27 20:29:09.970 UTC Info w3wp.121 DataAccessCache.DeploymentChange Finished refreshing the syncUpdates cache. New SyncUpdatesHelper: 1154248
2017-02-27 20:32:05.040 UTC Info w3wp.128 ThreadEntry PipelineRuntime.ProcessRequestNotification
2017-02-27 20:32:05.041 UTC Change w3wp.128 DBConnection.OnReceivingInfoMessage Successfully deployed deployment(Install) of Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool for Windows 8, 8.1 and 10 - February 2017 (KB890830) by TEST\admTEST UpdateID:97D0F0F3-7040-4C10-9092-4790BBA4153E Revision Number:200 TargetGroup:All Computers
2017-02-27 20:32:05.343 UTC Info w3wp.121 ThreadEntry PipelineRuntime.ProcessRequestNotification
2017-02-27 20:32:05.344 UTC Change w3wp.121 DBConnection.OnReceivingInfoMessage Successfully deployed deployment(Install) of Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool for Windows 8, 8.1 and 10 - February 2017 (KB890830) by TEST\admTEST UpdateID:97D0F0F3-7040-4C10-9092-4790BBA4153E Revision Number:200 TargetGroup:Unassigned Computers
2017-02-27 20:32:05.390 UTC Info w3wp.134 ThreadEntry PipelineRuntime.ProcessRequestNotification
2017-02-27 20:32:05.391 UTC Change w3wp.134 DBConnection.OnReceivingInfoMessage Successfully deployed deployment(Install) of Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool for Windows 8, 8.1 and 10 - February 2017 (KB890830) by TEST\admTEST UpdateID:97D0F0F3-7040-4C10-9092-4790BBA4153E Revision Number:200 TargetGroup:TEST
2017-02-27 20:32:05.435 UTC Info w3wp.114 ThreadEntry PipelineRuntime.ProcessRequestNotification
2017-02-27 20:32:05.436 UTC Change w3wp.114 DBConnection.OnReceivingInfoMessage Successfully deployed deployment(Install) of Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool for Windows 8, 8.1 and 10 - February 2017 (KB890830) by TEST\admTEST UpdateID:97D0F0F3-7040-4C10-9092-4790BBA4153E Revision Number:200 TargetGroup:Virtuelle Pcs
2017-02-27 20:32:05.545 UTC Info w3wp.99 ThreadEntry PipelineRuntime.ProcessRequestNotification
2017-02-27 20:32:05.546 UTC Change w3wp.99 DBConnection.OnReceivingInfoMessage Successfully deployed deployment(Install) of Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool for Windows 8, 8.1, 10 and Windows Server 2012, 2012 R2, 2016 x64 Edition - February 2017 (KB890830) by TEST\admTEST UpdateID:F47F6A03-F2FE-44CE-9380-6A3CBE802EDE Revision Number:200 TargetGroup:All Computers
2017-02-27 20:32:05.607 UTC Info w3wp.137 ThreadEntry PipelineRuntime.ProcessRequestNotification
2017-02-27 20:32:05.608 UTC Change w3wp.137 DBConnection.OnReceivingInfoMessage Successfully deployed deployment(Install) of Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool for Windows 8, 8.1, 10 and Windows Server 2012, 2012 R2, 2016 x64 Edition - February 2017 (KB890830) by TEST\admTEST UpdateID:F47F6A03-F2FE-44CE-9380-6A3CBE802EDE Revision Number:200 TargetGroup:Unassigned Computers
2017-02-27 20:32:05.669 UTC Info w3wp.133 ThreadEntry PipelineRuntime.ProcessRequestNotification
