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Active Directory Cookbook - 100e Scripts

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für das Active Directory Cookbook von Robbie Allen gibt es hier hunderte von Beispielscripts, die recht nützlich sind und den Admin-Alltag erleichtern:


>> http://www.rallenhome.com/books/adcookbook/code.html


Robbie Allen's Home Page > Books > Active Directory Cookbook > Download Code


Active Directory Cookbook

Contains hundreds of step-by-step solutions for both common and uncommon

problems that you might encounter with Active Directory -- including recipes to

deal with the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), multi-master

replication, Domain Name System (DNS), Group Policy, the Active Directory

Schema, and many other features. Each recipe includes graphical, command line,

and scripting examples (where applicable) so you can use the tools that best suit

you and your environment.


ISBN 0-596-00464-8

Publisher O'Reilly & Associates

Published September 2003

Pages 624

Author Robbie Allen


Due to time constraints, I could only include VBScript examples in the book (except in a couple of places where Perl was a whole lot easier). But just so the Perl coders out there don't feel left out, I've included Perl examples for each recipe below as well. Let me know if you find the Perl examples useful so I know whether or not to maintain them for future editions.


I'm also taking suggestions for new recipes for a future edition of the book. If I include one of your suggestions, I'll be sure to mention you in the acknowledgements section.


The fine print:

The source code distributed with this book can be redistributed in source or binary form so long as an acknowledgment appears in derived source files. The citation should list that the code comes from "Active Directory Cookbook" by Robbie Allen, published by O'Reilly & Associates. This code is under copyright and cannot be included in any other book, publication, or educational product without permission from O'Reilly & Associates. No warranty is attached; we cannot take responsibility for errors or fitness for use.


Folgende Scripts stehen zur Auswahl, Stand 27.01.04:


2. Forests, Domains and Trusts


2.6. Finding the domains in a forest (VBScript) (Perl)

- Domain hierarchy (not in the book) (VBScript)

2.7. Finding the NetBIOS name of a domain (VBScript) (Perl)

2.9. Changing the mode of a domain (VBScript) (LDIF) (Perl)

2.13. Raising the functional level of a Windows Server 2003 domain (VBScript) (LDIF) (Perl)

2.14. Raising the functional level of a Windows Server 2003 forest (VBScript) (LDIF) (Perl)

2.19. Viewing the trusts for a domain (VBScript) (Perl)

2.20. Verifying a trust (VBScript1) (VBScript2) (Perl1) (Perl2)

2.21. Resetting a trust (VBScript) (Perl)

2.22. Removing a trust (VBScript) (Perl)


3. Domain Controllers, Global Catalogs and FSMOs


3.8. Finding the domain controllers for a domain (VBScript) (Perl)

3.9. Finding the closest domain controller (VBScript1) (VBScript2) (Perl1) (Perl2)

3.10. Finding a domain controller's site (VBScript) (Perl)

3.11. Moving a domain controller to a different site (VBScript) (Perl)

3.13. Configuring a domain controller to use an external time source (VBScript) (Perl)

3.17. Enabling and disabling the global catalog (VBScript) (Perl)

3.19. Finding the global catalog servers in a forest (VBScript) (Perl)

3.20. Finding the domain controllers or global catalog servers in a site (VBScript) (Perl)

3.23. Disabling the global catalog requirement during a Windows 2000 domain login (VBScript) (Perl) (VBScript correction)

3.25. Finding the FSMO role holders (VBScript) (Perl)

3.26. Transferring a FSMO role (VBScript) (Perl)





4. Searching and Manipulating Objects

5. Organizational Units

6. Users

7. Groups

8. Computers

9. Group Policy Objects (GPOs)

10. Schema

11. Site Topology

12. Replication

13. Domain Name System (DNS)

14. Security and Permissions

15. Logging, Monitoring, and Quotas

16. Backup, Recovery, DIT Maintenance, and Deleted Objects

17. Application Partitions

18. Interoperability and Integration


Last Updated: Saturday, December 20, 2003


Der Autor Robbie Allen wurde am 23.01.04 zum MVP ernannt, wir gratulieren.


Hier Robbie Allen's AD Blog:

>> http://www.employees.org/~rcallen/blog/adcookbook/

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