stefan4711 3 Geschrieben 16. Juli 2021 Melden Geschrieben 16. Juli 2021 Hallo allerseits, ich versuche die letzten Tage verzweifelt eine Aufgabe remote zu erstellen, und zwar istn es eine aufgabe die als dom\Administrator, und bei jedem User ausgeführt werden soll. Ich habe es per PSEXEC versucht und auch als Startscript, beides mal ging in die Hose. Die Aufgabe soll erstellt werden aus einer auf dem Zielrechner vorhandenen XML. Versuch 1: per psexec psexec64 \\ZielPC -u dom\administrator -p <pass> -h cmd /c FOR %L in ( DataCollect ) do SCHTASKS /Create /TN %L /f /xml "C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\Aufgaben\%L.xml" Ergebnis: Benutzer oder Kennwort ist falsch, ist definitiv nicht falsch Versuch2: FOR %L in ( DataCollect ) do SCHTASKS /Create /TN %L /f /xml "C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\Aufgaben\%L.xml" Bei dem versuch es über ein GPO Startscript zu versuchen passiert nichts. Es soll lediglich ein Powershellscript aufgerufen, das einmal wöchentlich gestartet wird. Vielleicht weiss ja jemand Rat? Warum muss denn dass so kompliziert sein lg Stefen Zitieren
cj_berlin 1.408 Geschrieben 16. Juli 2021 Melden Geschrieben 16. Juli 2021 Moin, versuch doch mal die XML manuell zu importieren. Ich vermute, Du wirst nach dem Kennwort des RunAs-Accounts gefragt werden... Zitieren
stefan4711 3 Geschrieben 16. Juli 2021 Autor Melden Geschrieben 16. Juli 2021 Ja das ist richtig, aber das kann es ja wohl nicht sein, dass ich die Aufgabe an jedem Rechner manuell eingeben muss, mit Systemrechten wird die Aufgabe leider nicht ausgeführt, Aufgaben die ich mit Systemrechten eintrage kann ich sonst so verteilen. lg Carsten Zitieren
NilsK 2.982 Geschrieben 16. Juli 2021 Melden Geschrieben 16. Juli 2021 Moin, was ist denn das für eine ominöse Aufgabe bzw. was macht das Skript denn? Eine Aufgabe mit einem Adminkonto auf Clients zu verteilen, ist i.d.R. die Kategorie "Murks, den man auf jeden Fall vermeiden sollte". Vielleicht (bzw. wahrscheinlich) gibt es bessere Wege, das eigentliche Ziel zu erreichen. Gruß, Nils 1 Zitieren
cj_berlin 1.408 Geschrieben 16. Juli 2021 Melden Geschrieben 16. Juli 2021 ...vor allem, Aufgabe bei Logon eines Benutzers im Sicherheitskontext eines anderen Benutzers zu starten, wird m.E. eh nicht funktionieren - oder? Zitieren
Sunny61 819 Geschrieben 16. Juli 2021 Melden Geschrieben 16. Juli 2021 Muss die Aufgabe denn wirklich mit dem Dom Admin ausgeführt werden? Das ist zuerst zu hinterfragen. Und grundsätzlich kann man Tasks ja auch mit GPPs schön verteilen. Zitieren
daabm 1.391 Geschrieben 16. Juli 2021 Melden Geschrieben 16. Juli 2021 @Sunny61 Seit MS14-025 geht das nicht mehr mit Credentials, nur noch als SYSTEM. @stefan4711 Vielleicht hilft es, wenn Du darüber redest, was Du _eigentlich_ erreichen willst, statt darüber, woran Du bei Deiner Methode, das zu tun, scheiterst? 1 Zitieren
Sunny61 819 Geschrieben 16. Juli 2021 Melden Geschrieben 16. Juli 2021 vor 1 Stunde schrieb daabm: @Sunny61 Seit MS14-025 geht das nicht mehr mit Credentials, nur noch als SYSTEM. Ich weiß das. ;) 1 Zitieren
stefan4711 3 Geschrieben 16. Juli 2021 Autor Melden Geschrieben 16. Juli 2021 Tja ominös weiss ich nicht, hatte in nem anderen Forum gelesen, per GPO schript die Aufgabe zu verteilen, wäre das intelligenteste, aber ich lasse mich gerne belehren, was intelligenter ist. Auf jedem Rechner die Aufgabe manuel einzutragen sicher nicht. Und wie ich schon schrieb, die Aufgabe läuft nicht unter System, sie soll ja bei jedem User einmal die Woche gestartet werden, und das tut er eben nur wenn ich die Aufgabe im Kontext des Admins ausführen lasse, alles lokal zigfach getestet. Und noch mal, es soll lediglich ein Powershellscript gestartet werden, dass für die jeweiligen Rechner periodisch diverse Werte ausliest und im NAS speichert. Ich kann gerne das PS scipt posten, aber denke das würde jetzt auch nicht weiterführen. Lokal in der Aufgabenplanung angestartet funktioniert es. Ich hoffe das war jetzt deutlich geworden, auch wenns im Prizip nur Wiederholung war. Ich befürchte aber fast, nachdem was Sunny sagte, dass es keine Lösung gibt. lg und schönes Wochenende Zitieren
BOfH_666 585 Geschrieben 16. Juli 2021 Melden Geschrieben 16. Juli 2021 vor 28 Minuten schrieb stefan4711: Ich kann gerne das PS scipt posten, aber denke das würde jetzt auch nicht weiterführen. Versuch's doch einfach mal! Das geballte kollektive Wissen, was hier unterwegs ist, ist mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit besser als der Einzelne. Und so wie Du's beschreibst, klingt es danach, dass es eigentlich einen deutlich besseren/eleganteren/professionelleren/einfacheren Weg geben sollte. Stell uns auf die Probe! ... was kann schon schief gehen? Zitieren
testperson 1.761 Geschrieben 17. Juli 2021 Melden Geschrieben 17. Juli 2021 Hi, bau ein Logging ins Script und prüfe, _was_ da als SYSTEM nicht funktioniert. Ich tippe darauf, dass SYSTEM nicht auf das NAS schreiben darf, da Berechtigungen fehlen. Das sollte sich aber auch "andersrum" bauen lassen, indem du auf einem Server "einfach" ein Script laufen lässt, welches prüft, ob die Clients erreichbar sind und dann mit den entsprechenden Remoteverwaltungsinstrumenten die Daten holen. Ein weiterer Ansatz wäre vermutlich eine Dokumentations- und/oder Inventarisierungslösung. Was - grob skizziert - mit deinem Plan machbar sein sollte: "Gesicherte" Ordnerstruktur anlegen Auf dem lokalen PC: User dürfen im Scriptordner Lesen und Ausführen sowie _nicht_ Schreiben/Ändern Auf dem NAS: User dürfen Schreiben und _nicht_ Ausführen Script(e) auf die lokalen PCs in die Ordnerstruktur kopieren Daten sammeln Daten kopieren Aufgabe "Sammeln" planen, die als System (beim Start) die Daten einsammelt und ablegt Aufgabe "Kopieren" planen, die im Userkontext die Daten aufs NAS schiebt Beschreibe doch einfach einmal, welche Daten du einsammeln möchtest oder zeig dein Script. Ich denke es gibt durchaus bessere Wege nach Rom. Gruß Jan Zitieren
