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Cisco 1720 SIP UDP Weiterleitung geht nicht

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Moin Mädels,


ich besitze einen Cisco 1720 mit 16F/48R, WIC-1ENET mit PPoE Adsl Anbindung, AUX für Modemeinwahl (klappt), WIC-1BRI-IDSN (RAS Einwahl klappt!).

In meiner Konfig (siehe unten !) funktioniert eine tcp Weiterleitung auf Port 22 (SSH)


Sobald ich aber für ein Cisco 7905G Cisco IP Phone (mit SIP LOAD!) die UDP Ports 5060,5004 und 10000 auf die IP durchreichen möchte, haut das nicht hin ????


Habt ihr noch ne Idee ???



version 12.3

service timestamps debug uptime

service timestamps log uptime

service password-encryption


hostname Cisco1720





enable password 7 password


memory-size iomem 25

mmi polling-intervall 60

no mmi auto-configure

no mmi pvc

mmi snmp-timeout 180

no aaa new-model

ip subnet-zero



ip name-server (ist ein BIND9!)


ip cef

ip audit po max-events 100

vpdn enable

vpdn ip udp ignore checksum


vpdn-group pppoe


protocol pppoe


no ftp-server write-enable


isdn switch-type nasic-net3


username user password 7 password




interface BRI0

decription connected to Dial-inPCs(ISDN)

no ip adress

ip nat inside

encapsulation ppp

dialer rotary-group 2

dialer-group 1

ISDN switch-type basic-net3

isdn point-to-point-setup

no cdp enable


interface Ethernet0

description connected to Internet

no ip address

half-duplex (da Teledat 431 Modem !)

pppoe enable

pppoe-client dial-pool-number 4

no keepalive


interface FastEthernet0

description connected to EthernetLan

ip address

ip nat inside

ip tcp adjust-mss 1452


no keepalive


interface Async5

description connected to Dial-inPCs(modem)

ip unnumbered FastEthernet0

ip nat inside

encapsulation ppp

ip tcp header-compression passive

dialer in-band

dialer rotary-group 3

dialer-group 1

async mode dedicated


interface Dialer2

description connected to Dial-inPCs(ISDN)

ip unnumbered FastEthernet0

ip nat inside

encapsulation ppp

no ip split-horizon

dialer in-band

dialer-group 1

peer default ip address pool Cisco1720-Group-2

no cdp enable

ppp authentication chap pap callin

ppp multilink


interface Dialer3

decription connected to Dial-inPCs(modem)

ip unnumbered FastEthernet0

ip nat inside

encapsulation ppp

ip tcp header-compression passive

dialer in-band

dialer-group 1

peer default ip address pool Cisco1720-Group-3

no cdp enable

ppp authentication chap


interface Dialer4

description connected to Internet

ip address negotiated

ip mtu 1492

ip nat outside

encapsulation ppp

dialer pool 4

dialer-group 2

ppp authentication chap pap callin

ppp chap hostname usernameprovider

ppp chap password 7 passwordprovider

ppp pap sent-username usernameprovider password 7 passwordprovider


router rip

version 2

passive-interface Dialer4


no auto-summary


ip local pool Cisco1720-Group-2

ip local pool Cisco1720-Group-3

ip nat inside source list 1 interface Dialer4 overload

ip nat inside source list 101 interface Dialer4 overload

ip classless

ip route Dialer4

no ip http server

no ip http secure-server



access-list 1 permit

access-list 101 permit tcp any eq 22 host eq 22

access-list 101 permit udp any eq 5004 host eq 5004 (IP des Telefons!)

access-list 101 permit udp any eq 5060 host eq 5060

access-list 101 permit udp any eq 10000 host eq 10000

dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit

dialer-list 2 protocol ip permit


snmp-server location Germany

snmp-server contact mein Kontakt


line con 0

exec-timeout 0 0

password 7 password


line aux 0

modem InOut

transport input all

autoselect ppp

stopbits 1

speed 38400

flowcontrol hardware

line vty 0 4






Was mache ich flasch mit den udp Ports ?????



THX schon mal 4 help !!!!!!!




hier meine weiterleitung für Sipgate:


ip nat inside source static udp 5060 interface Ethernet0 5060

ip nat inside source static udp 5004 interface Ethernet0 5004

ip nat inside source static udp 10000 interface Ethernet0 10000






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