remus25 12 Geschrieben 14. Mai 2018 Melden Teilen Geschrieben 14. Mai 2018 Hallo Forum Ich versuche gerade die Trial von SCCM 2012 zu installieren und scheitere bei diesem Schritt: Ich habe SQL 2012 installiert v.11.0.2100.60, wenn ich das SP1/SP2/SP3/SP4 installieren will kommt diese Fenster wo ich nichts anwählen kann Was mache ich falsch ? Zitieren Link zu diesem Kommentar
Sunny61 807 Geschrieben 14. Mai 2018 Melden Teilen Geschrieben 14. Mai 2018 Welche Verson gibt SELECT @@Version in einem Query im SQL Server aus? Lt. hast Du nichts, kein SP oder kein CU installiert. Am besten gehst Du mit dem Server auf Microsoft Update Online und installierst die Updates, die dir angeboten werden. Wieso lässt man ein produktives System immer ungepatcht? Zitieren Link zu diesem Kommentar
remus25 12 Geschrieben 14. Mai 2018 Autor Melden Teilen Geschrieben 14. Mai 2018 Danke für den Link, habe nun CU1,CU2,CU3,CU4,CU5, SP1 installiert aber es steht immer noch 2100.60 Zitieren Link zu diesem Kommentar
Sunny61 807 Geschrieben 14. Mai 2018 Melden Teilen Geschrieben 14. Mai 2018 Dann installiere doch gleich das SP4. Zitieren Link zu diesem Kommentar
remus25 12 Geschrieben 14. Mai 2018 Autor Melden Teilen Geschrieben 14. Mai 2018 würde ich ja gerne, aber kann nichts anwählen: Zitieren Link zu diesem Kommentar
Sunny61 807 Geschrieben 14. Mai 2018 Melden Teilen Geschrieben 14. Mai 2018 Und was passiert bei der Installation von SP2? Zitieren Link zu diesem Kommentar
remus25 12 Geschrieben 15. Mai 2018 Autor Melden Teilen Geschrieben 15. Mai 2018 (bearbeitet) Geschieht das gleiche :) bearbeitet 15. Mai 2018 von remus25 Zitieren Link zu diesem Kommentar
remus25 12 Geschrieben 15. Mai 2018 Autor Melden Teilen Geschrieben 15. Mai 2018 Das Problem war die Sprache des Servers CH-DE als ich das auf DE-DE umgestellt habe ging es: Die Sprache der SQL Server-Instanz 'MSSQLSERVER' stimmt nicht mit der vom SQL Server-Update erwarteten Sprache überein. Die Sprache des installierten SQL Server-Produkts ist 'Deutsch (Deutschland)', und die erwartete SQL Server-Sprache ist 'Englisch (USA)'. Zitieren Link zu diesem Kommentar
remus25 12 Geschrieben 15. Mai 2018 Autor Melden Teilen Geschrieben 15. Mai 2018 Brauche noch einmal Hilfe : Die SQL Instanz habe ich geändert zuerst mit dem: setup.exe /quiet /action=rebuilddatabase /sqlcollation=SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS /instancename=MSSQLSERVER /SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS=Test\Administrators Hat aber nichts gebracht, danach mit: aber es kommt trotzdem immer noch der Fehler: Configuration Manager erfordert, dass die SQL Server-Instanz und die Configuration Manager-Standortdatenbank (falls vorhanden) zur Verwendung der Sortierung "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" konfiguriert sind (Ausnahme: Es wird ein chinesisches Betriebssystem verwendet und GB18030-Unterstützung ist erforderlich). Informationen zur Änderung der Sortierung der SQL Server-Instanz und -Datenbank finden Sie unter Informationen zum Aktivieren der GB18030-Unterstützung finden Sie unter Zitieren Link zu diesem Kommentar
remus25 12 Geschrieben 15. Mai 2018 Autor Melden Teilen Geschrieben 15. Mai 2018 Habe den Fehler gefunden beim 1 Link war die Vorgabe falsch: sqlservr -m -T4022 -T3659 -s"MSSQLSERVER" -q"SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AI" habe ich geändert auf: sqlservr -m -T4022 -T3659 -s"MSSQLSERVER" -q"SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" Zitieren Link zu diesem Kommentar
Sunny61 807 Geschrieben 15. Mai 2018 Melden Teilen Geschrieben 15. Mai 2018 Danke für deine Rückmeldung. Die Sache mit den Sprache hatte ich schon mal gelesen, schlimmer Bug den MSFT da eingebaut und nie beseitigt hat. Zitieren Link zu diesem Kommentar
remus25 12 Geschrieben 15. Mai 2018 Autor Melden Teilen Geschrieben 15. Mai 2018 Bin leider noch nicht ganz durch: Aus dem Log werde ich nicht schlau: ~~===================== << Starting Configuration Manager 2012 Setup >> ===================== $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:19.420-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: ConfigMgr2012 Setup was started by TEST\administrator. $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:19.421-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: Command line specified was: "C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\system_center_2012_r2_configuration_manager_x86_and_x64_dvd\SMSSETUP\BIN\X64\SetupWpf.exe" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:19.422-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> ~FQDN for server SERVER1 is SERVER1.test.local $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:19.444-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: Target computer is a 64 bit operating system. $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:19.468-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: Checking for existing setup information. $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:19.469-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: Checking for existing SQL information. $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:19.469-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: Verifying the registry entry for Asset Intelligence installation $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:19.471-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: Setting the default CSV folder path $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:19.471-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: No language packs detected. $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:19.471-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: Configuration Manager Build Number = 7958 $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:19.550-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: Configuration Manager Version = 5.0 $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:19.551-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: Configuration Manager Minimum Build Number = 800 $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:19.552-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: Verifying Configuration Manager Active Directory Schema Extensions. $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:19.552-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: Found DS Root:CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=test,DC=local~ $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:19.558-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: Verifying Configuration Manager Active Directory Schema Extensions. $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:19.560-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: Found DS Root:CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=test,DC=local~ $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:19.565-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: Validating characters in path from Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:19.589-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: Evaluation Product Key was specified. $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:19.603-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: GenerateProductID, Dll path:C:\USERS\ADMINISTRATOR\DOWNLOADS\SYSTEM_CENTER_2012_R2_CONFIGURATION_MANAGER_X86_AND_X64_DVD\SMSSETUP\BIN\X64\PidGenX.dll. $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:19.604-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: Specified product key is for EVAL. $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:20.748-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: VL or OEM Product Key was specified. $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:20.750-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: Installing Evaluation version. $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:20.750-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: 'SERVER1.test.local' is a valid FQDN. $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:20.775-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: 'SERVER1.test.local' is a valid FQDN. $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:20.777-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: Failed to connect to registry to determine if Configuration Manager console is installed. Configuration Manager console may not be installed. $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:20.777-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: 