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MBSA 1.2 - Remote Scan

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Hallo Leute,


wollte gestern den MBSA benutzen um remote Server zu scannen, der Scan wurde zwar durchgeführt, aber in den Ergebnissen stand immer, dass auf die unterschiedlichen Bereiche nicht zugegriffen werden konnte. Selbst als ich den MBSA am betreffenden Server installiert hatte konnte ich remote von einer XP Workstation keine informativen Scans machen, erst als ich den MBSA dann am Server selbst laufen lies brachte er mir die gewünschten Ergebnisse.


Welche Voraussetzungen müssen erfüllt sein, damit ein Remote Scan erfolgreich abgeschlossen wird?





Hi Andi, du weisst ja, technet weiss es immer besser als wir :D


System Requirements


The following list describes the system requirements to scan a local computer:


Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000, or Windows XP.

Internet Explorer 5.01 or later.

An XML parser is required for the tool to function correctly. Microsoft recommends that you use the most recent version of the MSXML parser. See the notes later in this article about how to obtain an XML parser separately. On Windows 2000 systems that do not have MSXML 3.0 or later installed, Setup does not continue until the user installs the latest MSXML parser..

The Workstation service and the Server service must be running.

You must have the World Wide Web Service to perform local IIS administrative vulnerability checks.


The following list describes the system requirements for a computer that is running the tool and scanning remote computers:


Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000, or Windows XP.

Internet Explorer 5.01 or later.

An XML parser is required for the tool to function correctly. Microsoft recommends that you use the most recent version of the MSXML parser. See the notes later in this article for information about how to obtain an XML parser separately. On Windows 2000 systems that do not have MSXML 3.0 or later installed, Setup does not continue until the user installs the latest MSXML parser..

The IIS Common Files are required on the computer where the tool is installed to perform remote scans of IIS computers.


Note The IIS 6.0 Common Files are required on the local machine when you remotely scan an IIS 6.0 server.

The Workstation service and Client for Microsoft Networks are turned on.


The following list describes the system requirements for the computer you want to scan remotely by using the tool:


Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 4 (SP4) and later, Windows 2000, Windows XP (local scans only on Windows XP-based computers that use simple file sharing), or Windows Server 2003.

IIS 4.0, 5.0, 5.1 or 6.0 (to perform IIS vulnerability checks).

Internet Explorer 5.01 or later (to perform Internet Explorer security zones checks).

SQL 7.0, 2000 (to perform SQL vulnerability checks).

Office 2000, Office XP, or Office 2003 (to perform Office vulnerability checks).


The following services must be installed:


Server service, Remote Registry service, File and Print Sharing.


Users who perform the scan must have local administrative credentials on each computer that they want to scan, regardless whether they perform a local scan or a remote scan. For remote scans, the administrative shares must be enabled on the scanned computer for MBSA to successfully connect and perform the scan.


You must have Internet access to download the Mssecure.cab file from the Microsoft Download Center. Mssecure.can is used for the security updates scan. If a previous copy of the Mssecure.can file was downloaded during a prior scan, MBSA will try to use the locally cached copy if an Internet connection is not detected.






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