tararqamar 10 Geschrieben 17. Mai 2005 Melden Geschrieben 17. Mai 2005 The Applications tab shows that my required program is currently running.. The software being used is listed in the window under the task column, and the status column will show “Running” but it does not appear on desktop or it takes long time (hour) to appear on desktop. Can some body please help me?. I shall be thankful to you Qamar Tarar
olei 10 Geschrieben 17. Mai 2005 Melden Geschrieben 17. Mai 2005 Hi tararqamar: try the following: right click in your taskbar and try to rearange (overlaping etc.).
Damian 1.670 Geschrieben 17. Mai 2005 Melden Geschrieben 17. Mai 2005 Bitte keine Doppelpostings. :rolleyes: Hier gehts weiter: http://www.mcseboard.de/showthread.php?t=62389 Damian
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