2017-02-27 20:32:05.670 UTC Change w3wp.133 DBConnection.OnReceivingInfoMessage Successfully deployed deployment(Install) of Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool for Windows 8, 8.1, 10 and Windows Server 2012, 2012 R2, 2016 x64 Edition - February 2017 (KB890830) by TEST\admTEST UpdateID:F47F6A03-F2FE-44CE-9380-6A3CBE802EDE Revision Number:200 TargetGroup:TEST
2017-02-27 20:32:05.748 UTC Info w3wp.104 ThreadEntry PipelineRuntime.ProcessRequestNotification
2017-02-27 20:32:05.749 UTC Change w3wp.104 DBConnection.OnReceivingInfoMessage Successfully deployed deployment(Install) of Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool for Windows 8, 8.1, 10 and Windows Server 2012, 2012 R2, 2016 x64 Edition - February 2017 (KB890830) by TEST\admTEST UpdateID:F47F6A03-F2FE-44CE-9380-6A3CBE802EDE Revision Number:200 TargetGroup:Virtuelle Pcs
2017-02-27 20:32:08.242 UTC Info WsusService.8 SusEventDispatcher.TriggerEvent TriggerEvent called for NotificationEventName: DeploymentChange, EventInfo: DeploymentChange
2017-02-27 20:32:09.286 UTC Info w3wp.11 SusEventDispatcher.TriggerEvent TriggerEvent called for NotificationEventName: DeploymentChange, EventInfo: DeploymentChange
2017-02-27 20:32:09.286 UTC Info w3wp.126 SusEventDispatcher.TriggerEvent TriggerEvent called for NotificationEventName: DeploymentChange, EventInfo: DeploymentChange
2017-02-27 20:32:09.287 UTC Info w3wp.93 ThreadEntry ThreadHelper.ThreadStart
2017-02-27 20:32:09.288 UTC Info w3wp.92 ThreadEntry ThreadHelper.ThreadStart
2017-02-27 20:32:09.288 UTC Info w3wp.93 SusEventDispatcher.DispatchManagerWorkerThreadProc DispatchManager Worker Thread Processing NotificationEvent: DeploymentChange
2017-02-27 20:32:09.289 UTC Info w3wp.92 SusEventDispatcher.DispatchManagerWorkerThreadProc DispatchManager Worker Thread Processing NotificationEvent: DeploymentChange
2017-02-27 20:32:09.290 UTC Info w3wp.93 DeploymentChangeNotification.InternalEventHandler deployment change event received
2017-02-27 20:32:09.290 UTC Info w3wp.92 ChangeNotificationDispatcher.InternalEventHandler Get event DeploymentChange from dispatchmanager
2017-02-27 20:32:09.291 UTC Info w3wp.93 RevisionIdCacheChangeNotificationDispatcher.InternalEventHandler Get event DeploymentChange from dispatchmanager
2017-02-27 20:32:09.332 UTC Info w3wp.117 SusEventDispatcher.TriggerEvent TriggerEvent called for NotificationEventName: DeploymentChange, EventInfo: DeploymentChange
2017-02-27 20:32:09.345 UTC Info w3wp.24 SusEventDispatcher.TriggerEvent TriggerEvent called for NotificationEventName: DeploymentChange, EventInfo: DeploymentChange
2017-02-27 20:32:39.293 UTC Info w3wp.122 ServerImplementation.UpdateCache Database change occured; check if we need to update cache.
2017-02-27 20:32:39.295 UTC Info w3wp.122 RevisionIdCache.UpdateCategoryAndRevisionIdCache Fetching the category and revision id change for cache from database
2017-02-27 20:32:39.311 UTC Info w3wp.122 RevisionIdCache.UpdateCategoryCache Refreshing the category cache
2017-02-27 20:32:39.312 UTC Info w3wp.122 RevisionIdCache.UpdateRevisionCache Refreshing the revision cache
2017-02-27 20:32:39.335 UTC Info w3wp.138 ThreadEntry TimerQueue.FireNextTimers
2017-02-27 20:32:39.335 UTC Info w3wp.138 DataAccessCache.DeploymentChange Refreshing the syncUpdates cache
