Vitel 10 Geschrieben 14. Juni 2021 Melden Geschrieben 14. Juni 2021 Hallo zusammen, wir haben bei uns im Haus einen WSUS-Server welcher unsere Server und Clients mit Updates versorgen soll. Nun haben wir festgestellt, dass Server (W2019) welche in einem anderen LAN sind zwar bemerken das es Updates gibt, aber beim Versuch diese herunterzuladen passiert nichts und ich sehe das unsere Firewall die Verbindung blockiert. Wenn ich nun für einen solchen betroffenen Server die Firewall umstelle und http/s-Verbindungen nach extern zulasse, werden die Updates auch heruntergeladen und installiert. In der WSUS-Konsole sehe ich die ganze Zeit, dass die genannten Updates nicht installiert sind, sondern auf offen stehen. Ich habe also die Vermutung, dass die Info über die neue Updates zwar über den WSUS kommen, aber die Server aufgefordert werden diese bei MS herunterzuladen. Wenn ich bei einem der betroffenen Server auf Windows Update gehe und dort auf den Link "Konfigurierte Updaterichtlinien anzeigen" klicke, erscheinen folgende Einträge und die gelb markierten klingen für mich widersprüchlich, aber irgendwie auch nach genau meinem Problem. Siehe angehängtes Bild. ----------- schnipp ------------------------ "Verbindungen mit Windows Update-Internetadressen zulassen" "Keine Verbindungen mit Windows Update-Internetadressen herstellen" ----------- schnapp ------------------------ Habe die GPOs mehrfach durchgeschaut und einiges getestet, aber finde nichts woran es liegen kann. Kann jemand von euch weiterhelfen oder hat einen Tipp was ich prüfen sollte? Grüsse Vitel Zitieren
Sunny61 820 Geschrieben 14. Juni 2021 Melden Geschrieben 14. Juni 2021 Zeig doch mal das komplette GPO für den WSUS, nicht nur den Auszug vom Client. Zitieren
Vitel 10 Geschrieben 14. Juni 2021 Autor Melden Geschrieben 14. Juni 2021 vor 17 Minuten schrieb Sunny61: Zeig doch mal das komplette GPO für den WSUS, nicht nur den Auszug vom Client. Hallo Sunny, danke für die schnelle Reaktion und sehr gerne. Einstellungen sind bei uns in zwei GPOs unterteilt, deshalb die komische Darstellung. Zitieren
Sunny61 820 Geschrieben 14. Juni 2021 Melden Geschrieben 14. Juni 2021 Du kannst beim Alternativen Donwloadserver noch ein drittes Mal deinen WSUS eintragen. Überprüf auch mal ob auch wirklich alle Einstellungen noch aktuell sind. Notfalls für diesen Server ein einzelnes GPO erstellen und so wenig wie möglich einstellen, Schritt für Schritt kann man dann mehr einstellen. Z.B: Zeitplan für geplante Installationen neu erstellen Unterstützt auf: Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP SP2, Windows XP SP1 , Windows 2000 SP4, Windows 2000 SP3 Lustig finde ich auch die Option 4 Installation und Neustart für die Gruppe: Server-keinNeustart :) Wie genau ist denn der WSUS in den Optionen eingestellt? Holt der WSUS das Update von MSFT ab, oder holt jeder Client einzeln ab? Zitieren
Vitel 10 Geschrieben 15. Juni 2021 Autor Melden Geschrieben 15. Juni 2021 Also wenn ich die Einstellung richtig interpretiere, ist es so eingestellt, dass die Updates vom WSUS geholt werden, zumindest ist es das was wir wollen. OK, die Servergruppe sollte man vielleicht mal umbenennen, ist halt gewachsen und die Gruppe wurde nur provisorisch benutzt. ;) Das mit dem alternativen Downloadserver probiere ich aus, wäre zwar entgegen der Beschreibung, aber wenn das zum Ziel führt bin ich glücklich. Aber die Ansicht beim Server mit den zwei widersprüchlichen Aussagen: ----------- schnipp ------------------------ "Verbindungen mit Windows Update-Internetadressen zulassen" "Keine Verbindungen mit Windows Update-Internetadressen herstellen" ----------- schnapp ------------------------ Ist das normal oder wirklich ein Zeichen dafür das was nicht passt mit den GPOs? Zitieren
Sunny61 820 Geschrieben 15. Juni 2021 Melden Geschrieben 15. Juni 2021 vor 13 Minuten schrieb Vitel: Also wenn ich die Einstellung richtig interpretiere, ist es so eingestellt, dass die Updates vom WSUS geholt werden, zumindest ist es das was wir wollen. OK, die Servergruppe sollte man vielleicht mal umbenennen, ist halt gewachsen und die Gruppe wurde nur provisorisch benutzt. ;) Die Einstellung sieht gut aus, Gruppen auf dem WSUS kannst Du in der GUI nicht umbenennen, entweder löschen und neu anlegen, oder in der SUSDB direkt editieren. vor 14 Minuten schrieb Vitel: Aber die Ansicht beim Server mit den zwei widersprüchlichen Aussagen: ----------- schnipp ------------------------ "Verbindungen mit Windows Update-Internetadressen zulassen" "Keine Verbindungen mit Windows Update-Internetadressen herstellen" ----------- schnapp ------------------------ Ist das normal oder wirklich ein Zeichen dafür das was nicht passt mit den GPOs? Probier es aus wie beschrieben, einzelnes GPO nur für dieses Sever, hier dann Stück für Stück einstellen und prüfen. Auch in die Registry schauen, was alles in den Policies ankommt: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate Evtl. hat ja jemand auch per GPEDIT.MSC etwas eingestellt. Zitieren
Vitel 10 Geschrieben 16. Juni 2021 Autor Melden Geschrieben 16. Juni 2021 Ich konnte das ganze jetzt mal wie von dir auch empfohlen in unserer Testumgebung nachstellen. Die GPO "Keine Verbindungen mit Windows Update-Internetadressen herstellen" sorgt dafür, dass bei der Anzeige der Konfigurierten Updaterichtlinien die beiden widersprüchlichen Einträge (Updates vom Internet erlaubt und nicht erlaubt) gesetzt werden. Mein Problem gerade: Auch wenn ich nun die GPO erwische die das Problem für den Download verursacht, probiert der Server nicht weiterhin noch aus dem Internet herunterzuladen oder prüft er jedesmal neu woher er das Update bekommt? Gibt es eine Möglichkeit die Updates zu entfernen, damit er die Downloadaufforderung erneut vom WSUS erhält? Zitieren
Sunny61 820 Geschrieben 16. Juni 2021 Melden Geschrieben 16. Juni 2021 vor 3 Stunden schrieb Vitel: Ich konnte das ganze jetzt mal wie von dir auch empfohlen in unserer Testumgebung nachstellen. Die GPO "Keine Verbindungen mit Windows Update-Internetadressen herstellen" sorgt dafür, dass bei der Anzeige der Konfigurierten Updaterichtlinien die beiden widersprüchlichen Einträge (Updates vom Internet erlaubt und nicht erlaubt) gesetzt werden. OK. vor 3 Stunden schrieb Vitel: Mein Problem gerade: Auch wenn ich nun die GPO erwische die das Problem für den Download verursacht, probiert der Server nicht weiterhin noch aus dem Internet herunterzuladen oder prüft er jedesmal neu woher er das Update bekommt? Wenn Du 3 Einträge für den WSUS machst UND wenn Du DisableDualScan auf 1 setzt, wird Windows Update vom lokalen Windows Update Agent nicht mehr aufgerufen. vor 3 Stunden schrieb Vitel: Gibt es eine Möglichkeit die Updates zu entfernen, damit er die Downloadaufforderung erneut vom WSUS erhält? Solange noch nichts installiert ist, kannst Du natürlich löschen. In einer Admin Commandline: net stop wuauserv rd /s /q %windir%\softwaredistribution net start wuauserv wuauclt /resetauthorization /detectnow 5 Minuten warten wuauctl /reportnow Nach weiteren 5 Minuten die WSUS-Console aktualisieren, jetzt sollte eine aktuellere Uhrzeit vorliegen. BTW: Niemand erhält vom WSUS eine Downloadaufforderung, der lokale Windows Update Agent weiß anhand der Registry Einträge wohin er schauen muss um Updates zu holen. Der WSUS steht nur da und hält sie bereit. Zitieren
Vitel 10 Geschrieben 18. Juni 2021 Autor Melden Geschrieben 18. Juni 2021 Hallo Sunny, hab einiges dank deiner Tipps testen können und bin gefühlt zwar weiter, aber trotzdem nicht näher am Ziel. Es ist jetzt aktuell so, dass wenn der Server im gleichen Subnet ist wie der WSUS die Updates empfangen werden können (auch wenn ich dem Client das Internet sperre). Wenn der Server hingegen im richtigen Subnet ist in welchem die Server keinen Internetzugriff haben, werden die Updates nicht heruntergeladen, wenn ich in dem Subnet für den Server das Internet freigebe, funktioniert es. An unserer Hardwarefirewall welche zwischen den Subnetzen hängt, habe ich alle Ports freigeschaltet zwischen den betroffenen IPs und auch die Windowsfirewall habe ich abgeschaltet zum testen. Leider unverändert. Habe mal das Log des Servers angehängt, vielleicht entdeckst du hier etwas was mir weiterhilft. 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5659391 5388 2232 Shared UninitializeSUS 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5659432 5388 2232 Misc CSusClientGlobal::DoServicePreShutdown 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5659448 5388 2232 IdleTimer Idle timer disabled in preparation for service shutdown 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5659486 5388 2232 Misc WUTaskManager uninit 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5659533 5388 2232 Agent Earliest future timer found: 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5659600 5388 2232 Agent Timer: 29A863E7-8609-4D1E-B7CD-5668F857F1DB, Expires 2021-06-19 09:19:01, not idle-only, not network-only 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5700838 5388 2232 Misc CreateSessionStateChangeTrigger, TYPE:2, Enable:No 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5700878 5388 2232 Misc CreateSessionStateChangeTrigger, TYPE:4, Enable:No 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5866878 5388 2232 Misc Agent uninit 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5925975 5388 2232 Agent Effective power state: AC; IsOnAC: Yes. 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5926062 5388 2232 IdleTimer WU operation (DL.UpdateOrchestrator, operation # 54) stopped; does use network; is not at background priority 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5926089 5388 2232 Agent Released network PDC reference for callId {3C992721-DE93-452D-8860-70F69E50F119}; ActivationID: 54 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5931600 3428 5732 ComApi *RESUMED* Download ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5931626 3428 5732 ComApi *FAILED* [8024001E] Download call for ClientId UpdateOrchestrator 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5931672 3428 5732 ComApi ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator: Exit code = 0x00000000; Call error code = 0x8024001E 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5931681 3428 5732 ComApi * END * Download ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5931836 5388 2232 Agent WU client calls back to download call {3C992721-DE93-452D-8860-70F69E50F119} with code Call failed and error 0x8024001e 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5933600 3428 1908 ComApi Download call complete (succeeded = 0, succeeded with errors = 0, failed = 1, cancelled = 0, unaccounted = 0) 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5933654 3428 1908 ComApi * END * All federated downloads have completed. ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator (cV = yfCSQsy6MESYtLRs.6.1) 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5935433 5388 2232 Agent Effective power state: AC; IsOnAC: Yes. 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5935522 5388 2232 IdleTimer WU operation (DL.UpdateOrchestrator, operation # 63) stopped; does use network; is not at background priority 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5935545 5388 2232 Agent Released network PDC reference for callId {3596ECFE-7C3E-4E73-83D8-506F7CC012BF}; ActivationID: 63 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5940914 3428 5732 ComApi *RESUMED* Download ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5940935 3428 5732 ComApi *FAILED* [8024001E] Download call for ClientId UpdateOrchestrator 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5940973 3428 5732 ComApi ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator: Exit code = 0x00000000; Call error code = 0x8024001E 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5941257 3428 5732 ComApi * END * Download ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5941503 5388 2232 Agent WU client calls back to download call {3596ECFE-7C3E-4E73-83D8-506F7CC012BF} with code Call failed and error 0x8024001e 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5943758 5388 2232 Agent Effective power state: AC; IsOnAC: Yes. 