stefan4711 3 Geschrieben 17. Juli 2021 Autor Melden Geschrieben 17. Juli 2021 Hallo erstmal, ok dann poste ich mal das PS das ausgeführt werden soll. Dachte zwar eigentlich sollte nichts zu dem Problem beitragen, aber in der EDV ist ja offenbar nichts so b***d, als dass es nicht irgendwie doch sein könnte. Wie gesagt das Script soll für jeden User zu einer bestimmten Zeit, einmal die Woche ausgeführt werden. $DestinationTXT = Test-Path .\dest.txt If ($DestinationTXT -eq $false) { $DestinationFolder = "\\\Freigaben\Daten\inv\$env:computername" } else { $DestinationFolder = Get-Content .\dest.txt } function Get-Inventory { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [PSDefaultValue(Help = 'Current directory')] $DestinationFolder = '.\Computers\$env:computername' ) $DestinationFolderPath = Test-Path $DestinationFolder If ($DestinationFolderPath -eq 'True') { Write-Verbose "Using existing folder: $($DestinationFolder)" -Verbose } Else { mkdir "$($DestinationFolder)" } $ComputerName = hostname $user = $env:username $DesktopPath = [Environment]::GetFolderPath("Desktop") #Date $Date = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" #CIM $System = Get-CimInstance Win32_ComputerSystem $BIOS = Get-CimInstance Win32_BIOS $SoftwareLicensing = Get-WmiObject SoftwareLicensingService $Win32Processor = Get-CimInstance Win32_Processor $Win32DiskDrive = Get-CimInstance Win32_DiskDrive $Win32MSFTPhysicalDisk = Get-CimInstance MSFT_PhysicalDisk -Namespace Root\Microsoft\Windows\Storage $WinOperatingSystem = Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem $Win32PhysicalMemory = Get-CimInstance Win32_PhysicalMemory $VideoController = Get-CimInstance win32_VideoController $NetAdapterConf = Get-WmiObject -Class "Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration" -Filter "IpEnabled = $true" #IP octets $ipID = ipconfig | Where-Object {$_ -match "IPv4 Address"} | ForEach-Object{$_.Split(":")[1]} $oct0 = $ipID.trim().Split(".")[0] $oct1 = $ipID.trim().Split(".")[1] $oct2 = $ipID.trim().Split(".")[2] $oct3 = $ipID.trim().Split(".")[3] $PublicIP = (Invoke-WebRequest -uri "").Content Get-Disk | Select-Object DiskNumber, PartitionStyle, ProvisioningType, OperationalStatus, HealthStatus, BusType, UniqueIdFormat, OfflineReason, ObjectId, PassThroughClass, PassThroughIds, PassThroughNamespace, PassThroughServer, UniqueId, AdapterSerialNumber, AllocatedSize, BootFromDisk, FirmwareVersion, FriendlyName, Guid, IsBoot, IsClustered, IsHighlyAvailable, IsOffline, IsReadOnly, IsScaleOut, IsSystem, LargestFreeExtent, Location, LogicalSectorSize, Manufacturer, Model, Number, NumberOfPartitions, Path, PhysicalSectorSize, SerialNumber, Signature, Size, @{label='CompSerialNumber';e={$bios.SerialNumber}}, @{label='Timestamp';e={$Date}} | Export-Csv -Path $DestinationFolder\CompDisk.csv -Append -NoTypeInformation Get-Volume |Select-Object OperationalStatus, HealthStatus, DriveType, FileSystemType, DedupMode, ObjectId, PassThroughClass, PassThroughIds, PassThroughNamespace, PassThroughServer, UniqueId, AllocationUnitSize, DriveLetter, FileSystem, FileSystemLabel, Path, Size, SizeRemaining, PSComputerName, @{label='CompSerialNumber';e={$bios.SerialNumber}}, @{label='Timestamp';e={$Date}} | Export-Csv -Path $DestinationFolder\CompVolume.csv -Append -NoTypeInformation $Win32DiskDrive | Select-Object PSComputerName, ConfigManagerErrorCode, LastErrorCode, NeedsCleaning, Status, DeviceID, StatusInfo, Partitions, BytesPerSector, ConfigManagerUserConfig, DefaultBlockSize, Index, InstallDate, InterfaceType, MaxBlockSize, MaxMediaSize, MinBlockSize, NumberOfMediaSupported, SectorsPerTrack, Size, TotalCylinders, TotalHeads, TotalSectors, TotalTracks, TracksPerCylinder, __GENUS, __CLASS, __SUPERCLASS, __DYNASTY, __RELPATH, __PROPERTY_COUNT, __DERIVATION, __SERVER, __NAMESPACE, __PATH, Availability, Capabilities, CapabilityDescriptions, Caption, CompressionMethod, CreationClassName, Description, ErrorCleared, ErrorDescription, ErrorMethodology, FirmwareRevision, Manufacturer, MediaLoaded, MediaType, Model, Name, PNPDeviceID, PowerManagementCapabilities, PowerManagementSupported, SCSIBus, SCSILogicalUnit, SCSIPort, SCSITargetId, SerialNumber, Signature, SystemCreationClassName, SystemName, Scope, Path, Options, ClassPath, Properties, SystemProperties, Qualifiers, Site, Container, @{label='CompSerialNumber';e={$bios.SerialNumber}}, @{label='Timestamp';e={$Date}} | Export-Csv -Path $DestinationFolder\CompDrive.csv -Append -NoTypeInformation $Win32MSFTPhysicalDisk |Select-Object ClassName, Usage, OperationalStatus, UniqueIdFormat, HealthStatus, BusType, CannotPoolReason, SupportedUsages, MediaType, SpindleSpeed, ObjectId, PassThroughClass, PassThroughIds, PassThroughNamespace, PassThroughServer, UniqueId, Description, FriendlyName, Manufacturer, Model, OperationalDetails, PhysicalLocation, SerialNumber, AdapterSerialNumber, AllocatedSize, CanPool, DeviceId, EnclosureNumber, FirmwareVersion, IsIndicationEnabled, IsPartial, LogicalSectorSize, OtherCannotPoolReasonDescription, PartNumber, PhysicalSectorSize, Size, SlotNumber, SoftwareVersion, StoragePoolUniqueId, VirtualDiskFootprint, PSComputerName, @{label='CompSerialNumber';e={$bios.SerialNumber}}, @{label='Timestamp';e={$Date}} | Export-Csv -Path $DestinationFolder\PhysicalDisk.csv -Append -NoTypeInformation #System Write-Output "Windows: $($SoftwareLicensing.Version)" $ProductKey = $SoftwareLicensing.OA3xOriginalProductKey Write-Verbose "Key: $ProductKey" -Verbose Write-Output "CPU: $( $Win32Processor.Name)" $MaxGHz = $Win32Processor | ForEach-Object {[math]::Round($_.MaxClockSpeed / 10)} #Rounds the clock speed to go from MHz to GHz. $MaxGHz = "$($MaxGHz / 100) GHz" #Adds the decimal place and GHz label. #Memory $memory = Get-WmiObject Win32_computersystem | ForEach-Object {[math]::round($_.totalPhysicalMemory / 1GB)} #Displays the amount of system memory rounded to the nearest gigabyte. Write-Output "RAM: $($memory) GB" $FreeMemory = [math]::Round($WinOperatingSystem.FreePhysicalMemory/1mb,2) $FreeMemoryPercent = [math]::Round(($WinOperatingSystem.FreePhysicalMemory/$WinOperatingSystem.TotalVisibleMemorySize)*100,2) <#Memory#> $Win32PhysicalMemory | Select-Object Description, InstallDate, Manufacturer, Model, PartNumber, SerialNumber, Tag, FormFactor, BankLabel, Capacity, DataWidth, InterleavePosition, MemoryType, PositionInRow, Speed, TotalWidth, Attributes, ConfiguredClockSpeed, ConfiguredVoltage, DeviceLocator, InterleaveDataDepth, MaxVoltage, MinVoltage, SMBIOSMemoryType, TypeDetail, @{label = 'ComputerName'; e = { $ComputerName } }, @{label = 