bits 10 Geschrieben 24. April 2018 Melden Geschrieben 24. April 2018 Einen wundervollen guten Tag Zusammen :) Wie gehts Euch allen? So gut wie mir mit diesem tollen Wetter? :) :) :) Ich habe einen Win 2012 R2 Rechner, welcher mit dem WMI Probleme hat. Bereits erledigtes: C:\Windows\System32\wbem\repository neu erstellt WMIDIAG v2.2 heruntergeladen (unten der Auszug) Die VBS Datei angepasst auf Deutsche Kontennamen Mir noch unklar was ich noch anpassen muss und wie ich jetzt das Problem behebe, da anscheinend gewisse Einträge doch da sind wie builtin\administratoren oder muss ich es auf domain\administratoren anpassen. Da im DCOMCNFG auch so drin steht und nicht BUILDTIN\ADMINISTRATOREN (was ja immer Grossgeschrieben wird) Wäre froh, wenn jemand mag, mir ein paar Hinweise zu geben: Hier der Auszug: 55329 21:51:52 (0) ** WMIDiag v2.2 started on Montag, 23. April 2018 at 21:31. 55330 21:51:52 (0) ** 55331 21:51:52 (0) ** Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved - July 2007. 55332 21:51:52 (0) ** 55333 21:51:52 (0) ** This script is not supported under any Microsoft standard support program or service. 55334 21:51:52 (0) ** The script is provided AS IS without warranty of any kind. Microsoft further disclaims all 55335 21:51:52 (0) ** implied warranties including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability 55336 21:51:52 (0) ** or of fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk arising out of the use or performance 55337 21:51:52 (0) ** of the scripts and documentation remains with you. In no event shall Microsoft, its authors, 55338 21:51:52 (0) ** or anyone else involved in the creation, production, or delivery of the script be liable for 55339 21:51:52 (0) ** any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, 55340 21:51:52 (0) ** business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of 55341 21:51:52 (0) ** the use of or inability to use the script or documentation, even if Microsoft has been advised 55342 21:51:52 (0) ** of the possibility of such damages. 55343 21:51:52 (0) ** 55344 21:51:52 (0) ** 55345 21:51:52 (0) ** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55346 21:51:52 (0) ** ----------------------------------------------------- WMI REPORT: BEGIN ---------------------------------------------------------- 55347 21:51:52 (0) ** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55348 21:51:52 (0) ** 55349 21:51:52 (0) ** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55350 21:51:52 (0) ** Windows Server 2012 R2 - No Service Pack - 64-bit (9600) - User 'DOMAIN\ADMINISTRATOR' on computer 'SERVER'. 55351 21:51:52 (0) ** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55352 21:51:52 (0) ** INFO: Environment: .................................................................................................. 1 ITEM(S)! 55353 21:51:52 (0) ** INFO: => 1 possible incorrect shutdown(s) detected on: 55354 21:51:52 (0) ** - Shutdown on 23 October 2017 06:23:16 (GMT-0). 55355 21:51:52 (0) ** 55356 21:51:52 (0) ** System drive: ....................................................................................................... C: (Datenträgernr. 0 Partitionsnr. 1). 55357 21:51:52 (0) ** Drive type: ......................................................................................................... SCSI (VMware Virtual disk SCSI Disk Device). 55358 21:51:52 (0) ** There are no missing WMI system files: .............................................................................. OK. 55359 21:51:52 (0) ** There are no missing WMI repository files: .......................................................................... OK. 55360 21:51:52 (0) ** WMI repository state: ............................................................................................... N/A. 55361 21:51:52 (0) ** AFTER running WMIDiag: 55362 21:51:52 (0) ** The WMI repository has a size of: ................................................................................... 64 MB. 55363 21:51:52 (0) ** - Disk free space on 'C:': .......................................................................................... 51355 MB. 55364 21:51:52 (0) ** - INDEX.BTR, 9035776 bytes, 23.04.2018 21:51:51 55365 21:51:52 (0) ** - MAPPING1.MAP, 185064 bytes, 23.04.2018 21:51:51 55366 21:51:52 (0) ** - MAPPING2.MAP, 185064 bytes, 23.04.2018 21:51:50 55367 21:51:52 (0) ** - OBJECTS.DATA, 57311232 bytes, 23.04.2018 21:51:51 55368 21:51:52 (0) ** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55369 21:51:52 (2) !! WARNING: Windows Firewall: .......................................................................................... DISABLED. 