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5943815 5388 2232 IdleTimer WU operation (DL.UpdateOrchestrator, operation # 57) stopped; does use network; is not at background priority 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5943838 5388 2232 Agent Released network PDC reference for callId {CEF827D9-ECF7-4D10-86F8-6D75BF6F8650}; ActivationID: 57 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5943882 3428 3396 ComApi Download call complete (succeeded = 0, succeeded with errors = 0, failed = 1, cancelled = 0, unaccounted = 0) 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5943930 3428 3396 ComApi * END * All federated downloads have completed. ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator (cV = yfCSQsy6MESYtLRs.8.1) 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5947158 3428 5732 ComApi *RESUMED* Download ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5947178 3428 5732 ComApi *FAILED* [8024001E] Download call for ClientId UpdateOrchestrator 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5947216 3428 5732 ComApi ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator: Exit code = 0x00000000; Call error code = 0x8024001E 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5947225 3428 5732 ComApi * END * Download ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5947357 5388 2232 Agent WU client calls back to download call {CEF827D9-ECF7-4D10-86F8-6D75BF6F8650} with code Call failed and error 0x8024001e 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5948312 3428 6116 ComApi Download call complete (succeeded = 0, succeeded with errors = 0, failed = 1, cancelled = 0, unaccounted = 0) 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5948367 3428 6116 ComApi * END * All federated downloads have completed. ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator (cV = yfCSQsy6MESYtLRs.10.1) 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5949804 5388 2232 Agent Effective power state: AC; IsOnAC: Yes. 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5949855 5388 2232 IdleTimer WU operation (DL.UpdateOrchestrator, operation # 62) stopped; does use network; is not at background priority 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5949875 5388 2232 Agent Released network PDC reference for callId {DA0AB00A-C4E0-46A0-8F53-0F96B049ECD8}; ActivationID: 62 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5951948 3428 5732 ComApi *RESUMED* Download ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5951968 3428 5732 ComApi *FAILED* [8024001E] Download call for ClientId UpdateOrchestrator 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5952004 3428 5732 ComApi ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator: Exit code = 0x00000000; Call error code = 0x8024001E 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5952013 3428 5732 ComApi * END * Download ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5952147 5388 2232 Agent WU client calls back to download call {DA0AB00A-C4E0-46A0-8F53-0F96B049ECD8} with code Call failed and error 0x8024001e 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5952998 5388 2232 Agent Effective power state: AC; IsOnAC: Yes. 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5953074 5388 2232 IdleTimer WU operation (DL.UpdateOrchestrator, operation # 61) stopped; does use network; is not at background priority 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5953102 5388 2232 Agent Released network PDC reference for callId {3995BA77-E43C-4A28-BA49-C96A148786A7}; ActivationID: 61 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5954109 3428 6968 ComApi Download call complete (succeeded = 0, succeeded with errors = 0, failed = 1, cancelled = 0, unaccounted = 0) 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5954361 3428 6968 ComApi * END * All federated downloads have completed. ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator (cV = yfCSQsy6MESYtLRs.7.1) 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5957284 3428 5732 ComApi *RESUMED* Download ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5957302 3428 5732 ComApi *FAILED* [8024001E] Download call for ClientId UpdateOrchestrator 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5957338 3428 5732 ComApi ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator: Exit code = 0x00000000; Call error code = 0x8024001E 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5957348 3428 5732 ComApi * END * Download ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5957480 5388 2232 Agent WU client calls back to download call {3995BA77-E43C-4A28-BA49-C96A148786A7} with code Call failed and error 0x8024001e 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5958136 3428 4048 ComApi Download call complete (succeeded = 0, succeeded with errors = 0, failed = 1, cancelled = 0, unaccounted = 0) 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5958184 3428 4048 ComApi * END * All federated downloads have completed. ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator (cV = yfCSQsy6MESYtLRs.9.1) 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5958663 5388 2232 Agent Sending shutdown notification to client 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5960732 5388 2232 Agent Sending shutdown notification to client 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5961910 5388 2232 Agent Sending shutdown notification to client 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5962981 5388 2232 Agent Sending shutdown notification to client 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5964056 5388 2232 Agent Sending shutdown notification to client 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5965115 5388 2232 Agent Sending shutdown notification to client 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5966258 5388 2232 Agent Sending shutdown notification to client 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5967579 5388 2232 Agent Sending shutdown notification to client 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5968779 5388 2232 Agent Sending shutdown notification to client 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5969777 5388 2232 Agent Sending shutdown notification to client 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5970743 5388 2232 Agent Sending shutdown notification to client 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5971712 5388 2232 Agent Sending shutdown notification to client 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5972661 5388 2232 Agent Sending shutdown notification to client 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5995516 5388 2232 Misc Reporter uninit 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5998088 5388 2232 Misc network cost manager uninit 2021.06.18 15:11:18.5998164 5388 2232 Misc Eventer uninit 2021.06.18 15:11:19.6139237 5388 2232 Misc ServiceManager uninit 2021.06.18 15:11:19.6139816 5388 2232 Misc PersistentTimeoutScheduler uninit 2021.06.18 15:11:19.6139834 5388 2232 Misc datastore uninit 2021.06.18 15:11:19.6477672 5388 2232 Misc setting cache uninit 2021.06.18 15:11:19.6477701 5388 2232 Misc security checker uninit 2021.06.18 15:11:19.6477733 5388 2232 Misc Test Hook uninit 2021.06.18 15:11:19.6477743 5388 2232 Misc IdleTimer uninit 2021.06.18 15:11:19.6489281 5388 2232 Shared * END * Service exit Exit code = 0x240001 2021.06.18 15:11:20.6191269 5560 4472 Shared InitializeSus 2021.06.18 15:11:20.6194219 5560 4472 IdleTimer Non-AoAc machine. Aoac operations will be ignored. 2021.06.18 15:11:20.6194946 5560 4472 Agent WU client version 10.0.17763.1007 2021.06.18 15:11:20.6196754 5560 4472 Agent SleepStudyTracker: Machine is non-AOAC. Sleep study tracker disabled. 2021.06.18 15:11:20.6197196 5560 4472 Agent Base directory: C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution 2021.06.18 15:11:20.6200613 5560 4472 Agent Datastore directory: C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\DataStore\DataStore.edb 2021.06.18 15:11:20.6206178 5560 4472 DataStore JetEnableMultiInstance succeeded - applicable param count: 5, applied param count: 5 2021.06.18 15:11:20.6387925 5560 4472 Shared UpdateNetworkState Ipv6, cNetworkInterfaces = 0. 2021.06.18 15:11:20.6389389 5560 4472 Shared UpdateNetworkState Ipv4, cNetworkInterfaces = 1. 2021.06.18 15:11:20.6398428 5560 4472 Shared Network state: Connected 2021.06.18 15:11:20.6737664 5560 4472 Misc *FAILED* [8024000C] LoadHistoryEventFromRegistry completed 2021.06.18 15:11:20.6745436 5560 4472 Shared UpdateNetworkState Ipv6, cNetworkInterfaces = 0. 2021.06.18 15:11:20.6745500 5560 4472 Shared UpdateNetworkState Ipv4, cNetworkInterfaces = 1. 2021.06.18 15:11:20.6745547 5560 4472 Shared Power status changed 2021.06.18 15:11:20.6772216 5560 4472 Agent Initializing global settings cache 2021.06.18 15:11:20.6772230 5560 4472 Agent WSUS server: 2021.06.18 15:11:20.6772241 5560 4472 Agent WSUS status server: 2021.06.18 15:11:20.6772302 5560 4472 Agent Alternate Download Server: 2021.06.18 15:11:20.6772313 5560 4472 Agent Fill Empty Content Urls: No 2021.06.18 15:11:20.6772322 5560 4472 Agent Target group: Server-keinNeustart 2021.06.18 15:11:20.6772330 5560 4472 Agent Windows Update access disabled: No 2021.06.18 15:11:20.6772340 5560 4472 Agent Do not connect to Windows Update Internet locations: No 2021.06.18 15:11:20.6782034 5560 4472 Agent Timer: 29A863E7-8609-4D1E-B7CD-5668F857F1DB, Expires 2021-06-19 09:19:01, not idle-only, not network-only 2021.06.18 15:11:20.6819983 5560 6988 Agent Initializing Windows Update Agent 2021.06.18 15:11:20.6827004 5560 6988 Agent Found 5 persisted download calls to restore 2021.06.18 15:11:20.6858898 5560 6988 Agent *FAILED* [80070057] Method failed [CClientCallRecorder::LoadPersistedDownloadCalls:6247] 2021.06.18 15:11:20.6861595 5560 6988 DownloadManager Retrieved 31 persisted download jobs 2021.06.18 15:11:20.6876931 5560 6988 DownloadManager Restoring the download job no. 14: DO job: JobID=7D83BA74-2C6C-41B0-BA94-C8647CFF914D. 2021.06.18 15:11:20.6877381 5560 6988 DownloadManager JobId = {7D83BA74-2C6C-41B0-BA94-C8647CFF914D}, ServiceId = {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D} 2021.06.18 15:11:20.6881245 5560 6988 DownloadManager UpdateId = F7C6562B-E997-4FAE-B4FA-2CDD9A827D50.200, SessionData = (null) 2021.06.18 15:11:20.6881684 5560 6988 Reporter OS Product Type = 0x00000008 2021.06.18 15:11:20.7007490 5560 6988 DownloadManager Restored download job. 2021.06.18 15:11:20.7015339 5560 6988 DownloadManager Job 7D83BA74-2C6C-41B0-BA94-C8647CFF914D is not expired (calculated) 2021.06.18 15:11:20.7019719 5560 6988 DownloadManager Restoring the download job no. 16: DO job: JobID=1B47CD82-E033-48F6-A2B8-4CBF854CAE10. 2021.06.18 15:11:20.7019781 5560 6988 DownloadManager JobId = {1B47CD82-E033-48F6-A2B8-4CBF854CAE10}, ServiceId = {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D} 2021.06.18 15:11:20.7021908 5560 6988 DownloadManager UpdateId = 85B02006-FBEB-4BFE-8336-782DE7A72251.200, SessionData = (null) 2021.06.18 15:11:20.7032393 5560 6988 DownloadManager Restored download job. 2021.06.18 15:11:20.7035455 5560 6988 DownloadManager Job 1B47CD82-E033-48F6-A2B8-4CBF854CAE10 is not expired (calculated) 2021.06.18 15:11:20.7048763 5560 6988 Agent CPersistentTimeoutScheduler | GetTimer, returned hr = 0x00000000 2021.06.18 15:11:20.7053355 5560 4472 IdleTimer IdleTimer::NetworkStateChanged. Network connected? Yes 2021.06.18 15:11:20.7822976 5560 2832 DownloadManager Received power state change notification: Old: <unknown>; New: AC. 2021.06.18 15:11:20.7824369 5560 2832 DownloadManager Regulation: {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D} - Loaded sequence number 65535 for regulation category PerUpdate. 2021.06.18 15:11:20.7824390 5560 2832 DownloadManager Regulation: {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D} - Loaded sequence number 65535 for regulation category Low. 2021.06.18 15:11:20.7824409 5560 2832 DownloadManager Regulation: {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D} - Loaded sequence number 65535 for regulation category Normal. 