'CompSerialNumber'; e = { $bios.SerialNumber } }, @{label = 'Timestamp'; e = { $Date } } | Export-Csv -Path $DestinationFolder\Memory.csv -Append -NoTypeInformation <#CPU#> $CompCPU = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'ExtClock' = $Win32Processor.ExtClock; 'L2CacheSize' = $Win32Processor.L2CacheSize 'L2CacheSpeed' = $Win32Processor.L2CacheSpeed 'MaxClockSpeed' = $Win32Processor.MaxClockSpeed; 'PowerManagementSupported' = $Win32Processor.PowerManagementSupported; 'ProcessorType' = $Win32Processor.ProcessorType; 'Revision' = $Win32Processor.Revision; 'SocketDesignation' = $Win32Processor.SocketDesignation; 'VoltageCaps' = $Win32Processor.VoltageCaps; 'Architecture' = $Win32Processor.Architecture; 'Caption' = $Win32Processor.Caption; 'CurrentVoltage' = $Win32Processor.CurrentVoltage; 'CurrentClockSpeed' = $Win32Processor.CurrentClockSpeed; 'Description' = $Win32Processor.Description; 'Family' = $Win32Processor.Family; 'L3CacheSize' = $Win32Processor.L3CacheSize; 'L3CacheSpeed' = $Win32Processor.L3CacheSpeed; 'Level' = $Win32Processor.Level; 'Manufacturer' = $Win32Processor.Manufacturer; 'Name' = $Win32Processor.Name; 'NumberOfCores' = $Win32Processor.NumberOfCores; 'NumberOfLogicalProcessors' = $Win32Processor.NumberOfLogicalProcessors; 'OtherFamilyDescription' = $Win32Processor.OtherFamilyDescription; 'PartNumber' = $Win32Processor.PartNumber; 'PNPDeviceID' = $Win32Processor.PNPDeviceID; 'PowerManagementCapabilities' = $Win32Processor.PowerManagementCapabilities; 'ProcessorId' = $Win32Processor.ProcessorId; 'SecondLevelAddressTranslationExtensions' = $Win32Processor.SecondLevelAddressTranslationExtensions; 'SerialNumber' = $Win32Processor.SerialNumber; 'Stepping' = $Win32Processor.Stepping; 'SystemName' = $Win32Processor.SystemName; 'ThreadCount' = $Win32Processor.ThreadCount; 'UniqueId' = $Win32Processor.UniqueId; 'UpgradeMethod' = $Win32Processor.UpgradeMethod; 'ComputerSerialNumber' = $bios.SerialNumber; 'Timestamp' = $date; } <# $TestCPUCSV = Test-Path ".\Computers\CompCPU.csv" If ($TestCPUCSV -eq $true) { Write-Verbose "Using existing folder: .\Computers\CompCPU.csv" -Verbose } Else { New-Item -ItemType File -Path .\Computers -Name CompCPU.csv } $GetCompCPU = Get-Content .\Computers\CompCPU.csv | Select-String -Pattern ($Win32Processor.Name) if ($null -eq $GetCompCPU) { #> $CompCPU | Export-Csv -Path $DestinationFolder\CPU.csv -Append -NoTypeInformation <# } else { Write-Verbose "CPU already in database. Skipping..." } #> <#GPU#> $VideoController | Select-Object InstallDate, Name, Status, Availability, ConfigManagerErrorCode, ConfigManagerUserConfig, DeviceID, CurrentHorizontalResolution, CurrentNumberOfColors, CurrentNumberOfColumns, CurrentNumberOfRows, CurrentRefreshRate, CurrentScanMode, CurrentVerticalResolution, MaxRefreshRate, MinRefreshRate, VideoMemoryType, VideoProcessor, VideoArchitecture, AdapterCompatibility, AdapterDACType, AdapterRAM, DitherType, DriverDate, DriverVersion, InfFilename, InfSection, VideoModeDescription, @{label = 'CompSerialNumber'; e = { $bios.SerialNumber } }, @{label = 'Timestamp'; e = { $Date } } | Export-Csv -Path $DestinationFolder\GPU.csv -Append -NoTypeInformation <#Network Adapter#> Get-NetAdapter | Select-Object MacAddress, Status, LinkSpeed, MediaType, PhysicalMediaType, AdminStatus, MediaConnectionState, DriverInformation, DriverFileName, NdisVersion, InterfaceAlias, ifName, DriverVersion, Name, OperatingStatus, OperationalStatus, EnabledDefault, EnabledState, RequestedState, TimeOfLastStateChange, TransitioningToState, Speed, FullDuplex, PortNumber, ComponentID, ConnectorPresent, DeviceWakeUpEnable, DriverDate, DriverDateData, DriverProvider, EndPointInterface, HardwareInterface, Hidden, IMFilter, InterfaceDescription, InterfaceGuid, InterfaceIndex, iSCSIInterface, MediaDuplexState, MtuSize, PromiscuousMode, VlanID, @{label = 'CompSerialNumber'; e = { $bios.SerialNumber } }, @{label = 'Timestamp'; e = { $Date } } | Export-Csv -Path $DestinationFolder\NetAdapter.csv -Append -NoTypeInformation <#IP Address#> Get-NetIPAddress | Select-Object PrefixOrigin, SuffixOrigin, Type, Store, AddressFamily, AddressState, EnabledDefault, EnabledState, RequestedState, TimeOfLastStateChange, TransitioningToState, AddressOrigin, IPv4Address, IPv6Address, PrefixLength, SubnetMask, InterfaceAlias, InterfaceIndex, IPAddress, PreferredLifetime, SkipAsSource, ValidLifetime, @{label = 'CompSerialNumber'; e = { $bios.SerialNumber } }, @{label = 'Timestamp'; e = { $Date } } | Export-Csv -Path $DestinationFolder\NetIP.csv -Append -NoTypeInformation $NetAdapterConf |Select-Object DHCPLeaseExpires, Index, Description, DHCPEnabled, DHCPLeaseObtained, DHCPServer, DNSDomain, DNSDomainSuffixSearchOrder, DNSEnabledForWINSResolution, DNSServerSearchOrder, DomainDNSRegistrationEnabled, FullDNSRegistrationEnabled, IPAddress, IPConnectionMetric, IPEnabled, IPFilterSecurityEnabled, WINSEnableLMHostsLookup, WINSHostLookupFile, WINSPrimaryServer, WINSScopeID, WINSSecondaryServer, ArpAlwaysSourceRoute, ArpUseEtherSNAP, DatabasePath, DeadGWDetectEnabled, DefaultIPGateway, GatewayCostMetric, IGMPLevel, InterfaceIndex, IPPortSecurityEnabled, IPSecPermitIPProtocols, IPSecPermitTCPPorts, IPSecPermitUDPPorts, IPSubnet, KeepAliveInterval, KeepAliveTime, MACAddress, MTU, NumForwardPackets, PMTUBHDetectEnabled, PMTUDiscoveryEnabled, ServiceName, SettingID, TcpipNetbiosOptions, TcpMaxConnectRetransmissions, TcpMaxDataRetransmissions, TcpNumConnections, TcpUseRFC1122UrgentPointer, TcpWindowSize, @{label = 'CompSerialNumber'; e = { $bios.SerialNumber } }, @{label = 'Timestamp'; e = { $Date } } | Export-Csv -Path $DestinationFolder\NetConf.csv -Append -NoTypeInformation <# Get-CimInstance Win32_ComputerSystem |Select-Object