55370 21:51:52 (0) ** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55371 21:51:52 (0) ** DCOM Status: ........................................................................................................ OK. 55372 21:51:52 (0) ** WMI registry setup: ................................................................................................. OK. 55373 21:51:52 (0) ** INFO: WMI service has dependents: ................................................................................... 1 SERVICE(S)! 55374 21:51:52 (0) ** - Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) (SHAREDACCESS, StartMode='Disabled') 55375 21:51:52 (0) ** => If the WMI service is stopped, the listed service(s) will have to be stopped as well. 55376 21:51:52 (0) ** Note: If the service is marked with (*), it means that the service/application uses WMI but 55377 21:51:52 (0) ** there is no hard dependency on WMI. However, if the WMI service is stopped, 55378 21:51:52 (0) ** this can prevent the service/application to work as expected. 55379 21:51:52 (0) ** 55380 21:51:52 (0) ** RPCSS service: ...................................................................................................... OK (Already started). 55381 21:51:52 (0) ** WINMGMT service: .................................................................................................... OK (Already started). 55382 21:51:52 (0) ** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55383 21:51:52 (0) ** WMI service DCOM setup: ............................................................................................. OK. 55384 21:51:52 (0) ** WMI components DCOM registrations: .................................................................................. OK. 55385 21:51:52 (0) ** WMI ProgID registrations: ........................................................................................... OK. 55386 21:51:52 (0) ** WMI provider DCOM registrations: .................................................................................... OK. 55387 21:51:52 (0) ** WMI provider CIM registrations: ..................................................................................... OK. 55388 21:51:52 (0) ** WMI provider CLSIDs: ................................................................................................ OK. 55389 21:51:52 (0) ** WMI providers EXE/DLL availability: ................................................................................. OK. 55390 21:51:52 (0) ** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55391 21:51:52 (0) ** INFO: User Account Control (UAC): ................................................................................... ENABLED. 55392 21:51:52 (0) ** => WMI tasks requiring Administrative privileges on this computer MUST run in an elevated context. 55393 21:51:52 (0) ** i.e. You can start your scripts or WMIC commands from an elevated command 55394 21:51:52 (0) ** prompt by right clicking on the 'Command Prompt' icon in the Start Menu and 55395 21:51:52 (0) ** selecting 'Run as Administrator'. 55396 21:51:52 (0) ** i.e. You can also execute the WMI scripts or WMIC commands as a task 55397 21:51:52 (0) ** in the Task Scheduler within the right security context. 55398 21:51:52 (0) ** 55399 21:51:52 (0) ** INFO: Local Account Filtering: ...................................................................................... ENABLED. 55400 21:51:52 (0) ** => WMI tasks remotely accessing WMI information on this computer and requiring Administrative 55401 21:51:52 (0) ** privileges MUST use a DOMAIN account part of the Local Administrators group of this computer 55402 21:51:52 (0) ** to ensure that administrative privileges are granted. If a Local User account is used for remote 55403 21:51:52 (0) ** accesses, it will be reduced to a plain user (filtered token), even if it is part of the Local Administrators group. 55404 21:51:52 (0) ** 55405 21:51:52 (0) ** DCOM security for 'My Computer' (Access Permissions/Edit Limits): ................................................... MODIFIED. 55406 21:51:52 (1) !! ERROR: Default trustee 'BUILTIN\LEISTUNGSPROTOKOLLBENUTZER' has been REMOVED! 