'SERVER1.test.local' is a valid FQDN. $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:20.779-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: Read SQL Data and Log file Path from script file if specified. $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:20.779-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: Validating correct drive letter. $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:20.779-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: Validating correct drive letter. $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:20.781-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: This isn't a named instance SQL Server. $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:20.781-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: SQL Server instance name (pSetupInf->SqlInstName): $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:20.781-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: SQL Server master database (pSetupInf->SqlMasterDB): master $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:20.781-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: Site SQL Server database name (pSetupInf->SqlDatabaseName): CM_CHF $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:20.781-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: Site SQL Server computer name (pSetupInf->SqlServer): SERVER1.test.local $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:20.783-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: Site SQL Server Data File Path (pSetupInf->SqlDataFilePath): C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.SCCM\MSSQL\DATA $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:20.783-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: Site SQL Server Log File Path (pSetupInf->SqlLogFilePath): C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.SCCM\MSSQL\DATA $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:20.783-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: Site SQL Server service port : 1433 $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:20.785-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: Site SQL Server SSB port : 1433 $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:20.785-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> Removed SQL alias SERVER1.test.local successfully. $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:20.814-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: Registered type SERVER1.TEST.LOCAL MASTER for SERVER1.test.local master $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:20.827-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: Registered type SMS Master for SERVER1.test.local master $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:20.827-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: Registered type SERVER1.TEST.LOCAL CM_CHF for SERVER1.test.local CM_CHF $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:20.827-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: Registered type SMS ACCESS for SERVER1.test.local CM_CHF $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:20.827-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: SQL Connection succeeded. Connection: SERVER1.TEST.LOCAL MASTER, Type: Unsecure $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:20.854-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: SQL Server SERVER1.test.local is not clustered. $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:20.856-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: Enough free disk space.~ $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:20.864-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: Checking Active Directory, domain controller for domain TEST is \\SERVER1 $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:20.870-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: SQL Server version detected is 11.0, 11.0.7001.0 (SP4).~ $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:20.874-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: File C:\Windows\system32\sms_account_test_svc.exe does not exist. No zapping needed. $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:20.876-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: Verified computer account by installing service SMS_ACCOUNT_TEST_SERVICE~ $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:29.450-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: Checking for component updates... $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:29.591-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: Invoking commandline "C:\USERS\ADMINISTRATOR\DOWNLOADS\SYSTEM_CENTER_2012_R2_CONFIGURATION_MANAGER_X86_AND_X64_DVD\SMSSETUP\BIN\X64\setupdl.exe /noui "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Neuer Ordner"" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:29.598-120><thread=5628 (0x15FC)> INFO: Attempting to load resource DLL... $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:29.768-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: C:\USERS\ADMINISTRATOR\DOWNLOADS\SYSTEM_CENTER_2012_R2_CONFIGURATION_MANAGER_X86_AND_X64_DVD\SMSSETUP\BIN\X64\setupdl.exe: Start $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:29.773-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Downloading files to C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Neuer Ordner $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:29.783-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Downloading component manifest... $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:29.789-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Downloading language manifest from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:29.791-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Downloading as $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:29.791-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: checking if there's an explicit proxy server. $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:29.817-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: WinHttpQueryHeaders() in Download() returned OK $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:29.943-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Downloading as $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:29.965-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: checking if there's an explicit proxy server. $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:29.971-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: WinHttpQueryHeaders() in Download() returned OK $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.023-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Extracted file C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ConfigMgr.LN.Manifest.xml $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.071-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file group "Server" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.078-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.079-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.080-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for [Server Language Pack - Chinese Simplified] will be copied with file name: $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.084-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.084-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.088-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for [Server Language Pack - Chinese Traditional] will be copied with file name: $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.089-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.090-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.090-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for [Server Language Pack - Czech] will be copied with file name: $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.092-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.092-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.092-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for [Server Language Pack - German] will be copied with file name: $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.094-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.094-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.094-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for [Server Language Pack - Spanish] will be copied