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IMAP Unterordner

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vor 1 Minute schrieb Nobbyaushb:

OST gibt es meines Wissens nur in Verbindung mit Exchange vor dem Outlook - lasse mich gerne vom Gegenteil überzeugen

Auch bei IMAP. Zumindest läuft eine private Mail-Adresse noch per IMAP und da ist eine OST (War mir aber auch nicht wirklich sicher.): https://support.office.com/en-us/article/introduction-to-outlook-data-files-pst-and-ost-222eaf92-a995-45d9-bde2-f331f60e2790?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US


Offline Outlook Data File (.ost)

Most other account types, such as IMAP accounts, Office 365 accounts, Exchange accounts, and Outlook.com accounts use an Offline Outlook Data File (.ost) file to store a synchronized copy of your mailbox information on your local computer. When your connection to the mail server is interrupted, for example, when you're on an airplane without WiFi or if your internet connection disconnects, you can still access all emails, calendar data, contacts, and tasks that have been previously downloaded. You can read and compose messages, create appointments, and add contacts. However, your email messages won't be sent and no new messages will be downloaded until your internet connection is restored.

When the connection is restored, changes are automatically synchronized, and the folders and items on the server and on your computer are identical again.


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