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SUS+Event 18

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Ist das ein bekannter Bug wie es unten in der Newsgroup zu finden war ???

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The description for Event ID (18) in Source (Automatic Updates) cannot be found" Error on Some Clients


On most of our workstations, when updates become available for installation, the Windows Update globe icon appears in the System Tray just as it is supposed to. In addition, Event ID 18 is written to the workstation's System Log stating 'Installation Ready.'


However, on some workstations, the globe icon DOES NOT appear and the following is written to the Application Log:


The description for Event ID (18) in Source (Automatic Updates) cannot be found. The local computer may not have the necessary registry information or message DLL files to display messages from a remote computer.


Has anyone else experienced this problem? What registry information or DLL is missing? What needs to be done to fix this?


Answer From the microsoft.public.softwareupdatesvcs newsgroup


The event that you are getting in the Application Log instead of the System Log is a known bug that only occurs the very first time that AU does an install. After you do the install on that computer, the next time the event will be written to the System Log just like the other computer.


As far as the Globe icon not appearing in the System Notification area on that machine, it should be appearing unless you've already installed all the updates that are listed in the Application Log entry.




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