55407 21:51:52 (0) ** - REMOVED ACE: 55408 21:51:52 (0) ** ACEType: &h0 55409 21:51:52 (0) ** ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE 55410 21:51:52 (0) ** ACEFlags: &h0 55411 21:51:52 (0) ** ACEMask: &h7 55412 21:51:52 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_EXECUTE 55413 21:51:52 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACCESS_LOCAL 55414 21:51:52 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACCESS_REMOTE 55415 21:51:52 (0) ** 55416 21:51:52 (0) ** => The REMOVED ACE was part of the DEFAULT setup for the trustee. 55417 21:51:52 (0) ** Removing default security will cause some operations to fail! 55418 21:51:52 (0) ** It is possible to fix this issue by editing the security descriptor and adding the ACE. 55419 21:51:52 (0) ** For DCOM objects, this can be done with 'DCOMCNFG.EXE'. 55420 21:51:52 (0) ** 55421 21:51:52 (0) ** DCOM security for 'My Computer' (Launch & Activation Permissions/Edit Default): ..................................... MODIFIED. 55422 21:51:52 (1) !! ERROR: Default trustee 'BUILTIN\ADMINISTRATOREN' has been REMOVED! 55423 21:51:52 (0) ** - REMOVED ACE: 55424 21:51:52 (0) ** ACEType: &h0 55425 21:51:52 (0) ** ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE 55426 21:51:52 (0) ** ACEFlags: &h0 55427 21:51:52 (0) ** ACEMask: &h1F 55428 21:51:52 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_EXECUTE 55429 21:51:52 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_LOCAL 55430 21:51:52 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_REMOTE 55431 21:51:52 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_LOCAL 55432 21:51:52 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_REMOTE 55433 21:51:52 (0) ** 55434 21:51:52 (0) ** => The REMOVED ACE was part of the DEFAULT setup for the trustee. 55435 21:51:52 (0) ** Removing default security will cause some operations to fail! 55436 21:51:52 (0) ** It is possible to fix this issue by editing the security descriptor and adding the ACE. 55437 21:51:52 (0) ** For DCOM objects, this can be done with 'DCOMCNFG.EXE'. 55438 21:51:52 (0) ** 55439 21:51:52 (0) ** DCOM security for 'My Computer' (Launch & Activation Permissions/Edit Limits): ...................................... MODIFIED. 55440 21:51:52 (1) !! ERROR: Default trustee 'BUILTIN\ADMINISTRATOREN' has been REMOVED! 55441 21:51:52 (0) ** - REMOVED ACE: 55442 21:51:52 (0) ** ACEType: &h0 55443 21:51:52 (0) ** ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE 55444 21:51:52 (0) ** ACEFlags: &h0 55445 21:51:52 (0) ** ACEMask: &h1F 55446 21:51:52 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_EXECUTE 55447 21:51:52 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_LOCAL 55448 21:51:52 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_REMOTE 55449 21:51:52 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_LOCAL 55450 21:51:52 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_REMOTE 55451 21:51:52 (0) ** 55452 21:51:52 (0) ** => The REMOVED ACE was part of the DEFAULT setup for the trustee. 55453 21:51:52 (0) ** Removing default security will cause some operations to fail! 55454 21:51:52 (0) ** It is possible to fix this issue by editing the security descriptor and adding the ACE. 55455 21:51:52 (0) ** For DCOM objects, this can be done with 'DCOMCNFG.EXE'. 55456 21:51:52 (0) ** 55457 21:51:52 (0) ** DCOM security for 'My Computer' (Launch & Activation Permissions/Edit Limits): ...................................... MODIFIED. 55458 21:51:52 (1) !! ERROR: Default trustee 'BUILTIN\LEISTUNGSPROTOKOLLBENUTZER' has been REMOVED! 55459 21:51:52 (0) ** - REMOVED ACE: 55460 21:51:52 (0) ** ACEType: &h0 55461 21:51:52 (0) ** ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE 55462 21:51:52 (0) ** ACEFlags: &h0 55463 21:51:52 (0) ** ACEMask: &h1F 55464 21:51:52 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_EXECUTE 55465 21:51:52 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_LOCAL 55466 21:51:52 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_REMOTE 55467 21:51:52 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_LOCAL 55468 21:51:52 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_REMOTE 55469 21:51:52 (0) ** 55470 21:51:52 (0) ** => The REMOVED ACE was part of the DEFAULT setup for the trustee. 55471 21:51:52 (0) ** Removing default security will cause some operations to fail! 55472 21:51:52 (0) ** It is possible to fix this issue by editing the security descriptor and adding the ACE. 55473 21:51:52 (0) ** For DCOM objects, this can be done with 'DCOMCNFG.EXE'. 