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Refreshes local and Active Directory-based Group Policy settings, including security settings. This command supersedes the now obsolete /refreshpolicy option for the secedit command.



gpupdate [/target:{computer|user}] [/force] [/wait:value] [/logoff] [/boot]

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/target:{computer|user} : Processes only the Computer settings or the current User settings. By default, both the computer settings and the user settings are processed.


/force : Ignores all processing optimizations and reapplies all settings.


/wait:value : Number of seconds that policy processing waits to finish. The default is 600 seconds. 0 means "no wait"; -1 means "wait indefinitely."


/logoff : Logs off after the refresh has completed. This is required for those Group Policy client-side extensions that do not process on a background refresh cycle but that do process when the user logs on, such as user Software Installation and Folder Redirection. This option has no effect if there are no extensions called that require the user to log off.


/boot : Restarts the computer after the refresh has completed. This is required for those Group Policy client-side extensions that do not process on a background refresh cycle but that do process when the computer starts up, such as computer Software Installation. This option has no effect if there are no extensions called that require the computer to be restarted.


/?: Displays help at the command prompt.

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If you make a syntax error, a syntax summary appears that looks similar to this Help topic.

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The following examples show how you can use the gpupdate command:




gpupdate /target:computer


gpupdate /force /wait:100


gpupdate /boot


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