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Cisco 801 trennt Verbindung trotz Traffic

Der letzte Beitrag zu diesem Thema ist mehr als 180 Tage alt. Bitte erstelle einen neuen Beitrag zu Deiner Anfrage!

Empfohlene Beiträge


Hallo zusammen,


ich übertrage jeden Morgen ein ca. 37MB große Datei via FTP auf einen Server. Problem is, das der Router die Verbindung immer nach dem dialer idle-timeout Wert trennt, selbst wenn da noch Traffic auf der Leitung ist.

habe einen Wert von 360 eingestellt. Die Üerbtragung dauert aber ca. 40 min. Ich kann ja jetzt nicht für jeden Mist die Leitugn 40min offen lassen. :) Weis jemannd wieso der Dialertimer nicht resetet wird?

Hier mal die Config


Building configuration...


Current configuration : 4742 bytes


version 12.2

no service pad

service timestamps debug uptime

service timestamps log uptime

no service password-encryption


hostname router


boot system flash c800-y6-mw.122-8.T10.bin

enable secret 5 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


username xxxxx password 0 xxxxxx

ip subnet-zero


no ip domain-lookup

ip name-server

ip name-server

isdn switch-type basic-net3




interface Ethernet0

description xxxxx

ip address 192.168.xxx.xxx.

ip access-group 111 in

ip nat inside

no cdp enable


interface BRI0

no ip address

encapsulation ppp

dialer pool-member 1

isdn switch-type basic-net3

no cdp enable

ppp authentication pap chap callout

ppp chap hostname xxxx

ppp chap password 0 xxxxxx

ppp pap sent-username xxxx password 0 xxxxx

ppp multilink


interface Dialer1

ip address negotiated

ip nat outside

encapsulation ppp

dialer pool 1

dialer idle-timeout 360 either

dialer string 074560001920785

dialer load-threshold 10 either

dialer-group 1

no cdp enable

ppp authentication chap pap callin

ppp chap hostname xxxx

ppp chap password 0 xxxx

ppp pap sent-username xxxx password 0 xxxx

ppp multilink


ip nat inside source list 1 interface Dialer1 overload

ip classless

ip route Dialer1

ip route 172.16.xxx.xxx 255.255.255.xxx 192.168.xxx.xxx

ip route 188.11.xxx.xxx 255.255.255.xxx 192.168.xxx.xxx

no ip http server



logging 188.11.xxx.xxx


access-list 1 remark ****** NAT-LIST ******

access-list 1 permit

access-list 1 permit 192.168.xxx.xxx

access-list 1 permit 188.11.xxx.xxx

access-list 99 permit 188.11.xxx.xxx

access-list 99 permit 172.16.xxx.xxx

access-list 99 remark ***** TELNET-ACCESS *****

access-list 99 permit 10.2.xxx.xxx

access-list 111 remark ******************************************

access-list 111 remark * *

access-list 111 remark * ACCESS UPS, FTP-TRANSFER FUER xxxxxxxx *

access-list 111 remark * *

access-list 111 remark ******************************************

access-list 111 remark

access-list 111 remark *********** TELNET-ACCESS 23 ***************

access-list 111 permit tcp host 188.11.xxx.xxx host 192.168.xxx.xxx eq telnet

access-list 111 permit tcp host 172.16.xxx.xxx host 192.168.xxx.xxx eq telnet

access-list 111 remark *********** ICMP-ECHO 8 ***************

access-list 111 permit icmp host 188.11.xxx.xxx host echo

access-list 111 remark *********** DNS-REQUEST 53 ***************

access-list 111 permit udp host 188.11.xxx.xxx gt 1023 any eq domain

access-list 111 permit udp host 188.11.xxx.xxx gt 1023 any eq domain

access-list 111 permit udp host 188.11.xxx.xxx gt 1023 any eq domain

access-list 111 permit udp host 192.168.xxx.xxx gt 1023 any eq domain

access-list 111 permit udp host 192.168.xxx.xxx gt 1023 any eq domain

access-list 111 permit udp host 192.168.xxx.xxx gt 1023 any eq domain

access-list 111 remark *********** HTTP-ACCESS 80 ****************

access-list 111 permit tcp host 188.11.xxx.xxx gt 1023 any eq www

access-list 111 permit tcp host 188.11.xxx.xxx gt 1023 any eq www

access-list 111 permit tcp host 188.11.xxx.xxx gt 1023 any eq www

access-list 111 permit tcp host 192.168.xxx.xxx gt 1023 any eq www

access-list 111 permit tcp host 192.168.xxx.xxx gt 1023 any eq www

access-list 111 permit tcp host 192.168.xxx.xxx gt 1023 any eq www

access-list 111 remark *********** HTTPs-ACCESS 443 **************

access-list 111 permit tcp host 188.11.xxx.xxx gt 1023 any eq 443

access-list 111 permit tcp host 188.11.xxx.xxx gt 1023 any eq 443

access-list 111 permit tcp host 188.11.xxx.xxx gt 1023 any eq 443

access-list 111 permit tcp host 192.168.xxx.xxx gt 1023 any eq 443

access-list 111 permit tcp host 192.168.xxx.xxx gt 1023 any eq 443

access-list 111 permit tcp host 192.168.xxx.xxx gt 1023 any eq 443

access-list 111 remark *********** FTP/DATA ACCESS 20/21 *********

access-list 111 permit tcp host 188.11.xxx.xxx gt 1023 any eq ftp

access-list 111 permit tcp host 188.11.xxx.xxx gt 1023 any eq ftp-data

access-list 111 permit tcp host 188.11.xxx.xxx gt 1023 any eq ftp

access-list 111 permit tcp host 188.11.xxx.xxx gt 1023 any eq ftp-data

access-list 111 remark *********** POP3-ACCESS 110 ***************

access-list 111 permit tcp host 192.168.xxx.xxx gt 1023 any eq pop3

access-list 111 remark *********** SYS-LOG-SERVICE 514 ***********

access-list 111 permit udp host 192.168.xxx.xxx gt 1023 host 188.11.xxx.xxx eq syslog

access-list 111 remark *********** DENY ANY ANY LOG **************

access-list 111 deny ip any any log

dialer-list 1 protocol ip list 111

no cdp run


line con 0

stopbits 1

line vty 0 4

access-class 99 in

exec-timeout 15 0

password xxxx



no rcapi server







Danke und Gruß




Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software

IOS C800 Software (C800-Y6-MW), Version 12.2(8)T10, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)

TAC Support: http://www.cisco.com/tac

Copyright © 1986-2003 by cisco Systems, Inc.

Compiled Fri 30-May-03 01:28 by kellythw

Image text-base: 0x000F5000, data-base: 0x0077F000


ROM: TinyROM version 1.4(1)

arcor uptime is 21 hours, 59 minutes

System returned to ROM by power-on

System image file is "flash:c800-y6-mw.122-8.T10.bin"


Cisco C801 (MPC850) processor (revision 1) with 48252K bytes of virtual memory.

Processor board ID FOC07410YPV (1861230185)

CPU part number 0x2101

Bridging software.

Basic Rate ISDN software, Version 1.1.

1 Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)

1 ISDN Basic Rate interface(s)

8M bytes of physical memory (DRAM)

8K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory

8M bytes of flash on board (4M from flash card)


Configuration register is 0x2102

Der letzte Beitrag zu diesem Thema ist mehr als 180 Tage alt. Bitte erstelle einen neuen Beitrag zu Deiner Anfrage!

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