2021.06.18 15:11:20.7825052 5560 2832 DownloadManager Regulation: {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D} - Loaded sequence number 65535 for regulation category High. 2021.06.18 15:11:20.7890884 5560 2832 DownloadManager Power state changed from <unknown> to AC. 2021.06.18 15:11:23.3170120 5560 4472 Shared UninitializeSUS 2021.06.18 15:11:23.3170137 5560 4472 Misc CSusClientGlobal::DoServicePreShutdown 2021.06.18 15:11:23.3170154 5560 4472 IdleTimer Idle timer disabled in preparation for service shutdown 2021.06.18 15:11:23.3170224 5560 4472 Misc WUTaskManager uninit 2021.06.18 15:11:23.3170244 5560 4472 Agent Earliest future timer found: 2021.06.18 15:11:23.3170312 5560 4472 Agent Timer: 29A863E7-8609-4D1E-B7CD-5668F857F1DB, Expires 2021-06-19 09:19:01, not idle-only, not network-only 2021.06.18 15:11:23.3206447 5560 4472 Misc CreateSessionStateChangeTrigger, TYPE:2, Enable:No 2021.06.18 15:11:23.3206484 5560 4472 Misc CreateSessionStateChangeTrigger, TYPE:4, Enable:No 2021.06.18 15:11:23.3225858 5560 4472 Misc Agent uninit 2021.06.18 15:11:23.3252140 5560 4472 Misc Reporter uninit 2021.06.18 15:11:23.3252612 5560 4472 Misc network cost manager uninit 2021.06.18 15:11:23.3252694 5560 4472 Misc Eventer uninit 2021.06.18 15:11:24.3330908 5560 4472 Misc ServiceManager uninit 2021.06.18 15:11:24.3331316 5560 4472 Misc PersistentTimeoutScheduler uninit 2021.06.18 15:11:24.3331337 5560 4472 Misc datastore uninit 2021.06.18 15:11:24.3699278 5560 4472 Misc setting cache uninit 2021.06.18 15:11:24.3699321 5560 4472 Misc security checker uninit 2021.06.18 15:11:24.3699353 5560 4472 Misc Test Hook uninit 2021.06.18 15:11:24.3699366 5560 4472 Misc IdleTimer uninit 2021.06.18 15:11:24.3701730 5560 4472 Shared * END * Service exit Exit code = 0x240001 2021.06.18 15:11:31.6862278 1456 6124 Shared InitializeSus 2021.06.18 15:11:31.6869098 1456 6124 IdleTimer Non-AoAc machine. Aoac operations will be ignored. 2021.06.18 15:11:31.6869751 1456 6124 Agent WU client version 10.0.17763.1007 2021.06.18 15:11:31.6871541 1456 6124 Agent SleepStudyTracker: Machine is non-AOAC. Sleep study tracker disabled. 2021.06.18 15:11:31.6872005 1456 6124 Agent Base directory: C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution 2021.06.18 15:11:31.6875061 1456 6124 Agent Datastore directory: C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\DataStore\DataStore.edb 2021.06.18 15:11:31.6883422 1456 6124 DataStore JetEnableMultiInstance succeeded - applicable param count: 5, applied param count: 5 2021.06.18 15:11:31.7069299 1456 6124 Shared UpdateNetworkState Ipv6, cNetworkInterfaces = 0. 2021.06.18 15:11:31.7070711 1456 6124 Shared UpdateNetworkState Ipv4, cNetworkInterfaces = 1. 2021.06.18 15:11:31.7080232 1456 6124 Shared Network state: Connected 2021.06.18 15:11:31.7355423 1456 6124 Misc *FAILED* [8024000C] LoadHistoryEventFromRegistry completed 2021.06.18 15:11:31.7356497 1456 6124 Shared UpdateNetworkState Ipv6, cNetworkInterfaces = 0. 2021.06.18 15:11:31.7356557 1456 6124 Shared UpdateNetworkState Ipv4, cNetworkInterfaces = 1. 2021.06.18 15:11:31.7356612 1456 6124 Shared Power status changed 2021.06.18 15:11:31.7380160 1456 6124 Agent Initializing global settings cache 2021.06.18 15:11:31.7380174 1456 6124 Agent WSUS server: 2021.06.18 15:11:31.7380187 1456 6124 Agent WSUS status server: 2021.06.18 15:11:31.7380291 1456 6124 Agent Alternate Download Server: 2021.06.18 15:11:31.7380303 1456 6124 Agent Fill Empty Content Urls: No 2021.06.18 15:11:31.7380312 1456 6124 Agent Target group: Server-keinNeustart 2021.06.18 15:11:31.7380320 1456 6124 Agent Windows Update access disabled: No 2021.06.18 15:11:31.7380330 1456 6124 Agent Do not connect to Windows Update Internet locations: No 2021.06.18 15:11:31.7389485 1456 6124 Agent Timer: 29A863E7-8609-4D1E-B7CD-5668F857F1DB, Expires 2021-06-19 09:19:01, not idle-only, not network-only 2021.06.18 15:11:31.7422386 1456 6124 Agent Initializing Windows Update Agent 2021.06.18 15:11:31.7429123 1456 6124 Agent Found 5 persisted download calls to restore 2021.06.18 15:11:31.7451254 1456 6124 Agent *FAILED* [80070057] Method failed [CClientCallRecorder::LoadPersistedDownloadCalls:6247] 2021.06.18 15:11:31.7453279 1456 6124 DownloadManager Retrieved 31 persisted download jobs 2021.06.18 15:11:31.7463858 1456 6124 DownloadManager Restoring the download job no. 14: DO job: JobID=7D83BA74-2C6C-41B0-BA94-C8647CFF914D. 2021.06.18 15:11:31.7464182 1456 6124 DownloadManager JobId = {7D83BA74-2C6C-41B0-BA94-C8647CFF914D}, ServiceId = {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D} 2021.06.18 15:11:31.7466752 1456 6124 DownloadManager UpdateId = F7C6562B-E997-4FAE-B4FA-2CDD9A827D50.200, SessionData = (null) 2021.06.18 15:11:31.7467115 1456 6124 Reporter OS Product Type = 0x00000008 2021.06.18 15:11:31.7565642 1456 6124 DownloadManager Restored download job. 2021.06.18 15:11:31.7573344 1456 6124 DownloadManager Job 7D83BA74-2C6C-41B0-BA94-C8647CFF914D is not expired (calculated) 2021.06.18 15:11:31.7577926 1456 6124 DownloadManager Restoring the download job no. 16: DO job: JobID=1B47CD82-E033-48F6-A2B8-4CBF854CAE10. 2021.06.18 15:11:31.7577986 1456 6124 DownloadManager JobId = {1B47CD82-E033-48F6-A2B8-4CBF854CAE10}, ServiceId = {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D} 2021.06.18 15:11:31.7579960 1456 6124 DownloadManager UpdateId = 85B02006-FBEB-4BFE-8336-782DE7A72251.200, SessionData = (null) 2021.06.18 15:11:31.7590685 1456 6124 DownloadManager Restored download job. 2021.06.18 15:11:31.7593803 1456 6124 DownloadManager Job 1B47CD82-E033-48F6-A2B8-4CBF854CAE10 is not expired (calculated) 2021.06.18 15:11:31.7606894 1456 6124 Agent CPersistentTimeoutScheduler | GetTimer, returned hr = 0x00000000 2021.06.18 15:11:31.7611281 1456 6124 IdleTimer IdleTimer::NetworkStateChanged. Network connected? Yes 2021.06.18 15:11:31.7630414 1456 1376 DownloadManager Received power state change notification: Old: <unknown>; New: AC. 2021.06.18 15:11:31.7631125 1456 1376 DownloadManager Regulation: {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D} - Loaded sequence number 65535 for regulation category PerUpdate. 2021.06.18 15:11:31.7631144 1456 1376 DownloadManager Regulation: {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D} - Loaded sequence number 65535 for regulation category Low. 2021.06.18 15:11:31.7631162 1456 1376 DownloadManager Regulation: {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D} - Loaded sequence number 65535 for regulation category Normal. 2021.06.18 15:11:31.7631463 1456 1376 DownloadManager Regulation: {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D} - Loaded sequence number 65535 for regulation category High. 2021.06.18 15:11:31.7666918 1456 1376 DownloadManager Power state changed from <unknown> to AC. 2021.06.18 15:11:38.1614217 3428 4640 ComApi IUpdateServiceManager::AddService2 2021.06.18 15:11:38.1614235 3428 4640 ComApi Service ID = {7971f918-a847-4430-9279-4a52d1efe18d} 2021.06.18 15:11:38.1614252 3428 4640 ComApi Allow pending registration = Yes; Allow online registration = Yes; Register service with AU = Yes 2021.06.18 15:11:38.1661072 3428 4640 ComApi Added service, URL = 2021.06.18 15:11:38.1679391 3428 4640 ComApi * START * Federated Search ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator (cV: 7g2NdzFhp0KPfrXD.1.1.0) 2021.06.18 15:11:38.1692720 1456 932 IdleTimer WU operation (SR.UpdateOrchestrator ID 6) started; operation # 11; does use network; is not at background priority 2021.06.18 15:11:38.1763726 1456 7136 IdleTimer WU operation (SR.UpdateOrchestrator ID 6, operation # 11) stopped; does use network; is not at background priority 2021.06.18 15:11:38.1800125 3428 5636 ComApi Federated Search: Starting search against 1 service(s) (cV = 7g2NdzFhp0KPfrXD.1.1.0) 2021.06.18 15:11:38.1801014 3428 5636 ComApi * START * Search ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator, ServiceId = 3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7, Flags: 0X40010010 (cV = 7g2NdzFhp0KPfrXD. 2021.06.18 15:11:38.1811503 1456 932 IdleTimer WU operation (CSearchCall::Init ID 7) started; operation # 14; does use network; is not at background priority 2021.06.18 15:11:38.1961411 1456 932 Agent * START * Queueing Finding updates [CallerId = UpdateOrchestrator Id = 7] 2021.06.18 15:11:38.1961485 1456 932 Agent Service 3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7 is not in sequential scan list 2021.06.18 15:11:38.1961522 1456 932 Agent Added service 3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7 to sequential scan list 2021.06.18 15:11:38.1963596 1456 5980 Agent Service 3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7 is in sequential scan list 2021.06.18 15:11:38.2035066 1456 2820 Agent * END * Queueing Finding updates [CallerId = UpdateOrchestrator Id = 7] 2021.06.18 15:11:38.2105120 1456 2820 Agent * START * Finding updates CallerId = UpdateOrchestrator Id = 7 (cV = 7g2NdzFhp0KPfrXD. 2021.06.18 15:11:38.2105148 1456 2820 Agent Online = Yes; Interactive = Yes; AllowCachedResults = No; Ignore download priority = No 2021.06.18 15:11:38.2105182 1456 2820 Agent Criteria = IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Installation' or IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='OptionalInstallation' or IsPresent=1 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' or IsInstalled=1 and DeploymentAction='Installation' and RebootRequired=1 or IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and RebootRequired=1"" 2021.06.18 15:11:38.2105223 1456 2820 Agent ServiceID = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7} Managed 2021.06.18 15:11:38.2105231 1456 2820 Agent Search Scope = {Machine} 2021.06.18 15:11:38.2105261 1456 2820 Agent Caller SID for Applicability: S-1-5-21-527237240-926492609-839522115-14756 2021.06.18 15:11:38.2105269 1456 2820 Agent ProcessDriverDeferrals is set 2021.06.18 15:11:38.2372704 1456 2820 Misc Got WSUS Client/Server URL:"" 2021.06.18 15:11:38.2416303 1456 2820 Driver Skipping printer driver 2 due to incomplete info or mismatched environment - HWID[(null)] Provider[Microsoft] MfgName[Microsoft] Name[Remote Desktop Easy Print] pEnvironment[Windows x64] LocalPrintServerEnv[Windows x64] 2021.06.18 15:11:38.2416345 1456 2820 Driver Skipping printer driver 4 due to incomplete info or mismatched environment - HWID[microsoftmicrosoft_musd] Provider[Microsoft] MfgName[Microsoft] Name[Microsoft enhanced Point and Print compatibility driver] pEnvironment[Windows NT x86] LocalPrintServerEnv[Windows x64] 2021.06.18 15:11:38.3870977 1456 2820 ProtocolTalker ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}, Server URL = 2021.06.18 15:11:38.3872432 1456 2820 ProtocolTalker OK to reuse existing configuration 2021.06.18 15:11:38.3872526 1456 2820 ProtocolTalker Cached cookie has expired or new PID is available 2021.06.18 15:11:38.3872662 1456 2820 Misc Got WSUS SimpleTargeting URL:"" 2021.06.18 15:11:38.3882631 1456 2820 IdleTimer WU operation (CAuthorizationCookieWrapper::InitializeSimpleTargetingCookie) started; operation # 15; does use network; is at background priority 2021.06.18 15:11:38.3882668 1456 2820 ProtocolTalker Initializing simple targeting cookie, clientId = d5e0fbd0-6e1f-4236-8bcc-c924ab8d07e5, target group = Server-keinNeustart, DNS name = 2021.06.18 15:11:38.3882682 1456 2820 ProtocolTalker Server URL = 2021.06.18 15:11:38.3883117 1456 2820 WebServices Auto proxy settings for this web service call. 2021.06.18 15:11:38.4019918 1456 2820 IdleTimer WU operation (CAuthorizationCookieWrapper::InitializeSimpleTargetingCookie, operation # 15) stopped; does use network; is at background priority 2021.06.18 15:11:38.4021422 1456 2820 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::GetCookie_WithRecovery) started; operation # 16; does use network; is at background priority 2021.06.18 15:11:38.4021694 1456 2820 WebServices Auto proxy settings for this web service call. 2021.06.18 15:11:38.4073625 1456 2820 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::GetCookie_WithRecovery, operation # 16) stopped; does use network; is at background priority 2021.06.18 15:11:38.4073791 1456 2820 ProtocolTalker PTInfo: Server requested registration 2021.06.18 15:11:38.9885797 1456 2820 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::SyncUpdates_WithRecover) started; operation # 17; does use network; is at background priority 2021.06.18 15:11:39.0098450 1456 2820 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::SyncUpdates_WithRecover, operation # 17) stopped; does use network; is at background priority 2021.06.18 15:11:39.0302481 1456 2820 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::SyncUpdates_WithRecover) started; operation # 18; does use network; is at background priority 2021.06.18 15:11:39.0346805 1456 2820 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::SyncUpdates_WithRecover, operation # 18) stopped; does use network; is at background priority 2021.06.18 15:11:39.0346889 1456 2820 ProtocolTalker SyncUpdates round trips: 2 2021.06.18 15:11:40.1127718 1456 2820 Agent Added update 33A64099-BA99-4E7F-A2D7-CF7D7FC4029F.200 to search result 2021.06.18 15:11:40.1127760 1456 2820 Agent Added update 89E11227-761B-4396-BF37-37A2B641FA84.202 to search result 2021.06.18 15:11:40.1127791 1456 2820 Agent Update 476F53EC-7263-44FA-95B2-5169E6570241.202 is pruned out due to potential supersedence 2021.06.18 15:11:40.1127822 1456 2820 Agent Added update 653D9055-3E8C-4182-ACA5-11400208964D.200 to search result 2021.06.18 15:11:40.1127851 1456 2820 Agent Added update 69E10B3F-CD2E-4E03-AC71-5427A027E84C.200 to search result 2021.06.18 15:11:40.1127879 1456 2820 Agent Update 10404DBD-6C00-4C8D-9CCD-254B0F3C7307.200 is pruned out due to potential supersedence 2021.06.18 15:11:40.1128109 1456 2820 Agent Added update 8382C2FF-7E72-475A-8ACC-8657604735A9.200 to search result 2021.06.18 15:11:40.1128327 1456 2820 Agent Found 5 updates and 100 categories in search; evaluated appl. rules of 652 out of 1163 deployed entities 2021.06.18 15:11:40.1375873 1456 2820 DataStore Failed to find update with global id of 7A6CEA6D-E07E-4B2A-9209-C4151E332E99.200 (sessiondata = (null)) 2021.06.18 15:11:40.1378888 1456 2820 Agent * END * Finding updates CallerId = UpdateOrchestrator, Id = 7, Exit code = 0x00000000 (cV = 7g2NdzFhp0KPfrXD. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.1389657 1456 2820 IdleTimer WU operation (CSearchCall::Init ID 7, operation # 14) stopped; does use network; is not at background priority 2021.06.18 15:11:40.1512683 3428 3312 ComApi *RESUMED* Search ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator, ServiceId = 3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7 (cV = 7g2NdzFhp0KPfrXD. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3048984 3428 3312 ComApi * END * Search ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator, Updates found = 5, ServiceId = 3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7 (cV = 7g2NdzFhp0KPfrXD. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3050859 3428 5636 ComApi * END * All federated searches have completed. Jobs = 1, Succeeded = 1, ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator (cV = 7g2NdzFhp0KPfrXD.1.1.1) 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3561359 3428 4640 ComApi * START * Federated Download ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator (cV = yfCSQsy6MESYtLRs.11.0) 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3563545 3428 4640 ComApi * START * Federated Download ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator (cV = yfCSQsy6MESYtLRs.12.0) 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3565550 3428 4640 ComApi * START * Federated Download ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator (cV = yfCSQsy6MESYtLRs.13.0) 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3567728 3428 4640 ComApi * START * Federated Download ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator (cV = yfCSQsy6MESYtLRs.14.0) 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3569679 3428 4640 ComApi * START * Federated Download ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator (cV = yfCSQsy6MESYtLRs.15.0) 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3578599 3428 6612 ComApi Federated Download: Starting download for 1 service(s) (cV = yfCSQsy6MESYtLRs.11.0) 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3579616 3428 6612 ComApi * START * Download ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3579633 3428 6612 ComApi Flags: 0X1900C; Download priority: 3; Network Cost Policy: 0 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3579642 3428 6612 ComApi Updates in request: 1 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3579720 3428 6612 ComApi ServiceID = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7} Managed 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3582323 3428 304 ComApi Federated Download: Starting download for 1 service(s) (cV = yfCSQsy6MESYtLRs.12.0) 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3583404 3428 304 ComApi * START * Download ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3583428 3428 304 ComApi Flags: 0X1900C; Download priority: 3; Network Cost Policy: 0 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3583439 3428 304 ComApi Updates in request: 1 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3583514 3428 304 ComApi ServiceID = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7} Managed 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3585622 3428 1296 ComApi Federated Download: Starting download for 1 service(s) (cV = yfCSQsy6MESYtLRs.13.0) 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3585979 3428 5760 ComApi Federated Download: Starting download for 1 service(s) (cV = yfCSQsy6MESYtLRs.14.0) 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3586541 3428 1296 ComApi * START * Download ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3586558 3428 1296 ComApi Flags: 0X1900C; Download priority: 3; Network Cost Policy: 0 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3586567 3428 1296 ComApi Updates in request: 1 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3586643 3428 1296 ComApi ServiceID = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7} Managed 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3586833 3428 5760 ComApi * START * Download ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3586848 3428 5760 ComApi Flags: 0X1900C; Download priority: 3; Network Cost Policy: 0 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3586857 3428 5760 ComApi Updates in request: 1 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3586928 3428 5760 ComApi ServiceID = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7} Managed 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3589436 3428 4740 ComApi Federated Download: Starting download for 1 service(s) (cV = yfCSQsy6MESYtLRs.15.0) 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3590098 3428 4740 ComApi * START * Download ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3590149 3428 4740 ComApi Flags: 0X1900C; Download priority: 3; Network Cost Policy: 0 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3590159 3428 4740 ComApi Updates in request: 1 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3590230 3428 4740 ComApi ServiceID = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7} Managed 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3625432 1456 1376 Agent Effective power state: AC; IsOnAC: Yes. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3625524 1456 1376 IdleTimer WU operation (DL.UpdateOrchestrator) started; operation # 48; does use network; is not at background priority 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3625561 1456 1376 Agent Obtained a network PDC reference for callID {12E52C6D-E756-408D-B838-450000B6CF10} with No-Progress-Timeout set to 4294967295; ActivationID: 48. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3631726 3428 6612 ComApi *QUEUED* Download ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3638864 3428 4740 ComApi *QUEUED* Download ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3641177 3428 5760 ComApi *QUEUED* Download ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3644842 3428 304 ComApi *QUEUED* Download ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3644863 1456 1376 DownloadManager * START * Begin Downloading Updates [CallerId = UpdateOrchestrator] [Call ID = {12E52C6D-E756-408D-B838-450000B6CF10}] 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3644914 1456 1376 DownloadManager Priority = 3, NetworkCostPolicy = 0, Interactive = 1, Download on Battery = 1, Bypass Regulation = 1, Owner is system = 1, Proxy session id = 2, ServiceId = 3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3644925 1456 1376 DownloadManager Updates to download = 1 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3644972 1456 1376 Agent Title = Sicherheitsupdate f??r Windows Server 2019 f??r x64-basierte Systeme (KB4535680) 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3645005 1456 1376 Agent UpdateId = 33A64099-BA99-4E7F-A2D7-CF7D7FC4029F.200 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3645013 1456 1376 Agent Bundles 1 updates: 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3645038 1456 1376 Agent B4C1E416-40D5-4791-AD50-44D88A33EEC6.200 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3646099 1456 1376 DownloadManager Regulation: {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7} - Loaded sequence number 65535 for regulation category PerUpdate. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3646118 1456 1376 DownloadManager Regulation: {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7} - Loaded sequence number 65535 for regulation category Low. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3646136 1456 1376 DownloadManager Regulation: {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7} - Loaded sequence number 65535 for regulation category Normal. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3646153 1456 1376 DownloadManager Regulation: {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7} - Loaded sequence number 65535 for regulation category High. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3650071 3428 1296 ComApi *QUEUED* Download ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3668456 1456 1376 DownloadManager Queueing update B4C1E416-40D5-4791-AD50-44D88A33EEC6.200 for download handler request generation. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3670297 1456 1376 Agent Effective power state: AC; IsOnAC: Yes. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3670348 1456 1376 IdleTimer WU operation (DL.UpdateOrchestrator, operation # 48) stopped; does use network; is not at background priority 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3670369 1456 1376 Agent Released network PDC reference for callId {12E52C6D-E756-408D-B838-450000B6CF10}; ActivationID: 48 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3670713 1456 1376 IdleTimer WU operation (DL.UpdateOrchestrator) started; operation # 53; does use network; is not at background priority 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3670758 1456 1376 Agent Obtained a network PDC reference for callID {12E52C6D-E756-408D-B838-450000B6CF10} with No-Progress-Timeout set to 4294967295; ActivationID: 53. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3679246 1456 1376 DownloadManager * END * Begin Downloading Updates [CallerId = UpdateOrchestrator] [Call ID = {12E52C6D-E756-408D-B838-450000B6CF10}] [hr = 0x00000000] 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3679294 1456 1376 Agent Effective power state: AC; IsOnAC: Yes. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3679366 1456 1376 IdleTimer WU operation (DL.UpdateOrchestrator) started; operation # 54; does use network; is not at background priority 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3679398 1456 1376 Agent Obtained a network PDC reference for callID {C934317B-A97F-413E-8579-5037922D8827} with No-Progress-Timeout set to 4294967295; ActivationID: 54. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3706146 1456 1376 DownloadManager * START * Begin Downloading Updates [CallerId = UpdateOrchestrator] [Call ID = {C934317B-A97F-413E-8579-5037922D8827}] 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3706198 1456 1376 DownloadManager Priority = 3, NetworkCostPolicy = 0, Interactive = 1, Download on Battery = 1, Bypass Regulation = 1, Owner is system = 1, Proxy session id = 2, ServiceId = 3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3706208 1456 1376 DownloadManager Updates to download = 1 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3706226 1456 1376 Agent Title = Security Intelligence-Update f??r Microsoft Defender Antivirus - KB2267602 (Version 1.341.945.0) 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3706253 1456 1376 Agent UpdateId = 8382C2FF-7E72-475A-8ACC-8657604735A9.200 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3706563 1456 1376 Agent Bundles 1 updates: 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3706600 1456 1376 Agent F7C6562B-E997-4FAE-B4FA-2CDD9A827D50.200 2021.06.18 15:11:40.3904728 1456 4352 Agent WU client calls back to download call {12E52C6D-E756-408D-B838-450000B6CF10} with code Call progress and error 0 2021.06.18 15:11:40.4427582 1456 1376 DownloadManager DO job initialized: JobId = {A73EADA3-8EAB-40B0-89A3-CBE7538AF505} 2021.06.18 15:11:40.4445790 1456 1376 DownloadManager Downloading from to C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\97406272a093ee52ff484abcf8f3f1c4\0461291c0a2d238cfbff67aa875ed1c73fb9f8b1 (full file) 2021.06.18 15:11:40.4448744 1456 1376 DownloadManager Created download job A73EADA3-8EAB-40B0-89A3-CBE7538AF505; streaming data: No. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.4454558 1456 1376 DownloadManager New download job {A73EADA3-8EAB-40B0-89A3-CBE7538AF505} for UpdateId F7C6562B-E997-4FAE-B4FA-2CDD9A827D50.200 2021.06.18 15:11:40.4493458 1456 1376 DownloadManager Update the URLs for DO Job A73EADA3-8EAB-40B0-89A3-CBE7538AF505 - Update F7C6562B-E997-4FAE-B4FA-2CDD9A827D50.200 2021.06.18 15:11:40.4496308 1456 1376 DownloadManager 0 of 1 files' URLs are updated. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.4497120 1456 1376 DownloadManager Download job A73EADA3-8EAB-40B0-89A3-CBE7538AF505 resumed. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.4511213 1456 1376 Agent Effective power state: AC; IsOnAC: Yes. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.4511274 1456 1376 IdleTimer WU operation (DL.UpdateOrchestrator, operation # 54) stopped; does use network; is not at background priority 2021.06.18 15:11:40.4511645 1456 1376 Agent Released network PDC reference for callId {C934317B-A97F-413E-8579-5037922D8827}; ActivationID: 54 2021.06.18 15:11:40.4511716 1456 1376 IdleTimer WU operation (DL.UpdateOrchestrator) started; operation # 55; does use network; is not at background priority 2021.06.18 15:11:40.4511751 1456 1376 Agent Obtained a network PDC reference for callID {C934317B-A97F-413E-8579-5037922D8827} with No-Progress-Timeout set to 4294967295; ActivationID: 55. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.4515841 1456 1468 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] DO job {A73EADA3-8EAB-40B0-89A3-CBE7538AF505} hit a transient error, updateId = F7C6562B-E997-4FAE-B4FA-2CDD9A827D50.200 2021.06.18 15:11:40.4520127 1456 1468 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] Error occurred while downloading update F7C6562B-E997-4FAE-B4FA-2CDD9A827D50.200; notifying dependent calls. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.4533962 1456 1376 DownloadManager * END * Begin Downloading Updates [CallerId = UpdateOrchestrator] [Call ID = {C934317B-A97F-413E-8579-5037922D8827}] [hr = 0x00000000] 2021.06.18 15:11:40.4534012 1456 1376 Agent Effective power state: AC; IsOnAC: Yes. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.4534099 1456 1376 IdleTimer WU operation (DL.UpdateOrchestrator) started; operation # 56; does use network; is not at background priority 2021.06.18 15:11:40.4534133 1456 1376 Agent Obtained a network PDC reference for callID {092D80D2-6EC1-4331-91B7-C170376E0D95} with No-Progress-Timeout set to 4294967295; ActivationID: 56. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.4556105 1456 1376 DownloadManager * START * Begin Downloading Updates [CallerId = UpdateOrchestrator] [Call ID = {092D80D2-6EC1-4331-91B7-C170376E0D95}] 2021.06.18 15:11:40.4556318 1456 1376 DownloadManager Priority = 3, NetworkCostPolicy = 0, Interactive = 1, Download on Battery = 1, Bypass Regulation = 1, Owner is system = 1, Proxy session id = 2, ServiceId = 3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.4556368 1456 1376 DownloadManager Updates to download = 1 2021.06.18 15:11:40.4556395 1456 1376 Agent Title = Update f??r Microsoft Defender Antivirus-Antischadsoftwareplattform ?? KB4052623 (Version 4.18.2105.5) 2021.06.18 15:11:40.4556429 1456 1376 Agent UpdateId = 69E10B3F-CD2E-4E03-AC71-5427A027E84C.200 2021.06.18 15:11:40.4556438 1456 1376 Agent Bundles 1 updates: 2021.06.18 15:11:40.4556463 1456 1376 Agent 85B02006-FBEB-4BFE-8336-782DE7A72251.200 2021.06.18 15:11:40.4557811 1456 4352 Agent WU client calls back to download call {C934317B-A97F-413E-8579-5037922D8827} with code Call progress and error 0x80d03805 2021.06.18 15:11:40.4560813 1456 4936 Handler Loaded state: cCompleteIterations: 0, pt: SelfContainedNoExpressPayload, nNextRequestID: 1. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.4565539 1456 1376 DownloadManager The update's sandbox is in use. Will download when it is no longer busy. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.4600409 1456 1376 DownloadManager Update the URLs for DO Job A73EADA3-8EAB-40B0-89A3-CBE7538AF505 - Update F7C6562B-E997-4FAE-B4FA-2CDD9A827D50.200 2021.06.18 15:11:40.4602936 1456 1376 DownloadManager 0 of 1 files' URLs are updated. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.4603731 1456 1376 DownloadManager Download job A73EADA3-8EAB-40B0-89A3-CBE7538AF505 resumed. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5051716 1456 1376 DownloadManager DO job initialized: JobId = {A0D4020B-EFBF-4851-8256-E713C8D61DDA} 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5067423 1456 1376 DownloadManager Downloading from to C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\cb44ab4c6475dac02c3c8a02cc46f8cb\f948c1ef01cf0b11949cead551c5e7c53196fc06 (full file) 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5069736 1456 1376 DownloadManager Created download job A0D4020B-EFBF-4851-8256-E713C8D61DDA; streaming data: No. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5075549 1456 1376 DownloadManager New download job {A0D4020B-EFBF-4851-8256-E713C8D61DDA} for UpdateId 85B02006-FBEB-4BFE-8336-782DE7A72251.200 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5080844 1456 1376 DownloadManager Update the URLs for DO Job A0D4020B-EFBF-4851-8256-E713C8D61DDA - Update 85B02006-FBEB-4BFE-8336-782DE7A72251.200 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5083633 1456 1376 DownloadManager 0 of 1 files' URLs are updated. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5087955 1456 1376 DownloadManager Download job A0D4020B-EFBF-4851-8256-E713C8D61DDA resumed. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5095707 1456 1376 Agent Effective power state: AC; IsOnAC: Yes. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5095769 1456 1376 IdleTimer WU operation (DL.UpdateOrchestrator, operation # 56) stopped; does use network; is not at background priority 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5095795 1456 1376 Agent Released network PDC reference for callId {092D80D2-6EC1-4331-91B7-C170376E0D95}; ActivationID: 56 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5095848 1456 1376 IdleTimer WU operation (DL.UpdateOrchestrator) started; operation # 57; does use network; is not at background priority 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5095881 1456 1376 Agent Obtained a network PDC reference for callID {092D80D2-6EC1-4331-91B7-C170376E0D95} with No-Progress-Timeout set to 4294967295; ActivationID: 57. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5096850 1456 4936 DownloadManager Generating download request for update B4C1E416-40D5-4791-AD50-44D88A33EEC6.200. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5104876 1456 1376 DownloadManager * END * Begin Downloading Updates [CallerId = UpdateOrchestrator] [Call ID = {092D80D2-6EC1-4331-91B7-C170376E0D95}] [hr = 0x00000000] 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5104930 1456 1376 Agent Effective power state: AC; IsOnAC: Yes. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5105038 1456 1376 IdleTimer WU operation (DL.UpdateOrchestrator) started; operation # 58; does use network; is not at background priority 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5105071 1456 1376 Agent Obtained a network PDC reference for callID {EE369DEC-50F5-4BFF-AC2A-DCD3ACC2201A} with No-Progress-Timeout set to 4294967295; ActivationID: 58. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5106251 1456 4936 Misc *FAILED* [80070003] Method failed [SusMoveOrCopyDirectoryContentsHelperRecursive:1648] 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5106279 1456 4936 Misc *FAILED* [80070003] Method failed [SusMoveOrCopyDirectoryContentsHelper:1728] 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5106322 1456 4936 DownloadManager Calling into handler 0x8 to generate download request for update B4C1E416-40D5-4791-AD50-44D88A33EEC6.200. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5106370 1456 4936 Handler Generating request for CBS update B4C1E416-40D5-4791-AD50-44D88A33EEC6 in sandbox C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\b76cb1290ab8e9b196c0a991a5219f3d 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5111761 1456 4936 Handler Loaded state: cCompleteIterations: 0, pt: Unknown, nNextRequestID: 0. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5111781 1456 4936 Handler Selecting self-contained because update does not have express payload. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5111795 1456 4936 Handler Selected payload type is SelfContainedNoExpressPayload 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5112242 1456 4936 Handler Detected download state is dsStart 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5112306 1456 4936 Handler Adding (entire file) to request list. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5116746 1456 1468 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] DO job {A73EADA3-8EAB-40B0-89A3-CBE7538AF505} hit a transient error, updateId = F7C6562B-E997-4FAE-B4FA-2CDD9A827D50.200 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5121739 1456 1468 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] Error occurred while downloading update F7C6562B-E997-4FAE-B4FA-2CDD9A827D50.200; notifying dependent calls. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5124419 1456 4352 Agent WU client calls back to download call {092D80D2-6EC1-4331-91B7-C170376E0D95} with code Call progress and error 0x80d03805 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5126193 1456 4420 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] DO job {A0D4020B-EFBF-4851-8256-E713C8D61DDA} hit a transient error, updateId = 85B02006-FBEB-4BFE-8336-782DE7A72251.200 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5127324 1456 4936 Handler Saved state: cCompleteIterations: 0, pt: SelfContainedNoExpressPayload, nNextRequestID: 1. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5127359 1456 4936 Handler Request generation for CBS update complete with hr=0x0 and pfResetSandbox=0 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5130259 1456 4420 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] Error occurred while downloading update 85B02006-FBEB-4BFE-8336-782DE7A72251.200; notifying dependent calls. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5136677 1456 1376 DownloadManager * START * Begin Downloading Updates [CallerId = UpdateOrchestrator] [Call ID = {EE369DEC-50F5-4BFF-AC2A-DCD3ACC2201A}] 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5137117 1456 1376 DownloadManager Priority = 3, NetworkCostPolicy = 0, Interactive = 1, Download on Battery = 1, Bypass Regulation = 1, Owner is system = 1, Proxy session id = 2, ServiceId = 3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5137141 1456 1376 DownloadManager Updates to download = 1 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5137162 1456 1376 Agent Title = 2021-01 Update f??r Windows Server 2019 f??r x64-basierte Systeme (KB4589208) 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5137193 1456 1376 Agent UpdateId = 89E11227-761B-4396-BF37-37A2B641FA84.202 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5137200 1456 1376 Agent Bundles 1 updates: 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5137225 1456 1376 Agent A78CA74E-89C4-45FD-AD33-6E7788E08772.202 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5151280 1456 1376 DownloadManager The update's sandbox is in use. Will download when it is no longer busy. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5163037 1456 1376 DownloadManager Queueing update A78CA74E-89C4-45FD-AD33-6E7788E08772.202 for download handler request generation. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5164377 1456 1376 Agent Effective power state: AC; IsOnAC: Yes. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5164432 1456 1376 IdleTimer WU operation (DL.UpdateOrchestrator, operation # 58) stopped; does use network; is not at background priority 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5164453 1456 1376 Agent Released network PDC reference for callId {EE369DEC-50F5-4BFF-AC2A-DCD3ACC2201A}; ActivationID: 58 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5164498 1456 1376 IdleTimer WU operation (DL.UpdateOrchestrator) started; operation # 59; does use network; is not at background priority 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5164618 1456 1376 Agent Obtained a network PDC reference for callID {EE369DEC-50F5-4BFF-AC2A-DCD3ACC2201A} with No-Progress-Timeout set to 4294967295; ActivationID: 59. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5165970 1456 4352 Agent WU client calls back to download call {EE369DEC-50F5-4BFF-AC2A-DCD3ACC2201A} with code Call progress and error 0 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5173326 1456 1376 DownloadManager Update the URLs for DO Job A73EADA3-8EAB-40B0-89A3-CBE7538AF505 - Update F7C6562B-E997-4FAE-B4FA-2CDD9A827D50.200 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5175882 1456 1376 DownloadManager 0 of 1 files' URLs are updated. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5176678 1456 1376 DownloadManager Download job A73EADA3-8EAB-40B0-89A3-CBE7538AF505 resumed. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5190163 1456 1376 DownloadManager Update the URLs for DO Job A0D4020B-EFBF-4851-8256-E713C8D61DDA - Update 85B02006-FBEB-4BFE-8336-782DE7A72251.200 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5193347 1456 1376 DownloadManager 0 of 1 files' URLs are updated. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5194157 1456 1376 DownloadManager Download job A0D4020B-EFBF-4851-8256-E713C8D61DDA resumed. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5197732 1456 4420 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] DO job {A0D4020B-EFBF-4851-8256-E713C8D61DDA} hit a transient error, updateId = 85B02006-FBEB-4BFE-8336-782DE7A72251.200 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5213510 1456 1376 DownloadManager * END * Begin Downloading Updates [CallerId = UpdateOrchestrator] [Call ID = {EE369DEC-50F5-4BFF-AC2A-DCD3ACC2201A}] [hr = 0x00000000] 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5213564 1456 1376 Agent Effective power state: AC; IsOnAC: Yes. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5213646 1456 1376 IdleTimer WU operation (DL.UpdateOrchestrator) started; operation # 60; does use network; is not at background priority 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5213936 1456 1376 Agent Obtained a network PDC reference for callID {6FF3FAAB-7255-44CE-A841-7E570E71D8FA} with No-Progress-Timeout set to 4294967295; ActivationID: 60. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5230344 1456 4420 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] Error occurred while downloading update 85B02006-FBEB-4BFE-8336-782DE7A72251.200; notifying dependent calls. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5240470 1456 1468 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] DO job {A73EADA3-8EAB-40B0-89A3-CBE7538AF505} hit a transient error, updateId = F7C6562B-E997-4FAE-B4FA-2CDD9A827D50.200 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5291049 1456 1468 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] Error occurred while downloading update F7C6562B-E997-4FAE-B4FA-2CDD9A827D50.200; notifying dependent calls. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5300337 1456 1376 DownloadManager * START * Begin Downloading Updates [CallerId = UpdateOrchestrator] [Call ID = {6FF3FAAB-7255-44CE-A841-7E570E71D8FA}] 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5300381 1456 1376 DownloadManager Priority = 3, NetworkCostPolicy = 0, Interactive = 1, Download on Battery = 1, Bypass Regulation = 1, Owner is system = 1, Proxy session id = 2, ServiceId = 3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5300390 1456 1376 DownloadManager Updates to download = 1 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5300407 1456 1376 Agent Title = 2021-06 Cumulative Update for Windows Server 2019 for x64-based Systems (KB5003646) 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5300432 1456 1376 Agent UpdateId = 653D9055-3E8C-4182-ACA5-11400208964D.200 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5300439 1456 1376 Agent Bundles 1 updates: 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5300464 1456 1376 Agent 9C63A4A3-DB0A-4548-A359-AC843370262B.200 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5302560 1456 4420 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] DO job {A0D4020B-EFBF-4851-8256-E713C8D61DDA} hit a transient error, updateId = 85B02006-FBEB-4BFE-8336-782DE7A72251.200 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5320191 1456 4420 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] Error occurred while downloading update 85B02006-FBEB-4BFE-8336-782DE7A72251.200; notifying dependent calls. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5326962 1456 4936 Handler Loaded state: cCompleteIterations: 0, pt: SelfContainedNoExpressPayload, nNextRequestID: 1. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5327314 1456 4936 DownloadManager Generating download request for update A78CA74E-89C4-45FD-AD33-6E7788E08772.202. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5334035 1456 4936 Misc *FAILED* [80070003] Method failed [SusMoveOrCopyDirectoryContentsHelperRecursive:1648] 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5334059 1456 4936 Misc *FAILED* [80070003] Method failed [SusMoveOrCopyDirectoryContentsHelper:1728] 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5334099 1456 4936 DownloadManager Calling into handler 0x8 to generate download request for update A78CA74E-89C4-45FD-AD33-6E7788E08772.202. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5334140 1456 4936 Handler Generating request for CBS update A78CA74E-89C4-45FD-AD33-6E7788E08772 in sandbox C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\abcebece3e751db4ae38fe487010eb5a 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5334333 1456 4936 Handler Loaded state: cCompleteIterations: 0, pt: Unknown, nNextRequestID: 0. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5334348 1456 4936 Handler Selecting self-contained because update does not have express payload. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5334359 1456 4936 Handler Selected payload type is SelfContainedNoExpressPayload 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5334492 1456 4936 Handler Detected download state is dsStart 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5334804 1456 4936 Handler Adding (entire file) to request list. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5340013 1456 1468 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] DO job {A73EADA3-8EAB-40B0-89A3-CBE7538AF505} hit a transient error, updateId = F7C6562B-E997-4FAE-B4FA-2CDD9A827D50.200 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5345005 1456 4936 Handler Saved state: cCompleteIterations: 0, pt: SelfContainedNoExpressPayload, nNextRequestID: 1. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5345035 1456 4936 Handler Request generation for CBS update complete with hr=0x0 and pfResetSandbox=0 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5375789 1456 1468 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] Error occurred while downloading update F7C6562B-E997-4FAE-B4FA-2CDD9A827D50.200; notifying dependent calls. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5403147 1456 1468 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] DO job {A73EADA3-8EAB-40B0-89A3-CBE7538AF505} hit a transient error, updateId = F7C6562B-E997-4FAE-B4FA-2CDD9A827D50.200 2021.06.18 15:11:40.5407071 1456 1468 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] Error occurred while downloading update F7C6562B-E997-4FAE-B4FA-2CDD9A827D50.200; notifying dependent calls. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.6863822 1456 1376 DownloadManager DO job initialized: JobId = {D95926F9-A509-469A-97DE-6A7FEA05578F} 2021.06.18 15:11:40.6879240 1456 1376 DownloadManager Downloading from to C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\b76cb1290ab8e9b196c0a991a5219f3d\ (full file). 2021.06.18 15:11:40.6886351 1456 1376 Handler Loaded state: cCompleteIterations: 0, pt: SelfContainedNoExpressPayload, nNextRequestID: 1. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.6886787 1456 1376 DownloadManager Created download job D95926F9-A509-469A-97DE-6A7FEA05578F; streaming data: No. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.6892299 1456 1376 DownloadManager New download job {D95926F9-A509-469A-97DE-6A7FEA05578F} for UpdateId B4C1E416-40D5-4791-AD50-44D88A33EEC6.200 2021.06.18 15:11:40.6900690 1456 1376 DownloadManager Update the URLs for DO Job D95926F9-A509-469A-97DE-6A7FEA05578F - Update B4C1E416-40D5-4791-AD50-44D88A33EEC6.200 2021.06.18 15:11:40.6903110 1456 1376 DownloadManager 0 of 1 files' URLs are updated. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.6908917 1456 1376 DownloadManager Download job D95926F9-A509-469A-97DE-6A7FEA05578F resumed. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.6913992 1456 1376 Handler Loaded state: cCompleteIterations: 0, pt: Unknown, nNextRequestID: 0. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.6920762 1456 1376 Agent Effective power state: AC; IsOnAC: Yes. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.6920931 1456 1376 IdleTimer WU operation (DL.UpdateOrchestrator, operation # 53) stopped; does use network; is not at background priority 2021.06.18 15:11:40.6920981 1456 1376 Agent Released network PDC reference for callId {12E52C6D-E756-408D-B838-450000B6CF10}; ActivationID: 53 2021.06.18 15:11:40.6921064 1456 1376 IdleTimer WU operation (DL.UpdateOrchestrator) started; operation # 61; does use network; is not at background priority 2021.06.18 15:11:40.6921112 1456 1376 Agent Obtained a network PDC reference for callID {12E52C6D-E756-408D-B838-450000B6CF10} with No-Progress-Timeout set to 4294967295; ActivationID: 61. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.6923306 1456 4352 Agent WU client calls back to download call {12E52C6D-E756-408D-B838-450000B6CF10} with code Call progress and error 0x80d03805 2021.06.18 15:11:40.6943078 1456 1376 DownloadManager DO job initialized: JobId = {2389CA77-7203-4044-A128-724892F8177A} 2021.06.18 15:11:40.6957890 1456 1376 DownloadManager Downloading from to C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\abcebece3e751db4ae38fe487010eb5a\ (full file). 2021.06.18 15:11:40.6964169 1456 1376 Handler Loaded state: cCompleteIterations: 0, pt: SelfContainedNoExpressPayload, nNextRequestID: 1. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.6964287 1456 1376 DownloadManager Created download job 2389CA77-7203-4044-A128-724892F8177A; streaming data: No. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.6968878 1456 1376 DownloadManager New download job {2389CA77-7203-4044-A128-724892F8177A} for UpdateId A78CA74E-89C4-45FD-AD33-6E7788E08772.202 2021.06.18 15:11:40.6975966 1456 1376 DownloadManager Update the URLs for DO Job 2389CA77-7203-4044-A128-724892F8177A - Update A78CA74E-89C4-45FD-AD33-6E7788E08772.202 2021.06.18 15:11:40.6978604 1456 1376 DownloadManager 0 of 1 files' URLs are updated. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.6979448 1456 1376 DownloadManager Download job 2389CA77-7203-4044-A128-724892F8177A resumed. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.6982289 1456 1376 Handler Loaded state: cCompleteIterations: 0, pt: Unknown, nNextRequestID: 0. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.6989322 1456 1376 Agent Effective power state: AC; IsOnAC: Yes. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.6989404 1456 1376 IdleTimer WU operation (DL.UpdateOrchestrator, operation # 59) stopped; does use network; is not at background priority 2021.06.18 15:11:40.6989435 1456 1376 Agent Released network PDC reference for callId {EE369DEC-50F5-4BFF-AC2A-DCD3ACC2201A}; ActivationID: 59 2021.06.18 15:11:40.6989537 1456 1376 IdleTimer WU operation (DL.UpdateOrchestrator) started; operation # 62; does use network; is not at background priority 2021.06.18 15:11:40.6989595 1456 1376 Agent Obtained a network PDC reference for callID {EE369DEC-50F5-4BFF-AC2A-DCD3ACC2201A} with No-Progress-Timeout set to 4294967295; ActivationID: 62. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.6991438 1456 4352 Agent WU client calls back to download call {EE369DEC-50F5-4BFF-AC2A-DCD3ACC2201A} with code Call progress and error 0x80d03805 2021.06.18 15:11:40.6999180 1456 1376 DownloadManager Queueing update 9C63A4A3-DB0A-4548-A359-AC843370262B.200 for download handler request generation. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7001173 1456 1376 Agent Effective power state: AC; IsOnAC: Yes. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7001228 1456 1376 IdleTimer WU operation (DL.UpdateOrchestrator, operation # 60) stopped; does use network; is not at background priority 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7001251 1456 1376 Agent Released network PDC reference for callId {6FF3FAAB-7255-44CE-A841-7E570E71D8FA}; ActivationID: 60 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7001297 1456 1376 IdleTimer WU operation (DL.UpdateOrchestrator) started; operation # 63; does use network; is not at background priority 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7001328 1456 1376 Agent Obtained a network PDC reference for callID {6FF3FAAB-7255-44CE-A841-7E570E71D8FA} with No-Progress-Timeout set to 4294967295; ActivationID: 63. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7003592 1456 4352 Agent WU client calls back to download call {6FF3FAAB-7255-44CE-A841-7E570E71D8FA} with code Call progress and error 0 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7008820 1456 1376 DownloadManager Update the URLs for DO Job A73EADA3-8EAB-40B0-89A3-CBE7538AF505 - Update F7C6562B-E997-4FAE-B4FA-2CDD9A827D50.200 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7011515 1456 1376 DownloadManager 0 of 1 files' URLs are updated. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7012370 1456 1376 DownloadManager Download job A73EADA3-8EAB-40B0-89A3-CBE7538AF505 resumed. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7024565 1456 1376 DownloadManager Update the URLs for DO Job A0D4020B-EFBF-4851-8256-E713C8D61DDA - Update 85B02006-FBEB-4BFE-8336-782DE7A72251.200 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7026859 1456 1376 DownloadManager 0 of 1 files' URLs are updated. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7027640 1456 1376 DownloadManager Download job A0D4020B-EFBF-4851-8256-E713C8D61DDA resumed. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7032244 1456 4420 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] DO job {D95926F9-A509-469A-97DE-6A7FEA05578F} hit a transient error, updateId = B4C1E416-40D5-4791-AD50-44D88A33EEC6.200 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7037134 1456 4420 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] Error occurred while downloading update B4C1E416-40D5-4791-AD50-44D88A33EEC6.200; notifying dependent calls. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7040664 1456 1376 DownloadManager * END * Begin Downloading Updates [CallerId = UpdateOrchestrator] [Call ID = {6FF3FAAB-7255-44CE-A841-7E570E71D8FA}] [hr = 0x00000000] 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7041316 1456 6560 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] DO job {2389CA77-7203-4044-A128-724892F8177A} hit a transient error, updateId = A78CA74E-89C4-45FD-AD33-6E7788E08772.202 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7046537 1456 6560 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] Error occurred while downloading update A78CA74E-89C4-45FD-AD33-6E7788E08772.202; notifying dependent calls. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7050614 1456 1468 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] DO job {A73EADA3-8EAB-40B0-89A3-CBE7538AF505} hit a transient error, updateId = F7C6562B-E997-4FAE-B4FA-2CDD9A827D50.200 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7054891 1456 1468 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] Error occurred while downloading update F7C6562B-E997-4FAE-B4FA-2CDD9A827D50.200; notifying dependent calls. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7116241 1456 1376 DownloadManager Update the URLs for DO Job D95926F9-A509-469A-97DE-6A7FEA05578F - Update B4C1E416-40D5-4791-AD50-44D88A33EEC6.200 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7121203 1456 1376 DownloadManager 0 of 1 files' URLs are updated. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7124590 1456 1376 DownloadManager Download job D95926F9-A509-469A-97DE-6A7FEA05578F resumed. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7127419 1456 1376 Handler Loaded state: cCompleteIterations: 0, pt: Unknown, nNextRequestID: 0. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7176581 1456 1376 DownloadManager Update the URLs for DO Job 2389CA77-7203-4044-A128-724892F8177A - Update A78CA74E-89C4-45FD-AD33-6E7788E08772.202 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7178847 1456 1376 DownloadManager 0 of 1 files' URLs are updated. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7179612 1456 1376 DownloadManager Download job 2389CA77-7203-4044-A128-724892F8177A resumed. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7181613 1456 1376 Handler Loaded state: cCompleteIterations: 0, pt: Unknown, nNextRequestID: 0. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7184742 1456 1376 DownloadManager The update's sandbox is in use. Will download when it is no longer busy. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7192332 1456 1376 DownloadManager Update the URLs for DO Job A73EADA3-8EAB-40B0-89A3-CBE7538AF505 - Update F7C6562B-E997-4FAE-B4FA-2CDD9A827D50.200 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7194584 1456 1376 DownloadManager 0 of 1 files' URLs are updated. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7195336 1456 1376 DownloadManager Download job A73EADA3-8EAB-40B0-89A3-CBE7538AF505 resumed. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7205009 1456 1376 DownloadManager Update the URLs for DO Job A0D4020B-EFBF-4851-8256-E713C8D61DDA - Update 85B02006-FBEB-4BFE-8336-782DE7A72251.200 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7207386 1456 1376 DownloadManager 0 of 1 files' URLs are updated. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7208508 1456 1376 DownloadManager Download job A0D4020B-EFBF-4851-8256-E713C8D61DDA resumed. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7233933 1456 1376 DownloadManager Update the URLs for DO Job A0D4020B-EFBF-4851-8256-E713C8D61DDA - Update 85B02006-FBEB-4BFE-8336-782DE7A72251.200 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7236183 1456 1376 DownloadManager 0 of 1 files' URLs are updated. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7237917 1456 1376 DownloadManager Download job A0D4020B-EFBF-4851-8256-E713C8D61DDA resumed. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7243941 1456 1376 DownloadManager Update the URLs for DO Job 2389CA77-7203-4044-A128-724892F8177A - Update A78CA74E-89C4-45FD-AD33-6E7788E08772.202 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7246179 1456 1376 DownloadManager 0 of 1 files' URLs are updated. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7246943 1456 1376 DownloadManager Download job 2389CA77-7203-4044-A128-724892F8177A resumed. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7248724 1456 1376 Handler Loaded state: cCompleteIterations: 0, pt: Unknown, nNextRequestID: 0. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7253221 1456 1376 DownloadManager Update the URLs for DO Job A73EADA3-8EAB-40B0-89A3-CBE7538AF505 - Update F7C6562B-E997-4FAE-B4FA-2CDD9A827D50.200 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7255447 1456 1376 DownloadManager 0 of 1 files' URLs are updated. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7256219 1456 1376 DownloadManager Download job A73EADA3-8EAB-40B0-89A3-CBE7538AF505 resumed. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7261856 1456 1376 DownloadManager Update the URLs for DO Job D95926F9-A509-469A-97DE-6A7FEA05578F - Update B4C1E416-40D5-4791-AD50-44D88A33EEC6.200 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7264501 1456 1376 DownloadManager 0 of 1 files' URLs are updated. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7267393 1456 1376 DownloadManager Download job D95926F9-A509-469A-97DE-6A7FEA05578F resumed. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7270122 1456 1376 Handler Loaded state: cCompleteIterations: 0, pt: Unknown, nNextRequestID: 0. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7270610 1456 4420 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] DO job {A0D4020B-EFBF-4851-8256-E713C8D61DDA} hit a transient error, updateId = 85B02006-FBEB-4BFE-8336-782DE7A72251.200 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7274882 1456 4420 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] Error occurred while downloading update 85B02006-FBEB-4BFE-8336-782DE7A72251.200; notifying dependent calls. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7288082 1456 1468 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] DO job {A73EADA3-8EAB-40B0-89A3-CBE7538AF505} hit a transient error, updateId = F7C6562B-E997-4FAE-B4FA-2CDD9A827D50.200 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7606478 1456 1468 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] Error occurred while downloading update F7C6562B-E997-4FAE-B4FA-2CDD9A827D50.200; notifying dependent calls. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7612776 1456 6560 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] DO job {D95926F9-A509-469A-97DE-6A7FEA05578F} hit a transient error, updateId = B4C1E416-40D5-4791-AD50-44D88A33EEC6.200 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7626220 1456 6560 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] Error occurred while downloading update B4C1E416-40D5-4791-AD50-44D88A33EEC6.200; notifying dependent calls. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7635264 1456 4420 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] DO job {2389CA77-7203-4044-A128-724892F8177A} hit a transient error, updateId = A78CA74E-89C4-45FD-AD33-6E7788E08772.202 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7642256 1456 4420 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] Error occurred while downloading update A78CA74E-89C4-45FD-AD33-6E7788E08772.202; notifying dependent calls. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7646866 1456 2448 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] DO job {A0D4020B-EFBF-4851-8256-E713C8D61DDA} hit a transient error, updateId = 85B02006-FBEB-4BFE-8336-782DE7A72251.200 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7657724 1456 2448 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] Error occurred while downloading update 85B02006-FBEB-4BFE-8336-782DE7A72251.200; notifying dependent calls. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7662372 1456 1468 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] DO job {A73EADA3-8EAB-40B0-89A3-CBE7538AF505} hit a transient error, updateId = F7C6562B-E997-4FAE-B4FA-2CDD9A827D50.200 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7668283 1456 1468 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] Error occurred while downloading update F7C6562B-E997-4FAE-B4FA-2CDD9A827D50.200; notifying dependent calls. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7672657 1456 6560 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] DO job {D95926F9-A509-469A-97DE-6A7FEA05578F} hit a transient error, updateId = B4C1E416-40D5-4791-AD50-44D88A33EEC6.200 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7689506 1456 6560 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] Error occurred while downloading update B4C1E416-40D5-4791-AD50-44D88A33EEC6.200; notifying dependent calls. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7693896 1456 4420 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] DO job {2389CA77-7203-4044-A128-724892F8177A} hit a transient error, updateId = A78CA74E-89C4-45FD-AD33-6E7788E08772.202 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7699618 1456 4420 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] Error occurred while downloading update A78CA74E-89C4-45FD-AD33-6E7788E08772.202; notifying dependent calls. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7703866 1456 2448 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] DO job {A0D4020B-EFBF-4851-8256-E713C8D61DDA} hit a transient error, updateId = 85B02006-FBEB-4BFE-8336-782DE7A72251.200 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7709371 1456 2448 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] Error occurred while downloading update 85B02006-FBEB-4BFE-8336-782DE7A72251.200; notifying dependent calls. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7713877 1456 1468 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] DO job {A73EADA3-8EAB-40B0-89A3-CBE7538AF505} hit a transient error, updateId = F7C6562B-E997-4FAE-B4FA-2CDD9A827D50.200 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7719462 1456 1468 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] Error occurred while downloading update F7C6562B-E997-4FAE-B4FA-2CDD9A827D50.200; notifying dependent calls. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7723853 1456 6560 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] DO job {D95926F9-A509-469A-97DE-6A7FEA05578F} hit a transient error, updateId = B4C1E416-40D5-4791-AD50-44D88A33EEC6.200 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7729332 1456 6560 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] Error occurred while downloading update B4C1E416-40D5-4791-AD50-44D88A33EEC6.200; notifying dependent calls. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7733527 1456 4420 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] DO job {2389CA77-7203-4044-A128-724892F8177A} hit a transient error, updateId = A78CA74E-89C4-45FD-AD33-6E7788E08772.202 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7741809 1456 4420 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] Error occurred while downloading update A78CA74E-89C4-45FD-AD33-6E7788E08772.202; notifying dependent calls. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7745966 1456 2448 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] DO job {A0D4020B-EFBF-4851-8256-E713C8D61DDA} hit a transient error, updateId = 85B02006-FBEB-4BFE-8336-782DE7A72251.200 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7754127 1456 2448 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] Error occurred while downloading update 85B02006-FBEB-4BFE-8336-782DE7A72251.200; notifying dependent calls. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7790933 1456 1468 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] DO job {A73EADA3-8EAB-40B0-89A3-CBE7538AF505} hit a transient error, updateId = F7C6562B-E997-4FAE-B4FA-2CDD9A827D50.200 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7797665 1456 1468 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] Error occurred while downloading update F7C6562B-E997-4FAE-B4FA-2CDD9A827D50.200; notifying dependent calls. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7803312 1456 2448 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] DO job {A0D4020B-EFBF-4851-8256-E713C8D61DDA} hit a transient error, updateId = 85B02006-FBEB-4BFE-8336-782DE7A72251.200 2021.06.18 15:11:40.7808509 1456 2448 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] Error occurred while downloading update 85B02006-FBEB-4BFE-8336-782DE7A72251.200; notifying dependent calls. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.8514561 1456 4936 Handler Loaded state: cCompleteIterations: 0, pt: SelfContainedNoExpressPayload, nNextRequestID: 1. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.8515965 1456 4936 DownloadManager Generating download request for update 9C63A4A3-DB0A-4548-A359-AC843370262B.200. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.8525402 1456 4936 Misc *FAILED* [80070003] Method failed [SusMoveOrCopyDirectoryContentsHelperRecursive:1648] 2021.06.18 15:11:40.8525427 1456 4936 Misc *FAILED* [80070003] Method failed [SusMoveOrCopyDirectoryContentsHelper:1728] 2021.06.18 15:11:40.8525472 1456 4936 DownloadManager Calling into handler 0x8 to generate download request for update 9C63A4A3-DB0A-4548-A359-AC843370262B.200. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.8526005 1456 4936 Handler Generating request for CBS update 9C63A4A3-DB0A-4548-A359-AC843370262B in sandbox C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\7e4e389f6834c2a543aaf2239a581e9b 2021.06.18 15:11:40.8526276 1456 4936 Handler Loaded state: cCompleteIterations: 0, pt: Unknown, nNextRequestID: 0. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.8526294 1456 4936 Handler Selecting self-contained because update does not have express payload. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.8526306 1456 4936 Handler Selected payload type is SelfContainedNoExpressPayload 2021.06.18 15:11:40.8526445 1456 4936 Handler Detected download state is dsStart 2021.06.18 15:11:40.8526491 1456 4936 Handler Adding (entire file) to request list. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.8535281 1456 4936 Handler Saved state: cCompleteIterations: 0, pt: SelfContainedNoExpressPayload, nNextRequestID: 1. 2021.06.18 15:11:40.8535312 1456 4936 Handler Request generation for CBS update complete with hr=0x0 and pfResetSandbox=0 2021.06.18 15:11:41.0165798 1456 1376 DownloadManager Update the URLs for DO Job D95926F9-A509-469A-97DE-6A7FEA05578F - Update B4C1E416-40D5-4791-AD50-44D88A33EEC6.200 2021.06.18 15:11:41.0168452 1456 1376 DownloadManager 0 of 1 files' URLs are updated. 2021.06.18 15:11:41.0169791 1456 1376 DownloadManager Download job D95926F9-A509-469A-97DE-6A7FEA05578F resumed. 2021.06.18 15:11:41.0175347 1456 1376 Handler Loaded state: cCompleteIterations: 0, pt: Unknown, nNextRequestID: 0. 2021.06.18 15:11:41.0184987 1456 1376 DownloadManager Update the URLs for DO Job 2389CA77-7203-4044-A128-724892F8177A - Update A78CA74E-89C4-45FD-AD33-6E7788E08772.202 2021.06.18 15:11:41.0187426 1456 1376 DownloadManager 0 of 1 files' URLs are updated. 2021.06.18 15:11:41.0188216 1456 1376 DownloadManager Download job 2389CA77-7203-4044-A128-724892F8177A resumed. 2021.06.18 15:11:41.0190931 1456 1376 Handler Loaded state: cCompleteIterations: 0, pt: Unknown, nNextRequestID: 0. 2021.06.18 15:11:41.0212876 1456 1376 DownloadManager DO job initialized: JobId = {DD94B3F7-DA52-4EF9-ADDD-3FE1AD087EFC} 2021.06.18 15:11:41.0225982 1456 1376 DownloadManager Downloading from to C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\7e4e389f6834c2a543aaf2239a581e9b\ (full file). 2021.06.18 15:11:41.0231678 1456 1376 Handler Loaded state: cCompleteIterations: 0, pt: SelfContainedNoExpressPayload, nNextRequestID: 1. 2021.06.18 15:11:41.0231797 1456 1376 DownloadManager Created download job DD94B3F7-DA52-4EF9-ADDD-3FE1AD087EFC; streaming data: No. 2021.06.18 15:11:41.0236502 1456 1376 DownloadManager New download job {DD94B3F7-DA52-4EF9-ADDD-3FE1AD087EFC} for UpdateId 9C63A4A3-DB0A-4548-A359-AC843370262B.200 2021.06.18 15:11:41.0241559 1456 1376 DownloadManager Update the URLs for DO Job DD94B3F7-DA52-4EF9-ADDD-3FE1AD087EFC - Update 9C63A4A3-DB0A-4548-A359-AC843370262B.200 2021.06.18 15:11:41.0243917 1456 1376 DownloadManager 0 of 1 files' URLs are updated. 2021.06.18 15:11:41.0247410 1456 1376 DownloadManager Download job DD94B3F7-DA52-4EF9-ADDD-3FE1AD087EFC resumed. 2021.06.18 15:11:41.1578822 1456 1376 Handler Loaded state: cCompleteIterations: 0, pt: Unknown, nNextRequestID: 0. 2021.06.18 15:11:41.1692383 1456 1376 Agent Effective power state: AC; IsOnAC: Yes. 2021.06.18 15:11:41.1692482 1456 1376 IdleTimer WU operation (DL.UpdateOrchestrator, operation # 63) stopped; does use network; is not at background priority 2021.06.18 15:11:41.1692512 1456 1376 Agent Released network PDC reference for callId {6FF3FAAB-7255-44CE-A841-7E570E71D8FA}; ActivationID: 63 2021.06.18 15:11:41.1692574 1456 1376 IdleTimer WU operation (DL.UpdateOrchestrator) started; operation # 64; does use network; is not at background priority 2021.06.18 15:11:41.1692611 1456 1376 Agent Obtained a network PDC reference for callID {6FF3FAAB-7255-44CE-A841-7E570E71D8FA} with No-Progress-Timeout set to 4294967295; ActivationID: 64. 2021.06.18 15:11:41.1694661 1456 4352 Agent WU client calls back to download call {6FF3FAAB-7255-44CE-A841-7E570E71D8FA} with code Call progress and error 0x80d03805 2021.06.18 15:11:41.1707787 1456 1376 DownloadManager Update the URLs for DO Job A73EADA3-8EAB-40B0-89A3-CBE7538AF505 - Update F7C6562B-E997-4FAE-B4FA-2CDD9A827D50.200 2021.06.18 15:11:41.1710226 1456 1376 DownloadManager 0 of 1 files' URLs are updated. 2021.06.18 15:11:41.1711023 1456 1376 DownloadManager Download job A73EADA3-8EAB-40B0-89A3-CBE7538AF505 resumed. 2021.06.18 15:11:41.1726840 1456 1376 DownloadManager Update the URLs for DO Job A0D4020B-EFBF-4851-8256-E713C8D61DDA - Update 85B02006-FBEB-4BFE-8336-782DE7A72251.200 2021.06.18 15:11:41.1729213 1456 1376 DownloadManager 0 of 1 files' URLs are updated. 2021.06.18 15:11:41.1730008 1456 1376 DownloadManager Download job A0D4020B-EFBF-4851-8256-E713C8D61DDA resumed. 2021.06.18 15:11:41.1734288 1456 2332 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] DO job {D95926F9-A509-469A-97DE-6A7FEA05578F} hit a transient error, updateId = B4C1E416-40D5-4791-AD50-44D88A33EEC6.200 2021.06.18 15:11:41.1740670 1456 2332 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] Error occurred while downloading update B4C1E416-40D5-4791-AD50-44D88A33EEC6.200; notifying dependent calls. 2021.06.18 15:11:41.1745508 1456 2448 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] DO job {2389CA77-7203-4044-A128-724892F8177A} hit a transient error, updateId = A78CA74E-89C4-45FD-AD33-6E7788E08772.202 2021.06.18 15:11:41.1750325 1456 2448 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] Error occurred while downloading update A78CA74E-89C4-45FD-AD33-6E7788E08772.202; notifying dependent calls. 2021.06.18 15:11:41.1754930 1456 1468 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] DO job {DD94B3F7-DA52-4EF9-ADDD-3FE1AD087EFC} hit a transient error, updateId = 9C63A4A3-DB0A-4548-A359-AC843370262B.200 2021.06.18 15:11:41.1759336 1456 1468 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] Error occurred while downloading update 9C63A4A3-DB0A-4548-A359-AC843370262B.200; notifying dependent calls. 2021.06.18 15:11:41.1767317 1456 4420 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] DO job {A73EADA3-8EAB-40B0-89A3-CBE7538AF505} hit a transient error, updateId = F7C6562B-E997-4FAE-B4FA-2CDD9A827D50.200 2021.06.18 15:11:41.1771366 1456 4420 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] Error occurred while downloading update F7C6562B-E997-4FAE-B4FA-2CDD9A827D50.200; notifying dependent calls. 2021.06.18 15:11:41.1778448 1456 2448 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80D03805] DO job {2389CA77-7203-4044-A128-724892F8177A} hit a transient error, updateId = A78CA74E-89C4-45FD-AD33-6E7788E08772.202 Zitieren
Sunny61 820 Geschrieben 18. Juni 2021 Melden Geschrieben 18. Juni 2021 vor 3 Stunden schrieb Vitel: hab einiges dank deiner Tipps testen können und bin gefühlt zwar weiter, aber trotzdem nicht näher am Ziel. Was genau hast Du denn umgesetzt? Zeig das was in der Registry beim Problem Server ankommt. vor 3 Stunden schrieb Vitel: Es ist jetzt aktuell so, dass wenn der Server im gleichen Subnet ist wie der WSUS die Updates empfangen werden können (auch wenn ich dem Client das Internet sperre). Wenn der Server hingegen im richtigen Subnet ist in welchem die Server keinen Internetzugriff haben, werden die Updates nicht heruntergeladen, wenn ich in dem Subnet für den Server das Internet freigebe, funktioniert es. Dann wird es wohl an einem Device zwischen den beiden Netzen hängen. Gibt es einen Proxy? Welcher AV-Scanner läuft auf dem Server? ist auf dem WSUS in der Windows Firewall evtl. das andere Subnetz nicht eingetragen? BTW: Häng doch in Zukunft, wenn es jemand anfordert, das Log als TXT dran, Danke. Hat das denn schon in der Vergangenheit funktioniert? 1 Zitieren
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