Lian 2.541 Geschrieben 13. Februar 2004 Melden Geschrieben 13. Februar 2004 Hallo, diesmal ein Tipp von grutsch aus diesem Beitrag: XP - USB Soll Usern nicht zugänglich sein DeviceLock® gives network administrators control over which users can access what devices (floppies, serial and parallel ports, Magneto-Optical disks, CD-ROMs, ZIPs, USB, FireWire, Infrared, WiFi, Bluetooth, etc.) on a local computer. Once DeviceLock is installed, administrators can control access to floppies, CD-ROMs or any other device, depending on the time of day and day of the week. DeviceLock enhances access control for Windows System Administrators and helps control removable disk usage. It can protect network and local computers against viruses, trojans and other malicious programs often injected from removable disks. Die Software ist kostenpflichtig. Zitieren
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