55474 21:51:52 (0) ** 55475 21:51:52 (0) ** DCOM security for 'Microsoft WMI Provider Subsystem Host' (Launch & Activation Permissions): ........................ MODIFIED. 55476 21:51:52 (1) !! ERROR: Default trustee 'BUILTIN\ADMINISTRATOREN' has been REMOVED! 55477 21:51:52 (0) ** - REMOVED ACE: 55478 21:51:52 (0) ** ACEType: &h0 55479 21:51:52 (0) ** ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE 55480 21:51:52 (0) ** ACEFlags: &h0 55481 21:51:52 (0) ** ACEMask: &h1F 55482 21:51:52 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_EXECUTE 55483 21:51:52 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_LOCAL 55484 21:51:52 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_REMOTE 55485 21:51:52 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_LOCAL 55486 21:51:52 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_REMOTE 55487 21:51:52 (0) ** 55488 21:51:52 (0) ** => The REMOVED ACE was part of the DEFAULT setup for the trustee. 55489 21:51:52 (0) ** Removing default security will cause some operations to fail! 55490 21:51:52 (0) ** It is possible to fix this issue by editing the security descriptor and adding the ACE. 55491 21:51:52 (0) ** For DCOM objects, this can be done with 'DCOMCNFG.EXE'. 55492 21:51:52 (0) ** 55493 21:51:52 (0) ** 55494 21:51:52 (0) ** DCOM security warning(s) detected: .................................................................................. 0. 55495 21:51:52 (0) ** DCOM security error(s) detected: .................................................................................... 5. 55496 21:51:52 (0) ** WMI security warning(s) detected: ................................................................................... 0. 55497 21:51:52 (0) ** WMI security error(s) detected: ..................................................................................... 0. 55498 21:51:52 (0) ** 55499 21:51:52 (1) !! ERROR: Overall DCOM security status: ................................................................................ ERROR! 55500 21:51:52 (0) ** Overall WMI security status: ........................................................................................ OK. 55501 21:51:52 (0) ** - Started at 'Root' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55502 21:51:52 (0) ** INFO: WMI permanent SUBSCRIPTION(S): ................................................................................ 1. 55503 21:51:52 (0) ** - ROOT/SUBSCRIPTION, NTEventLogEventConsumer.Name="SCM Event Log Consumer". 55504 21:51:52 (0) ** 'select * from MSFT_SCMEventLogEvent' 55505 21:51:52 (0) ** 55506 21:51:52 (0) ** WMI TIMER instruction(s): ........................................................................................... NONE. 55507 21:51:52 (0) ** INFO: WMI namespace(s) requiring PACKET PRIVACY: .................................................................... 4 NAMESPACE(S)! 55508 21:51:52 (0) ** - ROOT/CIMV2/SECURITY/MICROSOFTTPM. 55509 21:51:52 (0) ** - ROOT/CIMV2/TERMINALSERVICES. 55510 21:51:52 (0) ** - ROOT/WEBADMINISTRATION. 55511 21:51:52 (0) ** - ROOT/SERVICEMODEL. 55512 21:51:52 (0) ** => When remotely connecting, the namespace(s) listed require(s) the WMI client to 55513 21:51:52 (0) ** use an encrypted connection by specifying the PACKET PRIVACY authentication level. 55514 21:51:52 (0) ** (RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_PRIVACY or PktPrivacy flags) 55515 21:51:52 (0) ** i.e. 'WMIC.EXE /NODE:"SERVER" /AUTHLEVEL:Pktprivacy /NAMESPACE:\\ROOT\SERVICEMODEL Class __SystemSecurity' 55516 21:51:52 (0) ** 55517 21:51:52 (0) ** WMI MONIKER CONNECTIONS: ............................................................................................ OK. 55518 21:51:52 (1) !! ERROR: WMI CONNECTION errors occured for the following namespaces: .................................................. 1 ERROR(S)! 55519 21:51:52 (0) ** - Root/aspnet, 0x8004100E - (WBEM_E_INVALID_NAMESPACE) Namespace specified cannot be found. 55520 21:51:52 (0) ** 55521 21:51:52 (1) !! ERROR: WMI GET operation errors reported: ........................................................................... 2 ERROR(S)! 55522 21:51:52 (0) ** - Root/CIMV2, Win32_PerfFormattedData_TermService_TerminalServicesSession, 0x80041002 - (WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND) Object cannot be found. 