Batch User JPSch 0 Geschrieben 12. Dezember 2019 Melden Geschrieben 12. Dezember 2019 Basic Command: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx rem ----------------------start iSeries_Monitor_Min in minimized window rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- set "Log=log.txt" set "PLog=Ping.log" rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECHO ------------- START iSeries_Monitor >"%Log%" ECHO. | DATE | FIND "neue" /v >>"%Log%" ECHO. | TIME | FIND "neue" /v >>"%Log%" xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Logfile Content: ------------- START iSeries_Monitor The current date is: Wed 11/12/2019 Enter the new date: (dd-mm-yy) The current time is: 16:23:12.36 Enter the new time: The current date is: Thu 12/12/2019 Enter the new date: (dd-mm-yy) The current time is: 8:56:59.52 Enter the new time: -------------------------------------------------- After „Enter the new time:“ the PGM fails. - Additional Error INFO: No tasks are running which match the specified criteria. On a Windows XP Computer the Batch file is working fine. But now we must Transfer the Batch file to the new Windows Server. Zitieren
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