kab 10 Geschrieben 23. November 2004 Melden Geschrieben 23. November 2004 Ich versuche schon seit mehreren Tagen via VBS und Delphi bei einem Windows 2k Server den Terminal Pfad und HomeDir zu ändern. Leider alles ohne erfolg. On Error Resume Next Set objCont = GetObject("LDAP://" & Users.Text & ",dc=" & Domain.Text & ",dc=" & Namen.Text) For Each objUser In objCont Select Case msg Case 2 Exit Sub Case 7 Exit For End Select objUser.TerminalServicesHomeDirectory = "Test" objUser.AllowLogon = Enabled objUser.SetInfo Next If Not objCont Is Nothing Then Set objCont = Nothing Bei einem Windows 2003 Server funktioniert dies. Zudem habe ich diese Info erhalten: According to your post, I understand that you want to configure the Terminal Profile by script in Windows 2000 AD. If I am off-base on othat, please let me know. In Windows 2000, Terminal services cannot be directly controlled via LDAP. The information is stored in the AD as blob data in the UserParameters attribute. Modifying this information must be done using the WTS API. In the terminal services API there is a function called WTSSetUserConfig. The third parameter for this function is WTSConfigClass. This config class can have many values and one of these values is WTSUserConfigTerminalServerProfilePath, which happens to be the profile path. Wer kann mir nun helfen dies zu realisieren? Zitieren
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