55523 21:51:52 (0) ** MOF Registration: 'WMI information not available (This could be the case for an external application or a third party WMI provider)' 55524 21:51:52 (0) ** - Root/CIMV2, Win32_PerfRawData_TermService_TerminalServicesSession, 0x80041002 - (WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND) Object cannot be found. 55525 21:51:52 (0) ** MOF Registration: 'WMI information not available (This could be the case for an external application or a third party WMI provider)' 55526 21:51:52 (0) ** 55527 21:51:52 (0) ** WMI MOF representations: ............................................................................................ OK. 55528 21:51:52 (0) ** WMI QUALIFIER access operations: .................................................................................... OK. 55529 21:51:52 (0) ** WMI ENUMERATION operations: ......................................................................................... OK. 55530 21:51:52 (0) ** WMI EXECQUERY operations: ........................................................................................... OK. 55531 21:51:52 (0) ** WMI GET VALUE operations: ........................................................................................... OK. 55532 21:51:52 (0) ** WMI WRITE operations: ............................................................................................... NOT TESTED. 55533 21:51:52 (0) ** WMI PUT operations: ................................................................................................. NOT TESTED. 55534 21:51:52 (0) ** WMI DELETE operations: .............................................................................................. NOT TESTED. 55535 21:51:52 (0) ** WMI static instances retrieved: ..................................................................................... 1999. 55536 21:51:52 (0) ** WMI dynamic instances retrieved: .................................................................................... 0. 55537 21:51:52 (0) ** WMI instance request cancellations (to limit performance impact): ................................................... 1. 55538 21:51:52 (0) ** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55539 21:51:52 (0) ** # of Event Log events BEFORE WMIDiag execution since the last 20 day(s): 55540 21:51:52 (0) ** DCOM: ............................................................................................................. 0. 55541 21:51:52 (0) ** WINMGMT: .......................................................................................................... 0. 55542 21:51:52 (0) ** WMIADAPTER: ....................................................................................................... 0. 55543 21:51:52 (0) ** 55544 21:51:52 (0) ** # of additional Event Log events AFTER WMIDiag execution: 55545 21:51:52 (0) ** DCOM: ............................................................................................................. 0. 55546 21:51:52 (0) ** WINMGMT: .......................................................................................................... 0. 55547 21:51:52 (0) ** WMIADAPTER: ....................................................................................................... 0. 55548 21:51:52 (0) ** 55549 21:51:52 (0) ** 1 error(s) 0x8004100E - (WBEM_E_INVALID_NAMESPACE) Namespace specified cannot be found 55550 21:51:52 (0) ** 55551 21:51:52 (0) ** 2 error(s) 0x80041002 - (WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND) Object cannot be found 55552 21:51:52 (0) ** => This error is typically a WMI error. This WMI error is due to: 55553 21:51:52 (0) ** - a missing WMI class definition or object. 55554 21:51:52 (0) ** (See any GET, ENUMERATION, EXECQUERY and GET VALUE operation failures). 55555 21:51:52 (0) ** You can correct the missing class definitions by: 55556 21:51:52 (0) ** - Manually recompiling the MOF file(s) with the 'MOFCOMP <FileName.MOF>' command. 55557 21:51:52 (0) ** Note: You can build a list of classes in relation with their WMI provider and MOF file with WMIDiag. 55558 21:51:52 (0) ** (This list can be built on a similar and working WMI Windows installation) 55559 21:51:52 (0) ** The following command line must be used: 55560 21:51:52 (0) ** i.e. 'WMIDiag CorrelateClassAndProvider' 55561 21:51:52 (0) ** Note: When a WMI performance class is missing, you can manually resynchronize performance counters 55562 21:51:52 (0) ** with WMI by starting the ADAP process. 