AdminPasswordStatus, BootupState, ChassisBootupState, KeyboardPasswordStatus, PowerOnPasswordStatus, PowerSupplyState, PowerState, FrontPanelResetStatus, ThermalState, Status, Name, PowerManagementCapabilities, PowerManagementSupported, Caption, Description, InstallDate, CreationClassName, NameFormat, PrimaryOwnerContact, PrimaryOwnerName, Roles, InitialLoadInfo, LastLoadInfo, ResetCapability, AutomaticManagedPagefile, AutomaticResetBootOption, AutomaticResetCapability, BootOptionOnLimit, BootOptionOnWatchDog, BootROMSupported, BootStatus, ChassisSKUNumber, CurrentTimeZone, DaylightInEffect, DNSHostName, Domain, DomainRole, EnableDaylightSavingsTime, HypervisorPresent, InfraredSupported, Manufacturer, Model, NetworkServerModeEnabled, NumberOfLogicalProcessors, NumberOfProcessors, OEMLogoBitmap, OEMStringArray, PartOfDomain, PauseAfterReset, PCSystemType, PCSystemTypeEx, ResetCount, ResetLimit, SupportContactDescription, SystemFamily, SystemSKUNumber, SystemStartupDelay, SystemStartupOptions, SystemStartupSetting, SystemType, TotalPhysicalMemory, UserName, WakeUpType, Workgroup, PSComputerName, @{label='SerialNumber';e={$bios.SerialNumber}}, @{label='Timestamp';e={$Date} | Export-Csv -Path $DestinationFolder\CompSystem.csv -Append -NoTypeInformation #> #Printers $Printer = Get-Printer <#$Printer |Select-Object RenderingMode, PrinterStatus, Type, DeviceType, Caption, Description, ElementName, InstanceID, CommunicationStatus, DetailedStatus, HealthState, InstallDate, Name, OperatingStatus, OperationalStatus, PrimaryStatus, Status, StatusDescriptions, BranchOfficeOfflineLogSizeMB, Comment, ComputerName, Datatype, DefaultJobPriority, DisableBranchOfficeLogging, DriverName, JobCount, KeepPrintedJobs, Location, PermissionSDDL, PortName, PrintProcessor, Priority, Published, SeparatorPageFile, Shared, ShareName, StartTime, UntilTime, WorkflowPolicy, PSComputerName, @{label='SerialNumber';e={$bios.SerialNumber}}, @{label='Timestamp';e={$Date} | Export-Csv -Path $DestinationFolder\CompPrinters.csv -Append -NoTypeInformation; #> #Flash #Pulls the currently installed version of Flash from the registry. # $Flash = Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Macromedia\FlashPlayer\' $Flash = if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Flash.CurrentVersion)) { Write-Output 'NULL' } else { Write-Output $Flash.CurrentVersion | ForEach-Object {$_ -replace ",", "."} #Replaces commas “,” with periods “.” for consistency. } Write-Verbose "Old Flash: $($Flash)" $FlashNPAPIKey = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Macromedia\FlashPlayerPlugin' #NPAPI Flash registry key $FlashNPAPITest = Test-Path $FlashNPAPIKey #Check if it is instlled If ($FlashNPAPITest -eq "True") { $FlashNPAPI = Get-ItemProperty $FlashNPAPIKey Write-Verbose "Flash NPAPI: $($FlashNPAPI.Version)" } Else { $FlashNPAPI = Write-Output 'NULL' Write-Verbose "Flash NPAPI: NULL" } $FlashPPAPIKey = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Macromedia\FlashPlayerPepper' $FlashPPAPITest = Test-Path $FlashPPAPIKey If ($FlashPPAPITest -eq "True") { $FlashPPAPI = Get-ItemProperty $FlashPPAPIKey Write-Verbose "Flash PPAPI (Pepper): $($FlashPPAPI.Version)" } Else { $FlashPPAPI = Write-Output 'NULL' Write-Verbose "Flash PPAPI (Pepper): NULL" } $FlashActiveXKey = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Macromedia\FlashPlayerActiveX' $FlashActiveXTest = Test-Path $FlashNPAPIKey If($FlashActiveXTest -eq "True") { $FlashActiveX = Get-ItemProperty $FlashActiveXKey Write-Verbose "Flash ActiveX: $($FlashActiveX.Version)" } Else { $FlashActiveX = Write-Output 'NULL' Write-Verbose "Flash ActiveX: NULL" } #Java #OLDer $Java = Get-WmiObject Win32_Product -Filter "Name like 'Java % Update %'" | where {$_.Name -notlike '* Development Kit *'} | Sort-Object Version #OLD $Java = Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F64180111F0}' #may need to make the key a variable with * IF ($system.SystemType -eq "X86-based PC") { $JavaKey = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F*}' #Use this key if on a 32-bit system } Else { $JavaKey = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F*}' #Use this key if on a 64-bit system } $JavaTest = Test-Path $JavaKey #test to see if Java is installed If ($JavaTest -eq "True") { #if it is... $Java = Get-ItemProperty $JavaKey | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -like 'Java *'} #Get the properties of the correct registry key Write-Verbose "Java Runtime Environment (JRE): $($Java.DisplayVersion)" #Display the version of JRE to the console } Else { $Java = Write-Output 'NULL' Write-Verbose "Java Runtime Environment (JRE): NULL or incorect '*bit' version installed" } #Chrome IF ($system.SystemType -eq "X86-based PC") { $ChromeKey = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Google Chrome' } Else { $ChromeKey = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Google Chrome\' } $ChromeTest = Test-Path $ChromeKey If ($ChromeTest -eq "True") { $Chrome = Get-ItemProperty $ChromeKey Write-Verbose "Chrome: $($Chrome.Version)" -Verbose } Else { $Chrome = Write-Output 'NULL' Write-Verbose "Chrome: NULL" -Verbose } #Firefox $FirefoxKey = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Mozilla Firefox*' $Firefox64Key = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Mozilla Firefox*' $FirefoxTest = Test-Path $FirefoxKey If ($FirefoxTest -eq "True") { $Firefox = Get-ItemProperty $FirefoxKey Write-Verbose "$($Firefox.Displayname)" -Verbose } Else { $Firefox = 'NULL' Write-Verbose "Firefox 32-bit: NULL" -Verbose } $Firefox64Test = Test-Path $Firefox64Key If ($Firefox64Test -eq "True") { $Firefox64 = Get-ItemProperty $Firefox64Key Write-Verbose "$($Firefox64.Displayname)" -Verbose } Else { $Firefox64 = 'NULL' Write-Verbose "Firefox 64-bit: NULL" -Verbose } #Internet Explorer $IE = Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer' #Adobe Reader #$Reader = Get-WmiObject Win32_Product -Filter "Name like '% Reader %'" IF ($system.SystemType -eq "X86-based PC") { $ReaderKey = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{AC76BA86-7AD7-1*}' } Else { $ReaderKey = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{AC76BA86-7AD7*}' } $ReaderTest = Test-Path $ReaderKey If ($ReaderTest -eq "True") { $Reader = Get-ItemProperty $ReaderKey Write-Verbose "Adobe Reader: $($Reader.DisplayVersion)" -Verbose } Else { $Reader = Write-Output 'NULL' Write-Verbose "Adobe Reader: NULL" -Verbose } #Google Drive $GoogleDrive = Get-Process *googledrive* If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($GoogleDrive)) { $GoogleDrive = Write-Output "Stopped" Write-Verbose "Googele Drive: Stopped" -Verbose } Else { $GoogleDrive = Write-Output "Running" Write-Verbose "Googele Drive: Running" -Verbose } #G Suite Sync IF ($system.SystemType -eq "X86-based PC") { $GSuiteKey = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{CCE9211C-DF42-46CF-B0C5-4800C4882881}' } Else{ $GSuiteKey = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{CCE9211C-DF42-46CF-B0C5-4800C4882881}' } $GSuiteTest = Test-Path $GSuiteKey If ($GSuiteTest -eq "True") { $GSuite = Get-ItemProperty $GSuiteKey Write-Verbose "G Suite Sync: $($GSuite.DisplayVersion)" } Else { $GSuite = Write-Output 'N/A' Write-Verbose "G Suite Sync not installed" } #McAfee $McAfeeKey = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\McAfee\Agent\' $McAfeeTest = Test-Path $McAfeeKey If ($McAfeetest -eq 'True') { $McAfeeAgent = (Get-ItemProperty $McAfeeKey).AgentVersion Write-Verbose "McAfee Agent: $($McAfeeAgent)" -Verbose } Else { $McAfeeAgent = 'NULL' Write-Verbose "McAfee Agent: NULL" -Verbose } #Network If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -gt 4) { $EthernetAdapter = Get-NetAdapter -Name Ethernet $WiFiAdapter = Get-NetAdapter -Name Wi-Fi $EthernetIPv4 = Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias Ethernet -AddressFamily IPv4 $EthernetIPv6 = Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias Ethernet -AddressFamily IPv6 $WiFiIPv4 = Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias Wi-Fi -AddressFamily IPv4 $WiFiIPv6 = Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias Wi-Fi -AddressFamily IPv6 } If ($NetAdapterConf.Description -like "*Wireless*") { $netAdapter = "Wireless" } Else { $AdapterType = Get-WmiObject win32_networkadapter -filter "netconnectionstatus = 2" | Select-Object AdapterType | Select-Object -first 1 $netAdapter = $AdapterType.AdapterType } $FirstIP = if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($NetAdapterConf.IPAddress[0])) {Write-Output 'NULL'} else {Write-Output $NetAdapterConf.IPAddress[0]} $SecondIP = if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($NetAdapterConf.IPAddress[1])) {Write-Output 'NULL'} else {Write-Output $NetAdapterConf.IPAddress[1]} $FirstSub = if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($NetAdapterConf.IPSubnet[0])) {Write-Output 'NULL'} else {Write-Output $NetAdapterConf.IPSubnet[0]} $SecondSub = if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($NetAdapterConf.IPSubnet[1])) {Write-Output 'NULL'} else {Write-Output $NetAdapterConf.IPSubnet[1]} $WINS = if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($NetAdapterConf.WINSPrimaryServer)) {Write-Output 'NULL'} else {Write-Output $NetAdapterConf.WINSPrimaryServer} $WINSBackup = if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($NetAdapterConf.WINSSecondaryServer)) {Write-Output 'NULL'} else {Write-Output $NetAdapterConf.WINSSecondaryServer} $DNS = if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($NetAdapterConf.DNSServerSearchOrder[0])) {Write-Output 'NULL'} else {Write-Output $NetAdapterConf.DNSServerSearchOrder[0]} $DNSBackup = if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($NetAdapterConf.DNSServerSearchOrder[1])) {Write-Output 'NULL'} else {Write-Output $NetAdapterConf.DNSServerSearchOrder[1]} #TeamViewer $TeamViewerKey = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\TeamViewer' $TeamViewerTest = Test-Path $TeamViewerKey If ($TeamViewerTest -eq "True") { $TeamViewerVersion = (Get-ItemProperty $TeamViewerKey).Version $TeamViewerID = (Get-ItemProperty $TeamViewerKey).ClientID } Else{ Write-Output "TeamViewer not installed" } Write-Verbose "TeamViewer Version: $TeamViewerVersion" -Verbose Write-Verbose "TeamViewer 14 ID: $TeamViewerID" -Verbose #Firewall $FirewallState = netsh advfirewall show allprofiles | Where-Object {$_ -match "State"} |ForEach-Object {$_ -replace "State ",""} $DomainFW = $FirewallState[0] $PrivateFW = $FirewallState[1] $PublicFW = $FirewallState[2] #Storage $CDisk = Get-Disk -Number 0 # $BootDrive = Get-Disk |Where-Object {$_.BootFromDisk -eq $true} #$Volume = Get-Volume #Requires Windows 8 or newer. Using "Get-PSDrive" instead. $CDriveModel = ($Win32DiskDrive | Where-Object {$_.deviceID -eq "\\.\PHYSICALDRIVE0"}).Model $CDrive = Get-PSDrive -Name C $CDriveUsed = $CDrive | ForEach-Object {[math]::Round($_.used / 1GB)} $CDriveFree = $CDrive | ForEach-Object {[math]::Round($ / 1GB)} $CDriveCapacity = $CDrive.Used+$CDrive.Free $CDriveCapacity = ForEach-Object {[math]::Round($CDriveCapacity / 1GB)} $CDrivePercentUsed = ($CDriveUsed/$CDriveCapacity).ToString("P") $CMediaType = (Get-CimInstance MSFT_PhysicalDisk -Namespace Root\Microsoft\Windows\Storage |Where-Object {$_.model -eq $CDriveModel}).MediaType <#Get-Volume -DriveLetter C | select @{L="PercentUsed";E={($_.sizeremaining/$_.size).ToString("P")}}#> <#> #ADD FORMAT TYPE (GPT, MBR, ETC.) FROM GET-DISK TO LOGICAL DIRVES #Drives $LogicalDrives = $Win32DiskDrive | ForEach-Object { $disk = $_ $partitions = "ASSOCIATORS OF " + "{Win32_DiskDrive.DeviceID='$($disk.DeviceID)'} " + "WHERE AssocClass = Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition" Get-WmiObject -Query $partitions | ForEach-Object { $partition = $_ $drives = "ASSOCIATORS OF " + "{Win32_DiskPartition.DeviceID='$($partition.DeviceID)'} " + "WHERE AssocClass = Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition" Get-WmiObject -Query $drives | ForEach-Object { [PSCustomObject]@{ Disk = $disk.DeviceID; DiskModel = $disk.Model; Partition = $partition.Name -replace ",", ""; RawSize = $partition.Size | ForEach-Object { [math]::Round($_ / 1GB, 2) } DriveLetter = $_.DeviceID VolumeName = $_.VolumeName Size = $_.Size | ForEach-Object { [math]::Round($_ / 1GB, 2) } FreeSpace = $_.FreeSpace | ForEach-Object { [math]::Round($_ / 1GB, 2) } FileSystem = $_.FileSystem MaximumComponentLength = $_.MaximumComponentLength MediaType = $_.MediaType VolumeSerialNumber = $_.VolumeSerialNumber Partitions = $disk.Partitions; BytesPerSector = $disk.BytesPerSector; InterfaceType = $disk.InterfaceType; SectorsPerTrack = $disk.SectorsPerTrack; TotalCylinders = $disk.TotalCylinders; TotalHeads = $disk.TotalHeads; TotalSectors = $disk.TotalSectors; TotalTracks = $disk.TotalTracks; TracksPerCylinder = $disk.TracksPerCylinder; 'ComputerName' = $ComputerName; 'ComputerSerialNumber' = $bios.SerialNumber; 'Timestamp' = $date; } } } } $LogicalDrives | Export-Csv -Path $DestinationFolder\LogicalDrives.csv -Append -NoTypeInformation # #BitLocker $PowerShellAdmin = [bool](([System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).groups -match "S-1-5-32-544") #check if PowerShell is running as an administrator # if ($PowerShellAdmin -eq $true) { Get-BitLockerVolume |Select-Object ComputerName, MountPoint, EncryptionMethod, AutoUnlockEnabled, AutoUnlockKeyStored, MetadataVersion, VolumeStatus, ProtectionStatus, LockStatus, EncryptionPercentage, WipePercentage, VolumeType, CapacityGB, @{label='CompSerialNumber';e={$bios.SerialNumber}}, @{label='Timestamp';e={$Date}} | Export-Csv -Path $DestinationFolder\CompBitLocker.csv -Append -NoTypeInformation $FixedDrives = Get-Volume | Where-Object {$_.DriveType -eq "Fixed"} If ($FixedDrives.driveletter -eq "D") { $DBitLocker = Get-BitLockerVolume -MountPoint D: $DBLVolumeStatus = $DBitLocker.VolumeStatus $DBLProtectionStatus = $DBitLocker.ProtectionStatus $DBLEncryptionPercentage = $DBitLocker.EncryptionPercentage } $CBitLocker = Get-BitLockerVolume -MountPoint C: $CBLVolumeStatus = $CBitLocker.VolumeStatus $CBLProtectionStatus = $CBitLocker.ProtectionStatus $CBLEncryptionPercentage = $CBitLocker.EncryptionPercentage } else{ Write-Output "skipping BitLocker..." } #Video Driver $AMDVidDriver = $VideoController | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "*AMD*" -or $_.Name -like "*Radeon*"} If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($AMDVidDriver)) #Sees if an AMD GPU is instlled { $AMDVidDriver = 'NULL' #If not, mark as empty } Else { $AMDVidDriverVersion = $AMDVidDriver | Select-Object DriverVersion -First 1 $AMDVidDriverName = $AMDVidDriver | Select-Object Name -First 1 Write-Output "$($AMDVidDriverName.Name)" Write-Verbose "AMD Driver: $($AMDVidDriverVersion.DriverVersion)" -Verbose } If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($($VideoController | Where-Object {$_.Name -Like "*Intel*"}))) #Sees if an Intel GPU is instlled { $IntelVidDriver = 'NULL' } Else { $IntelVidDriver = $VideoController | Where-Object {$_.Name -Like "*Intel*"} $IntelVidDriverVersion = $IntelVidDriver | Select-Object DriverVersion -First 1 $IntelVidDriverName = $IntelVidDriver | Select-Object Name -First 1 Write-Output "$($IntelVidDriverName.Name)" #GPU model name Write-Verbose "Intel Driver: $($IntelVidDriverVersion.DriverVersion)" -Verbose #GPU driver version } If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($($VideoController | Where-Object {$_.Name -Like "*NVIDIA*"}))) #Sees if a NVIDIA GPU is instlled { $NVIDIAVidDriver = 'NULL' } Else { $NVIDIAVidDriver = $VideoController | Where-Object {$_.Name -Like "*NVIDIA*"} $NVIDIAVidDriverVersion = $NVIDIAVidDriver | Select-Object DriverVersion -First 1 $NVIDIAVidDriverName = $NVIDIAVidDriver | Select-Object Name -First 1 Write-Output "$($NVIDIAVidDriverName.Name)" Write-Verbose "NVIDIA Driver: $($NVIDIAVidDriverVersion.DriverVersion)" -Verbose } #Microsoft Office 2013 $Office2013RegKey = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{90150000-0012-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}' $Office2013Test = Test-Path $Office2013RegKey If ($Office2013Test -eq "True") { $Office2013 = Get-ItemProperty $Office2013RegKey Write-Verbose "Office 2013: $($Office2013.DisplayVersion)" } Else { $Office2013 = Write-Output 'N/A' Write-Verbose "Office 2013 not installed" } #Malwarebytes Anti-Malware $MBAMRegKey = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{35065F43-4BB2-439A-BFF7-0F1014F2E0CD}_is1' $MBAMTest = Test-Path $MBAMRegKey If ($MBAMTest -eq "True") { $MBAM = Get-ItemProperty $MBAMRegKey Write-Verbose "Malwarebytes Anti-Malware: $($MBAM.DisplayVersion)" } Else { $MBAM = Write-Output 'N/A' Write-Verbose "Malwarebytes Anti-Malware not installed" } #Account Permissions $AdminUsers = net localgroup administrators $AdminPrivileges = $AdminUsers -ccontains $env:USERNAME If ($AdminPrivileges -eq "True") { Write-Error -Message "Current user has administrator privileges." } Else { Write-Output "Current user does not have administrator privileges." } #Support Website If ($System.Manufacturer -Like "Dell Inc.") { $SupportWebsite = "$($bios.SerialNumber)/warranty" } #Output <#CompHardware#> $CompHardware = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Hostname' = $ComputerName; 'SerialNumber' = $bios.SerialNumber; 'Manufacturer' = $System.Manufacturer -replace ",", ""; 'ModelNumber' = $system.Model -replace ",", "."; 'EthernetAdapter' = $EthernetAdapter.InterfaceDescription; 'EthernetState' = $EthernetAdapter.Status; 'EthernetMAC' = $EthernetAdapter.MacAddress; 'EthernetSpeed' = $EthernetAdapter.LinkSpeed; 'WiFiAdapter' = $WiFiAdapter.InterfaceDescription; 'WiFiState' = $WiFiAdapter.Status; 'WiFiMAC' = $WiFiAdapter.MacAddress; 'WiFiSpeed' = $WiFiAdapter.LinkSpeed; 'CPUName' = $Win32Processor.Name; 'PhysicalCores' = $Win32Processor.NumberOfCores; 'LogicalCores' = $Win32Processor.NumberOfLogicalProcessors; 'MaxFrequency' = $MaxGHz; 'Memory' = "$memory GB"; 'AMDGPU' = $AMDVidDriverName.Name; 'NVIDIAGPU' = $NVIDIAVidDriverName.Name; 'IntelGPU' = $IntelVidDriverName.Name; 'PrimaryDriveModel' = $CDriveModel -replace ",", ""; 'MediaType' = $CMediaType; 'BusType' = $CDisk.BusType; 'Capacity' = "$CDriveCapacity GB"; 'WindowsKey' = $ProductKey; 'OSName' = $WinOperatingSystem.Caption -replace 'Microsoft ', ''; 'Architecture' = $system.SystemType; 'SupportWebsite' = $SupportWebsite; 'Timestamp' = $date; } Write-Verbose $CompHardware <# $TestHardwareCSV = Test-Path ".\Computers\CompHardware.csv" If ($TestHardwareCSV -eq $true) { Write-Verbose "Using existing folder: .\Computers\CompHardware.csv" -Verbose } Else { New-Item -ItemType File -Path .\Computers -Name CompHardware.csv } $GetCompHardware = Get-Content .