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Citrix Workspace App Security Update

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die Citrix Workspace App könnte mal wieder geupdated werden: Citrix Workspace App Security Update



Description of Problem


A vulnerability has been identified that could result in a local user escalating their privilege level to SYSTEM on the computer running Citrix Workspace app for Windows.


Mitigating Factors


This vulnerability only exists if Citrix Workspace app was installed using an account with local or domain administrator privileges. It does not exist when a standard Windows user installed Citrix Workspace app for Windows.


Users with automatic updates enabled will automatically be updated to a fixed version.


What Customers Should Do


The issue has been addressed in the following versions of Citrix Workspace app for Windows:

  • Citrix Workspace App 2105 and later
  • Citrix Workspace App 1912 LTSR CU4 and later cumulative updates


Citrix strongly recommends that customers upgrade to a fixed version as soon as possible or check if the version they are running has been automatically updated.


The latest version of Citrix Workspace app for Windows is available from the following Citrix website location:


The latest LTSR version of Citrix Workspace app for Windows is available from the following Citrix website location:


Viel Erfolg :)


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