ThaWild 10 Geschrieben 24. Februar 2004 Melden Geschrieben 24. Februar 2004 :shock: und wieder ein Mutant unter uns :shock: A variant of the original Mydoom virus, W32/Mydoom.f@MM is a Medium Risk mass-mailing worm that can open up hacker backdoors on infected systems and launch denial-of-service attacks that target and domains. Note: Unlike previous versions of Mydoom, Mydoom.f can also delete image, movie, Excel and Word files on an infected machine. Like other mass-mailing viruses, W32/Mydoom.f@MM steals email addresses from an infected machine, then mails itself to other computers, often spoofing the "from field." The worm arrives with random subject lines, such as "Please read," "Something for you" or "Please reply". The body of the e-mail contains an executable file often disguised as a text file. Caution: An infected email can come from addresses you recognize. What to look for: From: Randomly generated Subject: Varies. Examples include: * Announcement * ApprovedNews * Attention * automatic responder * Bug Body: Varies. Examples include: * Check the attached document. * Details are in the attached document. You need Microsoft Office to open it. * Greetings * Here is the document. * Here it is * I have your password :) Attachment: Varies [.cmd, .bat, .exe, .pif, .cmd, .scr] but often arrives in a ZIP archive. 34,686 bytes. Examples include: creditcard.bat,,,, quelle: Greez Stefan Zitieren
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