with file name: $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.094-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.096-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.096-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for [Server Language Pack - French] will be copied with file name: $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.098-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.100-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.100-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for [Server Language Pack - Hungarian] will be copied with file name: $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.102-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.104-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.106-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for [Server Language Pack - Italian] will be copied with file name: $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.106-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.106-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.108-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for [Server Language Pack - Japanese] will be copied with file name: $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.108-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.108-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.110-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for [Server Language Pack - Korean] will be copied with file name: $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.110-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.110-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.112-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for [Server Language Pack - Dutch] will be copied with file name: $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.112-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.116-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.116-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for [Server Language Pack - Polish] will be copied with file name: $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.118-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.120-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.124-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for [Server Language Pack - Portuguese (Brazil)] will be copied with file name: $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.124-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.124-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.124-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for [Server Language Pack - Portuguese] will be copied with file name: $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.126-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.126-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.126-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for [Server Language Pack - Russian] will be copied with file name: $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.128-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.128-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.128-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for [Server Language Pack - Swedish] will be copied with file name: $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.130-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.132-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.134-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for [Server Language Pack - Turkish] will be copied with file name: $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.134-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.138-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.138-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for [Server Language Pack - Hong Kong] will be copied with file name: $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.138-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file group "Client" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.139-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.140-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.140-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for [Client Language Pack - Chinese Simplified] will be copied with file name: $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.141-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.142-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.142-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for [Client Language Pack - Chinese Traditional] will be copied with file name: $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.143-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.144-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.144-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for [Client Language Pack - Czech] will be copied with file name: $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.147-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.148-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.149-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for [Client Language Pack - Danish] will be copied with file name: $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.150-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.152-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.154-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for [Client Language Pack - German] will be copied with file name: $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.155-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.156-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.156-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for [Client Language Pack - Greek] will be copied with file name: $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.156-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.157-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.158-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for [Client Language Pack - Spanish] will be copied with file name: $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.158-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.159-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.160-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for [Client Language Pack - Finnish] will be copied with file name: $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.160-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.162-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.164-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for [Client Language Pack - French] will be copied with file name: $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.164-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.165-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.167-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for [Client Language Pack - Hungarian] will be copied with file name: $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.169-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.169-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.171-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for [Client Language Pack - Italian] will be copied with file name: $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.171-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.171-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.173-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for [Client Language Pack - Japanese] will be copied with file name: $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.173-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.173-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.175-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for [Client Language Pack - Korean] will be copied with file name: $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.175-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.175-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.175-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for [Client Language Pack - Dutch] will be copied with file name: $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.177-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.179-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.179-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for [Client Language Pack - Norwegian] will be copied with file name: $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.179-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.183-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.183-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for [Client Language Pack - Polish] will be copied with file name: $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.185-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.185-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.185-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for [Client Language Pack - Portuguese (Brazil)] will be copied with file name: $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.187-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.187-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.187-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for [Client Language Pack - Portuguese] will be copied with file name: $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.187-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.189-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.189-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for [Client Language Pack - Russian] will be copied with file name: $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.189-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.191-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.191-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for [Client Language Pack - Swedish] will be copied with file name: $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.191-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.193-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.193-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for [Client Language Pack - Turkish] will be copied with file name: $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.195-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.195-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.197-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for [Client Language Pack - Hong Kong] will be copied with file name: $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.199-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file group "MobileDevice" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.199-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.201-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.201-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for [Mobile Device Language Pack - All] will be copied with file name: $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.201-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Extracted file C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ConfigMgr.Manifest.xml $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.211-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file group "MSRDC" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.213-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "msrdcoob.exe" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.213-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.215-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for msrdcoob.exe [Microsoft Remote Differential Compression Library] will be copied with file name: msrdcoob_x86.exe. $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.217-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "msrdcoob.exe" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.217-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.219-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for msrdcoob.exe [Microsoft Remote Differential Compression Library] will be copied with file name: msrdcoob_amd64.exe. $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.219-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file group "WUA" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.220-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "WindowsUpdateAgent30-x86.exe" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.221-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.221-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for WindowsUpdateAgent30-x86.exe [Windows Update Agent 3.0] will be copied with file name: WindowsUpdateAgent30-x86.exe. $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.221-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "WindowsUpdateAgent30-x64.exe" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.222-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.223-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for WindowsUpdateAgent30-x64.exe [Windows Update Agent 3.0] will be copied with file name: WindowsUpdateAgent30-x64.exe. $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.223-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file group "Silverlight" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.224-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "Silverlight.exe" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.226-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.227-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for Silverlight.exe [Silverlight Runtime] will be copied with file name: Silverlight.exe. $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.228-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file group "WIC" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.229-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "wic_x86_enu.exe" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.231-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.233-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for wic_x86_enu.exe [Windows Imaging Component 32 Bit] will be copied with file name: wic_x86_enu.exe. $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.233-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "wic_x64_enu.exe" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.234-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.235-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for wic_x64_enu.exe [Windows Imaging Component 64 Bit] will be copied with file name: wic_x64_enu.exe. $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.235-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file group "Dot_Net_Framework" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.236-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "dotNetFx40_Client_x86_x64.exe" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.237-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.237-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for dotNetFx40_Client_x86_x64.exe [.NET Framework Client Profile 4.0 RTM] will be copied with file name: dotNetFx40_Client_x86_x64.exe. $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.238-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.239-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.239-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe [.NET Framework Extended 4.0 RTM] will be copied with file name: dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe. $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.240-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file group "SQL_Redist" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.242-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: Processing file "SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe" $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.243-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File will be downloaded from $$<Configuration Manager Setup><05-15-2018 14:40:30.244-120><thread=7148 (0x1BEC)> INFO: File for SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe Kurz gesagt: ConfigMgr 2012 R2 is not supported on Windows Server 2016 Zitieren Link zu diesem Kommentar
daabm 1.366 Geschrieben 15. Mai 2018 Melden Teilen Geschrieben 15. Mai 2018 Für "kurz gesagt" war das ein seeeehr langer Post... Zitieren Link zu diesem Kommentar
Dr.Melzer 191 Geschrieben 15. Mai 2018 Melden Teilen Geschrieben 15. Mai 2018 vor 17 Minuten schrieb daabm: Für "kurz gesagt" war das ein seeeehr langer Post... Habe mal den längsten Teil des geposteten Logfiles entfernt... Zitieren Link zu diesem Kommentar
Sunny61 807 Geschrieben 15. Mai 2018 Melden Teilen Geschrieben 15. Mai 2018 vor 30 Minuten schrieb Dr.Melzer: Habe mal den längsten Teil des geposteten Logfiles entfernt... IMO kannst Du 99% vom Rest auch entfernen, das ist flüssiger als Wasser. :( Zitieren Link zu diesem Kommentar
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