55563 21:51:52 (0) ** - a WMI repository corruption. 55564 21:51:52 (0) ** In such a case, you must rerun WMIDiag with 'WriteInRepository' parameter 55565 21:51:52 (0) ** to validate the WMI repository operations. 55566 21:51:52 (0) ** Note: ENSURE you are an administrator with FULL access to WMI EVERY namespaces of the computer before 55567 21:51:52 (0) ** executing the WriteInRepository command. To write temporary data from the Root namespace, use: 55568 21:51:52 (0) ** i.e. 'WMIDiag WriteInRepository=Root' 55569 21:51:52 (0) ** - If the WriteInRepository command fails, while being an Administrator with ALL accesses to ALL namespaces 55570 21:51:52 (0) ** the WMI repository must be reconstructed. 55571 21:51:52 (0) ** Note: The WMI repository reconstruction requires to locate all MOF files needed to rebuild the repository, 55572 21:51:52 (0) ** otherwise some applications may fail after the reconstruction. 55573 21:51:52 (0) ** This can be achieved with the following command: 55574 21:51:52 (0) ** i.e. 'WMIDiag ShowMOFErrors' 55575 21:51:52 (0) ** Note: The repository reconstruction must be a LAST RESORT solution and ONLY after executing 55576 21:51:52 (0) ** ALL fixes previously mentioned. 55577 21:51:52 (2) !! WARNING: Static information stored by external applications in the repository will be LOST! (i.e. SMS Inventory) 55578 21:51:52 (0) ** 55579 21:51:52 (0) ** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55580 21:51:52 (0) ** WMI Registry key setup: ............................................................................................. OK. 55581 21:51:52 (0) ** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55582 21:51:52 (0) ** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55583 21:51:52 (0) ** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55584 21:51:52 (0) ** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55585 21:51:52 (0) ** 55586 21:51:52 (0) ** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55587 21:51:52 (0) ** ------------------------------------------------------ WMI REPORT: END ----------------------------------------------------------- 55588 21:51:52 (0) ** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55589 21:51:52 (0) ** 55590 21:51:52 (0) ** ERROR: WMIDiag detected issues that could prevent WMI to work properly!. Check 'C:\USERS\TEMP\WMIDIAG-V2.2_2K12R2.SRV.RTM.64_SERVER_2018.04.23_21.31.50.LOG' for details. 55591 21:51:52 (0) ** 55592 21:51:52 (0) ** WMIDiag v2.2 ended on Montag, 23. April 2018 at 21:51 (W:138 E:249 S:1). Frage mich was ich noch justieren muss, dass der Test auch wirklich das agt oder darauf hinweist, was wirklich defekt ist. Freue mich über jede Hilfe. Dankeschön und nen guten Apetitt. Bits Zitieren
bits 10 Geschrieben 6. Mai 2018 Autor Melden Geschrieben 6. Mai 2018 Den Hint zur Übesetzung gab mir folgender Artikel: Frage, würde ich ein Win2012R2 aufsetzen als 1:1 Vergleich der Einstellungen, kann man dies 1:1 übernehmen oder eher vorsichtig damit umgehen? WMI ist voll nicht mein gebiet. :( Grüssli Bits Zitieren
daabm 1.391 Geschrieben 14. Mai 2018 Melden Geschrieben 14. Mai 2018 Naja ich würde ein Skript von 2007 nicht unbedingt als Referenz für den WMI-Status eines 2012R2 nehmen, der bald 10 Jahre später rauskam... :-() Hast Du konkrete Probleme? Wenn nein, dann ignoriere den WMIDiag-Output einfach. Wir hatten das auch mal in der Wartung mitlaufen, aber das produziert viel zu viele false positives und ist nicht language neutral. Also flog es wieder raus. Zitieren
bits 10 Geschrieben 15. Mai 2018 Autor Melden Geschrieben 15. Mai 2018 Hi Daabm Alles klar. Ich gehe halt damit um weil eben WMI nicht wirklich meine Leidenschaft und ich noch nie was damit am Hut hatte. Ok, ich lass das mal. Danke Dir vielmals für die Rückmeldung. Ahoi - Bits Zitieren
daabm 1.391 Geschrieben 15. Mai 2018 Melden Geschrieben 15. Mai 2018 Bits, man soll nix reparieren, was nicht kaputt ist - und wenn das Diagnosegerät nix taugt (WMIDIag in dem Fall), dann ... :) Kannst übrigens - siehe Footer - auch Martin zu mir sagen. Zitieren
bits 10 Geschrieben 15. Mai 2018 Autor Melden Geschrieben 15. Mai 2018 Holla Martin Alles klaro! Danke Dir! Ich lass es bleiben. Es läuft jetzt alles wieder. WMIDiag ist wohl zu vergessen.. Grüssle Bits Zitieren
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