2017-02-27 20:32:39.440 UTC Info w3wp.138 SyncUpdatesHelper..ctor RevisionData was returned for undeployed revisionId 65587. DbChangeNumber = 48854
2017-02-27 20:32:39.441 UTC Info w3wp.138 SyncUpdatesHelper..ctor RevisionData was returned for undeployed revisionId 34008. DbChangeNumber = 48854
2017-02-27 20:32:39.442 UTC Info w3wp.138 SyncUpdatesHelper..ctor RevisionData was returned for undeployed revisionId 69951. DbChangeNumber = 48854
2017-02-27 20:32:39.443 UTC Info w3wp.138 SyncUpdatesHelper..ctor RevisionData was returned for undeployed revisionId 17172. DbChangeNumber = 48854
2017-02-27 20:32:39.444 UTC Info w3wp.138 SyncUpdatesHelper..ctor RevisionData was returned for undeployed revisionId 65001. DbChangeNumber = 48854
2017-02-27 20:32:39.444 UTC Info w3wp.138 SyncUpdatesHelper..ctor RevisionData was returned for undeployed revisionId 27538. DbChangeNumber = 48854
2017-02-27 20:32:39.445 UTC Info w3wp.138 SyncUpdatesHelper..ctor RevisionData was returned for undeployed revisionId 67119. DbChangeNumber = 48854
2017-02-27 20:32:39.446 UTC Info w3wp.138 SyncUpdatesHelper..ctor RevisionData was returned for undeployed revisionId 14. DbChangeNumber = 48854
2017-02-27 20:32:39.447 UTC Info w3wp.138 SyncUpdatesHelper..ctor RevisionData was returned for undeployed revisionId 13. DbChangeNumber = 48854
2017-02-27 20:32:39.447 UTC Info w3wp.138 SyncUpdatesHelper..ctor RevisionData was returned for undeployed revisionId 12. DbChangeNumber = 48854
2017-02-27 20:32:39.448 UTC Info w3wp.138 SyncUpdatesHelper..ctor RevisionData was returned for undeployed revisionId 11. DbChangeNumber = 48854
2017-02-27 20:32:39.449 UTC Info w3wp.138 SyncUpdatesHelper..ctor RevisionData was returned for undeployed revisionId 10. DbChangeNumber = 48854
2017-02-27 20:32:39.449 UTC Info w3wp.138 SyncUpdatesHelper..ctor RevisionData was returned for undeployed revisionId 8. DbChangeNumber = 48854
2017-02-27 20:32:39.450 UTC Info w3wp.138 SyncUpdatesHelper..ctor RevisionData was returned for undeployed revisionId 4. DbChangeNumber = 48854
2017-02-27 20:32:39.654 UTC Info w3wp.138 DataAccessCache.DeploymentChange LastCacheRefreshTime: 318 milliseconds
2017-02-27 20:32:39.655 UTC Info w3wp.138 DataAccessCache.DeploymentChange Finished refreshing the syncUpdates cache. New SyncUpdatesHelper: 39097437
2017-02-27 20:37:09.394 UTC Info w3wp.100 DependencyCache.RefreshThreadStart read 35783 UpdateIDs from DB in 78 ms
Ich habe Server 2012 und 2016 sowie Windows 8.1 und Windows 10 beim WSUS zum Updaten ausgewählt

Dann bitte ich um Entschuldigung



- Dictionary Updates for Microsoft IMEs

- New Dictionaries for Microsoft IMEs

- Office 2013



- Windows 10 Dynamic Update

- Windows 10 Feature on Demand 

- Windows 10 GDR-OU LP

- Windows 10 GDR-OU

- Windows 10 Language Interface Packs

- Windows 10 Language Packs

- Windows 10 LTSB

- Windows 10 


- Windows Server 2012 Language Pack

- Windows Server 2012 R2 and later

- Windows Server 2012 R2 Language

- Windows Server 2012 R2

- Windows Server 2012

- Windows Server 2016

- windows Server Driver

- Dinwos Server Manger Windows


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