\Computers\CompHardware.csv | Select-String -Pattern $BIOS.SerialNumber if ($null -eq $GetCompHardware) { #> $CompHardware | Export-Csv -Path $DestinationFolder\CompHardware.csv -Append -NoTypeInformation <# } else { Write-Verbose "Device already in database. Skipping hardware..." } #> <#CompSystem#> $CompSystem = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Hostname' = $ComputerName; 'SerialNumber' = $bios.SerialNumber; 'EthernetIPv4' = $EthernetIPv4; 'EthtIPv4Prefix' = $EthernetIPv4.PrefixLength; 'EthIPv4PrefixOrigin' = $EthernetIPv4.PrefixOrigin; 'EthernetIPv6' = $EthernetIPv6; 'EthtIPv6Prefix' = $EthernetIPv6.PrefixLength; 'EthtIPv6PrefixOrigin' = $EthernetIPv6.PrefixOrigin; 'WiFiIPv4' = $WiFiIPv4; 'WiFiIPv4Prefix' = $WiFiIPv4.PrefixLength; 'WiFiIPv4PrefixOrigin' = $WiFiIPv4.PrefixOrigin; 'WiFiIPv6' = $WiFiIPv6; 'WiFiIPv6Prefix' = $WiFiIPv6.PrefixLength; 'WiFiIPv6PrefixOrigin' = $WiFiIPv6.PrefixOrigin; 'DefaultGateway' = $NetAdapterConf.DefaultIPGateway[0]; 'PrimaryDNS' = $DNS; 'BackupDNS' = $DNSBackup; 'Domain' = $system.Domain; 'FreeMemory' = "$FreeMemory GB"; 'MemPctUsed' = "$FreeMemoryPercent %"; 'Username' = $user; 'AdminPrivileges' = $AdminPrivileges; 'DesktopPath' = $DesktopPath; 'TeamViewerVersion' = $TeamViewerVersion 'TeamViewerID' = $TeamViewerID; 'GoogeleDrive' = $GoogleDrive; 'GSuite' = $GSuite.DisplayVersion; 'DiskUsed' = "$CDriveUsed GB"; 'DiskFree' = "$CDriveFree GB"; 'DiskPctUsed' = $CDrivePercentUsed; 'PartitionStyle' = $BootDrive.PartitionStyle; 'DomainFW' = $DomainFW; 'PrivateFW' = $PrivateFW; 'PublicFW' = $PublicFW; 'C_BitLocker' = $CBLProtectionStatus; 'C_BLVolume' = $CBLVolumeStatus; 'C_BLProtection' = $CDBLProtectionStatus; 'C_BLPct' = $CBLEncryptionPercentage; 'D_BitLocker' = $DBLProtectionStatus; 'D_BLVolume' = $DBLVolumeStatus; 'D_BLProtection' = $DDBLProtectionStatus; 'D_BLPct' = $DBLEncryptionPercentage; 'OS_Version' = $SoftwareLicensing.Version; 'OS_Build' = $WinOperatingSystem.BuildNumber; 'SMBIOS' = $bios.SMBIOSBIOSVersion; 'BIOS Version' = $bios.Version; 'BIOS Date/Name' = $bios.Name; 'Internet Explorer' = $IE.svcVersion; 'Firefox 32-bit' = $Firefox.DisplayVersion; 'Firefox 64-bit' = $Firefox64.DisplayVersion; 'Chrome' = $Chrome.Version; 'Flash' = $Flash; 'Flash NPAPI' = $FlashNPAPI.Version; 'Flash PPAPI' = $FlashPPAPI.Version; 'Java' = $Java.DisplayVersion; 'Adobe Reader' = $Reader.DisplayVersion; 'PowerShell' = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion; 'AMD Driver' = $AMDVidDriverVersion.DriverVersion; 'NVIDIA Driver' = $NVIDIAVidDriverVersion.DriverVersion; 'Intel Driver' = $IntelVidDriverVersion.DriverVersion; 'McAfee' = $McAfeeAgent; 'Office2013Name' = $Office2013.DisplayName; 'Office2013Ver' = $Office2013.DisplayVersion; 'MBAM' = $MBAM.DisplayVersion; 'IP1' = $oct0; 'IP2' = $oct1; 'IP3' = $oct2; 'IP4' = $oct3; 'Timestamp' = $date; 'FreePhysicalMemory' = $WinOperatingSystem.FreePhysicalMemory; 'FreeSpaceInPagingFiles' = $WinOperatingSystem.FreeSpaceInPagingFiles; 'FreeVirtualMemory' = $WinOperatingSystem.FreeVirtualMemory; 'OSInstallDate' = $WinOperatingSystem.InstallDate; 'CurrentTimeZone' = $WinOperatingSystem.CurrentTimeZone; 'LastBootUpTime' = $WinOperatingSystem.LastBootUpTime; 'Distributed' = $WinOperatingSystem.Distributed; 'LocalDateTime' = $WinOperatingSystem.LocalDateTime; 'MaxNumberOfProcesses' = $WinOperatingSystem.MaxNumberOfProcesses; 'MaxProcessMemorySize' = $WinOperatingSystem.MaxProcessMemorySize; 'NumberOfLicensedUsers' = $WinOperatingSystem.NumberOfLicensedUsers; 'NumberOfProcesses' = $WinOperatingSystem.NumberOfProcesses; 'NumberOfUsers' = $WinOperatingSystem.NumberOfUsers; 'OSType' = $WinOperatingSystem.OSType; 'OtherTypeDescription' = $WinOperatingSystem.OtherTypeDescription; 'Caption' = $WinOperatingSystem.Caption; 'SizeStoredInPagingFiles' = $WinOperatingSystem.SizeStoredInPagingFiles; 'TotalSwapSpaceSize' = $WinOperatingSystem.TotalSwapSpaceSize; 'TotalVirtualMemorySize' = $WinOperatingSystem.TotalVirtualMemorySize; 'TotalVisibleMemorySize' = $WinOperatingSystem.TotalVisibleMemorySize; 'BootDevice' = $WinOperatingSystem.BootDevice; 'BuildType' = $WinOperatingSystem.BuildType; 'CodeSet' = $WinOperatingSystem.CodeSet; 'CountryCode' = $WinOperatingSystem.CountryCode; 'CSDVersion' = $WinOperatingSystem.CSDVersion; 'DataExecutionPrevention_32BitApplications' = $WinOperatingSystem.DataExecutionPrevention_32BitApplications; 'DataExecutionPrevention_Available' = $WinOperatingSystem.DataExecutionPrevention_Available; 'DataExecutionPrevention_Drivers' = $WinOperatingSystem.DataExecutionPrevention_Drivers; 'DataExecutionPrevention_SupportPolicy' = $WinOperatingSystem.DataExecutionPrevention_SupportPolicy; 'Debug' = $WinOperatingSystem.Debug; 'EncryptionLevel' = $WinOperatingSystem.EncryptionLevel; 'ForegroundApplicationBoost' = $WinOperatingSystem.ForegroundApplicationBoost; 'LargeSystemCache' = $WinOperatingSystem.LargeSystemCache; 'Locale' = $WinOperatingSystem.Locale; 'Manufacturer' = $WinOperatingSystem.Manufacturer; 'MUILanguages' = $WinOperatingSystem.MUILanguages; 'OperatingSystemSKU' = $WinOperatingSystem.OperatingSystemSKU; 'Organization' = $WinOperatingSystem.Organization; 'OSArchitecture' = $WinOperatingSystem.OSArchitecture; 'OSLanguage' = $WinOperatingSystem.OSLanguage; 'OSProductSuite' = $WinOperatingSystem.OSProductSuite; 'PortableOperatingSystem' = $WinOperatingSystem.PortableOperatingSystem; 'Primary' = $WinOperatingSystem.Primary; 'ProductType' = $WinOperatingSystem.ProductType; 'RegisteredUser' = $WinOperatingSystem.RegisteredUser; 'SerialNumber;' = $WinOperatingSystem.SerialNumber; 'ServicePackMajorVersion' = $WinOperatingSystem.ServicePackMajorVersion; 'ServicePackMinorVersion' = $WinOperatingSystem.ServicePackMinorVersion; 'SuiteMask' = $WinOperatingSystem.SuiteMask; 'SystemDevice' = $WinOperatingSystem.SystemDevice; 'SystemDirectory' = $WinOperatingSystem.SystemDirectory; 'SystemDrive' = $WinOperatingSystem.SystemDrive; 'WindowsDirectory' = $WinOperatingSystem.WindowsDirectory; 'DHCP' = $NetAdapterConf.DHCPEnabled[0]; 'IPAddress' = $FirstIP; 'SubnetMask' = $FirstSub; 'SecondIP' = $SecondIP; 'SecondSubnet' = $SecondSub; 'PrimaryWINS' = $WINS[0]; 'BackupWINS' = $WINSBackup[0]; 'ActiveMACAddress' = $NetAdapterConf.MACAddress[0]; 'NetworkAdapter' = $NetAdapterConf.Description[0]; 'AdapterType' = $netAdapter; 'PublicIP' = $PublicIP.trim(); } Write-Output $CompSystem $CompSystem | Export-Csv -Path $DestinationFolder\CompSystem.csv -Append -NoTypeInformation <#Inventory Full -- Remove once all items have moved to other respective tables#> $InventoryFull = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Hostname' = $ComputerName; 'Timestamp' = $date; 'Serial Number' = $bios.SerialNumber; 'Manufacturer' = $system.Manufacturer; 'Model Number' = $system.Model; 'DHCP' = $NetAdapterConf.DHCPEnabled[0]; 'IP Address' = $FirstIP; 'Subnet Mask' = $FirstSub; 'Second IP' = $SecondIP; 'Second Subnet' = $SecondSub; 'Default