Lakritzschnecke 10 Geschrieben 28. Juni 2004 Melden Geschrieben 28. Juni 2004 Hallo, kennt jemand das Tool EventSentry Light? Hört sich von der Beschreibung sehr gut an, allerdings bin ich ein TEST-Muffel! Würde mich mal interessieren, wie Eure Erfahrungen damit sind? Marcel EventSentry Light is the official successor to EventwatchNT and the freeware version of EventSentry. It enables system administrators to have eventlog messages sent by email. The free version allows you to specify one filter criteria, to limit notification to selected (or all) events, based on EventID, category and keywords. You have the choice of text or HTML emails, set time and day restrictions and more. The full version ($139) adds additional features including unlimited filters, ODBC support and more. An excellent tool for EventLog monitoring, the free verson will do great for most small networks and the Pro version provides a very cost-effective, yet full featured solution for Enterprise level monitoring. Zitieren
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