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Azure AD Connect Installation schlägt fehl

Direkt zur Lösung Gelöst von NorbertFe,
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Same trouble on Windows 2012 PDC.

The problems comes when creating the Service "ADSync" with the stupid username.

When using "fast parameters" the security context used to run the ADSync Service is mentioned in the log file : "<Domain Name>\ADSyncMSA_3139f$" and also the binary path.
I tried to create the service manualy (sc create ADSync BinPath= "blablabla.exe") , at first without the username , but it has been deleted when running Azure AD Connect, and a second time with the username : sc create ADSync BinPath= "blabla.exe" obj= "MyDomain\ADSyncMSA_3139f$" and i get the error "File Name or extention too long".
Next attempt : create the service without "obj" parameter (UserName) and then modify the service through the regular interface. Same error.
The problem comes with the stupid UserName used for service who seems to be too long.
May be, because of PDC, the <DomainName> prefixing the UserName is not mandatory and should be not used when using this Agent on the PDC.

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Und wenn du nicht auf die Webseite kommst, weil TLS 1.2 nicht an ist, dann kannst du es vor dem Reboot auch gleich für die .Net Installation machen, wie auch irgendwo in den Tiefen des AD Connect Supports beschrieben, siehe https://docs.microsoft.com/de-de/azure/active-directory/hybrid/reference-connect-tls-enforcement


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