shibi 10 Geschrieben 4. August 2004 Melden Geschrieben 4. August 2004 Hi Ich habe ein problem.... und zwar eine Sicherung am Windows2003 Server... Ich sichere den Server soweit komplett weg, außer den Information Store (diesen sichere ich extra weg - unmittelbar darauf) Mein Backup.bat file schaut folgendermassen aus: _________________________________________ rem net stop "Removable Storage" rem net start "Removable Storage" set BackupDate=%DATE% del "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows NT\NTBackup\data\*.log" ntbackup backup "@C:\backup\backup.bks" /n "Systemsicherung WSVHU01 %BackupDate%" /d "Systemsicherung WSVHU01 %BackupDate%" /v:no /r:no /rs:no /hc:on /m normal /j "Systemsicherung WSVHU01 %BackupDate%" /l:s /p "4mm DDS" /UM Check the Backup ... if not exist "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows NT\NTBackup\data\*.log" goto nobackup move "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows NT\NTBackup\data\*.log" c:\backup\backup.txt c:\backup\SENDMAIL /HOST= / /SUBJECT="Backup Info (W2003 Server) from WSVHU01 %BackupDate%" / /ATT=c:\backup\backup.txt del c:\backup\backup.txt rem ------------------------------------------- Backup MXS Server ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- del "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows NT\NTBackup\data\*.log" ntbackup backup "@C:\backup\MXSBackup.bks" /snap:off /j "Systemsicherung WSVHU01 %BackupDate%" /a /t "Systemsicherung WSVHU01 %BackupDate%" /m normal if not exist "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows NT\NTBackup\data\*.log" goto nobackup move "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows NT\NTBackup\data\*.log" c:\backup\backup.txt c:\backup\SENDMAIL /HOST= / /SUBJECT="Backup Info (Exchange DB) from WSVHU01 %BackupDate%" / /ATT=c:\backup\backup.txt del c:\backup\backup.txt :nobackup goto end :end exit Wie ihr da seht bekomme ich 2 files via email zugeschickt.... der 1. Teil ist in Ordnung: ___________________________________________ Backup Status Operation: Backup Active backup destination: 4mm DDS Media name: "Systemsicherung WSVHU01 03.08.2004" Backup (via shadow copy) of "C: " Backup set #1 on media #1 Backup description: "Systemsicherung WSVHU01 03.08.2004" Media name: "Systemsicherung WSVHU01 03.08.2004" Backup Type: Normal Backup started on 03.08.2004 at 23:02. Backup completed on 04.08.2004 at 01:16. Directories: 4528 Files: 66830 Bytes: 23.035.631.704 Time: 2 hours, 13 minutes, and 27 seconds Backup (via shadow copy) of "System State" Backup set #2 on media #1 Backup description: "Systemsicherung WSVHU01 03.08.2004" Media name: "Systemsicherung WSVHU01 03.08.2004" Backup Type: Copy Backup started on 04.08.2004 at 01:16. Warning: Unable to open "c:\winnt\SYSVOL\domain\DO_NOT_REMOVE_NtFrs_PreInstall_Directory" - skipped. Reason: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. Backup completed on 04.08.2004 at 01:19. Directories: 213 Files: 2727 Bytes: 534.508.495 Time: 2 minutes and 30 seconds ___________________________________________ Die Exchange Datenbank allerdings nicht... ___________________________________________ Backup Status Operation: Backup Active backup destination: 4mm DDS Media name: "Media created 04.08.2004 at 01:19" Backup of "WSVHU01\Microsoft Information Store\First Storage Group" Backup set #3 on media #1 Backup description: "Set created 04.08.2004 at 01:19" Media name: "Systemsicherung WSVHU01 03.08.2004" Backup Type: Normal Backup started on 04.08.2004 at 01:22. The requested media failed to mount. The operation was aborted. The operation was ended. Backup completed on 04.08.2004 at 01:40. Directories: 0 Files: 2 Bytes: 2.804.938.476 Time: 18 minutes and 34 seconds ---------------------- The operation did not successfully complete. ___________________________________________ Was bedeuted das... (The requested media failed to mount) lg danke Zitieren
shibi 10 Geschrieben 16. August 2004 Autor Melden Geschrieben 16. August 2004 weiß wirklich niemand was :-? danke ciao Zitieren
shibi 10 Geschrieben 19. August 2004 Autor Melden Geschrieben 19. August 2004 Hi Ich bekomme immer folgende Fehlermeldung: Sicherung IS:_______________________________________________ Backup started on 19.08.2004 at 01:11. The requested media failed to mount. The operation was aborted. The operation was ended. Backup completed on 19.08.2004 at 01:42. Directories: 2 Files: 3 Bytes: 4.669.305.982 Time: 31 minutes and 18 seconds ---------------------- The operation did not successfully complete. __________________________________________________ Diese bekomm ich aber nur, wenn ich vorher die kompletten Windows 2003 Daten sichere.. wenn nicht, dann funktioniert die Sicherung des IS perfekt. Das lasst darauf schliessen, dass alle Daten nicht mehr auf das Tape passen oder? Und noch eine rein Informtive Frage: Müssen die Daten vorher am Server auch schon komprimiert sein, damit sie auch auf dem Tape komprimiert sind, oder gibts da einen bestimmten Parameter (steht nix in der Hilfe von ntbackup) lg aus dem sonnigen Wien =) Zitieren
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