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2004-09-09 16:00:00 14:00:00 Success IUENGINE Install started

2004-09-09 16:00:00 14:00:00 Success IUENGINE Installing SOFTWARE item from publisher com_microsoft

2004-09-09 16:00:00 14:00:00 Success IUENGINE Installer Command Type: EXE

2004-09-09 16:00:13 14:00:13 Success IUENGINE Installing SOFTWARE item from publisher com_microsoft

2004-09-09 16:00:13 14:00:13 Success IUENGINE Installer Command Type: EXE

2004-09-09 16:00:13 14:00:13 Success IUENGINE Installing SOFTWARE item from publisher com_microsoft

2004-09-09 16:00:13 14:00:13 Success IUENGINE Installer Command Type: EXE

2004-09-09 16:00:31 14:00:31 Success IUENGINE Installing SOFTWARE item from publisher com_microsoft

2004-09-09 16:00:31 14:00:31 Success IUENGINE Installer Command Type: EXE

2004-09-09 16:00:32 14:00:32 Success IUENGINE Installing SOFTWARE item from publisher com_microsoft

2004-09-09 16:00:32 14:00:32 Success IUENGINE Installer Command Type: EXE

2004-09-09 16:00:36 14:00:36 Success IUENGINE Installing SOFTWARE item from publisher com_microsoft

2004-09-09 16:00:36 14:00:36 Success IUENGINE Installer Command Type: EXE

2004-09-09 16:00:46 14:00:46 Success IUENGINE Installing SOFTWARE item from publisher com_microsoft

2004-09-09 16:00:46 14:00:46 Success IUENGINE Installer Command Type: EXE

2004-09-09 16:00:54 14:00:54 Success IUENGINE Installing SOFTWARE item from publisher com_microsoft

2004-09-09 16:00:54 14:00:54 Success IUENGINE Installer Command Type: EXE

2004-09-09 16:01:03 14:01:03 Success IUENGINE Installing SOFTWARE item from publisher com_microsoft

2004-09-09 16:01:03 14:01:03 Success IUENGINE Installer Command Type: EXE

2004-09-09 16:01:12 14:01:12 Success IUENGINE Installing SOFTWARE item from publisher com_microsoft

2004-09-09 16:01:12 14:01:12 Success IUENGINE Installer Command Type: EXE

2004-09-09 16:01:19 14:01:19 Success IUENGINE Installing SOFTWARE item from publisher com_microsoft

2004-09-09 16:01:19 14:01:19 Success IUENGINE Installer Command Type: EXE

2004-09-09 16:01:29 14:01:29 Success IUENGINE Installing SOFTWARE item from publisher com_microsoft

2004-09-09 16:01:29 14:01:29 Success IUENGINE Installer Command Type: EXE

2004-09-09 16:01:30 14:01:30 Success IUENGINE Installing SOFTWARE item from publisher com_microsoft

2004-09-09 16:01:30 14:01:30 Success IUENGINE Installer Command Type: EXE

2004-09-09 16:01:53 14:01:53 Success IUENGINE Installing SOFTWARE item from publisher com_microsoft

2004-09-09 16:01:53 14:01:53 Success IUENGINE Installer Command Type: EXE

2004-09-09 16:02:23 14:02:23 Success IUENGINE Installing SOFTWARE item from publisher com_microsoft

2004-09-09 16:02:23 14:02:23 Success IUENGINE Installer Command Type: EXE

2004-09-09 16:03:20 14:03:20 Success IUENGINE Installing SOFTWARE item from publisher com_microsoft

2004-09-09 16:03:20 14:03:20 Success IUENGINE Installer Command Type: EXE

2004-09-09 16:03:31 14:03:31 Success IUENGINE Installing SOFTWARE item from publisher com_microsoft

2004-09-09 16:03:31 14:03:31 Success IUENGINE Installer Command Type: EXE

2004-09-09 16:03:41 14:03:41 Success IUENGINE Installing SOFTWARE item from publisher com_microsoft

2004-09-09 16:03:41 14:03:41 Success IUENGINE Installer Command Type: EXE

2004-09-09 16:03:49 14:03:49 Success IUENGINE See iuhist.xml for details: Install finished

2004-09-09 16:03:50 14:03:50 Success IUENGINE Shutting down

2004-09-09 16:03:50 14:03:50 Success IUCTL Shutting down

2004-09-10 09:16:48 07:16:48 Success IUCTL Starting

2004-09-10 09:17:02 07:17:02 Success IUCTL Downloaded iuident.cab from http://testterminal to C:\Programme\WindowsUpdate\V4

2004-09-10 09:17:03 07:17:03 Success IUENGINE Starting

2004-09-10 09:17:03 07:17:03 Success IUENGINE Determining machine configuration

2004-09-10 09:17:06 07:17:06 Success IUENGINE Querying software update catalog from http://testterminal/autoupdate/getmanifest.asp'>http://testterminal/autoupdate/getmanifest.asp'>http://testterminal/autoupdate/getmanifest.asp

2004-09-10 09:17:06 07:17:06 Success IUENGINE Determining machine configuration

2004-09-10 09:17:06 07:17:06 Success IUENGINE Querying software update catalog from http://testterminal/autoupdate/getmanifest.asp

2004-09-10 09:17:06 07:17:06 Success IUENGINE Determining machine configuration

2004-09-10 09:17:07 07:17:07 Success IUENGINE Querying software update catalog from http://testterminal/autoupdate/getmanifest.asp

2004-09-10 09:17:11 07:17:11 Success IUENGINE Shutting down

2004-09-10 09:17:11 07:17:11 Success IUCTL Shutting down



So das steht in der Logdatei vom Client.

Der letzte Beitrag zu diesem Thema ist mehr als 180 Tage alt. Bitte erstelle einen neuen Beitrag zu Deiner Anfrage!

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