Gateway' = $NetAdapterConf.DefaultIPGateway[0]; 'Primary DNS' = $DNS; 'Backup DNS' = $DNSBackup; 'Primary WINS' = $WINS; 'Backup WINS' = $WINSBackup; 'Domain' = $system.Domain; 'MAC Address' = $NetAdapterConf.MACAddress; 'Network Adapter' = $NetAdapterConf.Description; 'Adapter Type' = $netAdapter; 'CPU Name' = $Win32Processor.Name; 'Physical Cores' = $Win32Processor.NumberOfCores; 'Logical Cores' = $Win32Processor.NumberOfLogicalProcessors; 'Max Frequency' = $MaxGHz; 'Memory' = "$memory GB"; 'Free Memory' = "$FreeMemory GB"; 'Pct Used' = "$FreeMemoryPercent %"; 'System Type' = $system.SystemType 'Username' = $user; 'Admin Privileges' = $AdminPrivileges; 'Desktop Path' = $DesktopPath; 'TeamViewer' = $TeamViewerID; 'AMD GPU' = $AMDVidDriverName.Name; 'NVIDIA GPU' = $NVIDIAVidDriverName.Name; 'Intel GPU' = $IntelVidDriverName.Name; 'Googele Drive' = $GoogleDrive; 'Primary Drive Model' = $CDriveModel; 'Capacity' = "$CDriveCapacity GB"; 'Used' = "$CDriveUsed GB"; 'Free' = "$CDriveFree GB"; 'Percent Used' = $CDrivePercentUsed; 'C BitLocker' = $CBLProtectionStatus; 'C BL Volume' = $CBLVolumeStatus; 'C BL Protection' = $CDBLProtectionStatus; 'C BL Percentage' = $CBLEncryptionPercentage; 'D BitLocker' = $DBLProtectionStatus; 'D BL Volume' = $DBLVolumeStatus; 'D BL Protection' = $DDBLProtectionStatus; 'D BL Percentage' = $DBLEncryptionPercentage; 'BL ID' = ''; 'BL Key' = ''; 'Windows Key' = $ProductKey; 'OS Name' = $WinOperatingSystem.Caption -replace 'Microsoft ', ''; 'OS Number' = $SoftwareLicensing.version; 'OS Build' = $WinOperatingSystem.BuildNumber; 'SMBIOS' = $bios.SMBIOSBIOSVersion; 'BIOS Version' = $bios.Version; 'BIOS Date/Name' = $bios.Name; 'Internet Explorer' = $IE.svcVersion; 'Firefox 32-bit' = $Firefox.DisplayVersion; 'Firefox 64-bit' = $Firefox64.DisplayVersion; 'Chrome' = $Chrome.Version; 'Flash' = $Flash; 'Flash NPAPI' = $FlashNPAPI.Version; 'Flash PPAPI' = $FlashPPAPI.Version; 'Java' = $Java.DisplayVersion; 'Adobe Reader' = $Reader.DisplayVersion; 'PowerShell' = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion; 'AMD Driver' = $AMDVidDriverVersion.DriverVersion; 'NVIDIA Driver' = $NVIDIAVidDriverVersion.DriverVersion; 'Intel Driver' = $IntelVidDriverVersion.DriverVersion; 'McAfee' = $McAfeeAgent; 'IP1' = $oct0; 'IP2' = $oct1; 'IP3' = $oct2; 'IP4' = $oct3; } $InventoryFull | Export-Csv -Path $DestinationFolder\InventoryFull.csv -Append -NoTypeInformation #Apps $32bit = "32-bit" $GetApps32bit = Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*' $apps32bit = $GetApps32bit | Select-Object displayname, displayversion, @{label='Bit';e={$32bit}}, @{label='ComputerName';e={$ComputerName}}, @{label='SerialNumber';e={$bios.SerialNumber}}, @{label='Timestamp';e={$Date}} | Sort-object -Property DisplayName $apps32bit | Export-Csv -Path $DestinationFolder\Apps.csv -Append -NoTypeInformation $64bit = "64-bit" $GetApps64bit = Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*' $apps64bit = $GetApps64bit | Select-Object displayname, displayversion, @{label='Bit';e={$64bit}}, @{label='ComputerName';e={$ComputerName}}, @{label='SerialNumber';e={$bios.SerialNumber}}, @{label='Timestamp';e={$Date}} | Sort-object -Property DisplayName $apps64bit | Export-Csv -Path $DestinationFolder\Apps.csv -Append -NoTypeInformation #Printers $CompPrinters = $Printer | Select-Object Name, DriverName, PortName, Shared, @{label='ComputerName';e={$ComputerName}}, @{label='SerialNumber';e={$bios.SerialNumber}}, @{label='Timestamp';e={$Date}} $CompPrinters | Export-Csv -Path $DestinationFolder\Printers.csv -Append -NoTypeInformation # remove quotes foreach ($file in Get-ChildItem $DestinationFolder\*.csv) #Selects the files { (Get-Content $file) -replace '"','' | Set-Content $file #Replaces quotes with a blank space (Get-Content $file) -replace "VMware, Inc.","VMware Inc." | Set-Content $file #remove once NetAdapter is in table object } # #Errors # $LogFile = "$DestinationFolder\details\log.txt" # Get-Date | Out-File $LogFile -Append # $ComputerName | Out-File $LogFile -Append # #$Error | Out-File $LogFile -Append # $erFlash | Out-File $LogFile -Append # $erJava | Out-File $LogFile -Append } Get-Inventory -DestinationFolder $DestinationFolder -Verbose Hoffe das verkompliziert die Sache nicht unnötig, aber vielleicht wird ja jetzt klar, warum es nicht als system geht. lg Stefan Zitieren
testperson 1.761 Geschrieben 17. Juli 2021 Melden Geschrieben 17. Juli 2021 (bearbeitet) vor 44 Minuten schrieb stefan4711: Dachte zwar eigentlich sollte nichts zu dem Problem beitragen, aber in der EDV ist ja offenbar nichts so b***d, als dass es nicht irgendwie doch sein könnte. Ich zitiere da mal jemanden: Zitat Dumm ist der, der Dummes tut. "Dein" Script "tut" ziemlich viel Dummes bzw. hat ne ganze Menge Potenzial auf die Nase zu fallen. Meine Antwort oben zeigt (sehr wahrscheinlich) das Problem auf, warum das Script als SYSTEM nicht das erwartete Ergebnis bzw. die Dateien auf dem Share liefert. Lösungsansätze findest du auch in der Antwort. Den meisten "Kram" wirst du da sogar remote von einer zentralen Stelle abfragen können. Viel Erfolg noch.. bearbeitet 17. Juli 2021 von testperson Zitieren
stefan4711 3 Geschrieben 17. Juli 2021 Autor Melden Geschrieben 17. Juli 2021 ok, also dass Script ist nicht von mir, ich meine es wurde mir hier im Forum in einem anderen Zusammenhang mal vorgeschlagen, vielleicht irre ich mich. Also liegt es am Script oder wie soll ich Deine Antwort verstehen? "Dumm ist der, der Dummes tut" ist ja erst mal nur ne Floskel und keine konkrete Anwort, aus meiner Sicht macht das Script genau was es soll. Was macht es denn dummes, mal direkt gefragt? lg Stefan Zitieren
stefan4711 3 Geschrieben 17. Juli 2021 Autor Melden Geschrieben 17. Juli 2021 (bearbeitet) Ok dann hat mir der letzte Beitrag doch noch indirekt geholfen, es funktioniert jetzt nämlich doch als System, aber nur wenn die Zielangabe auf den jeweiligen Lokalen PC zeig, d.h. jetzt fpr mich eines: Entweder eine Aufgabe mit Systemrechten fühhrt generell keien PS aus die auf Netzwerkfreigaben verweisen oder die Syntax der Zeile $DestinationFolder = "\\\Freigaben\Daten\inv\$env:computername" ist nicht korrekt ? lg und Danke nochmal lg Stefan bearbeitet 17. Juli 2021 von stefan4711 Zitieren
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