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W2k Automatisches Serverupdate

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Gast fusselkopp

Hola :-)


erstmal der typische an******: RTFM ;-)


unter http://v4.windowsupdate.microsoft.com/troubleshoot/ , erreichbar über "hilfe und Support" steht folgendes:


Error 0x800A138F when scanning for updates


This behavior indicates that the scan process encountered an error it could not recover from. You may be able to determine the specific error by looking in the Windows Update.log file, located in the Windows folder on Windows XP, Windows 98, and Windows Millennium Edition. The folder is located in the Winnt folder on Windows 2000.


Temporarily disabling antivirus and firewall programs while you use Windows Update may solve this problem. Be sure to enable them again when you complete the update process.


You might also be able to resolve this issue by deleting all of the content in Program Files\Windowsupdate and Program Files\Windowsupdate\V4 except for the iuhist.xml file located in Program Files\Windowsupdate\V4.




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