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Hi Flor,


in eventu?!



The DRIVER_CORRUPTED_MMPOOL bug check has a value of 0x000000D0. This indicates that the system attempted to access invalid memory at a process IRQL that was too high.



The following parameters are displayed on the blue screen.


Parameter Description

1 Memory referenced

2 IRQL at time of reference

3 0: Read

1: Write


4 Address that referenced memory




The kernel attempted to access pageable memory (or perhaps completely invalid memory) when the IRQL was too high. The ultimate cause of this problem is almost certainly a driver that has corrupted the system pool.


In most cases, this bug check results if a driver corrupts a large allocation (PAGE_SIZE or larger). Smaller allocations result in bug check 0xC5 (DRIVER_CORRUPTED_EXPOOL).


Resolving the Problem

If you have recently installed any new software, check to see if it is properly installed. Check for updated drivers on the manufacturer's website.


To debug this error, use the special pool option of Driver Verifier. If this fails to reveal the driver that caused the error, use the Global Flags utility to enable the special pool by pool tag.


For information about the special pool, see Driver Verifier.


An alternate method is to open the \\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management registry key. In this key, create or edit the ProtectNonPagedPool value, and set it equal to DWORD 1. Then reboot. Then the system will unmap all freed nonpaged pool. This will prevent drivers from corrupting the pool. (This does not protect the pool from DMA hardware, however.)






ps: GOOGLE machts möglich

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