testperson 1.761 Geschrieben 2. Februar 2024 Melden Geschrieben 2. Februar 2024 Hi, gerade im AVD Blog (Azure Virtual Desktop for Azure Stack HCI now available! - Microsoft Community Hub) gelesen, dass der AVD auf Azure Stack HCI jetzt GA ist. Das spannendste dürfte das Pricing sein: Zitat User access rights. The same licenses that grant access to Azure Virtual Desktop on Azure also apply to Azure Virtual Desktop for Azure Stack HCI. Learn more at Azure Virtual Desktop pricing. Note, per-user access pricing for external users is not supported on Azure Virtual Desktop for Azure Stack HCI. Infrastructure costs. Learn more at Azure Stack HCI pricing. Hybrid service fee. This fee requires you to pay for each active virtual CPU (vCPU) for your Azure Virtual Desktop session hosts running on Azure Stack HCI. This fee is active once the preview period ends. The hybrid service fee is $0.01/vCore/hour of consumption. Billing for the service begins on April 1, 2024. Viel Erfolg & Gruß Jan 3 Zitieren
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