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RIS Image Creation problem

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I've got a RIS Server set up on w2k3 and wanted to create w2k3 ent images for HPBLp20G2,

I've used the flat image located on the RIS server in the English folder for installation, customized the installation by adding HP Utilities... and began to create the image using riprep.exe. At the end of image creation following error occurs:



The location cannot be reached. For information about network troubleshooting, see windows help.


Looking at the RIS Server I recognized that the image had been created, but the templates folder hadn't been created. And the riprep.log doesn't say that riprep had been completed successful.

I've already googled this issue, the only answer I could find was that you need to add LegacyNIC = 1 to the .sif file of the flat image. I've checked this issue and the line is included.

Any idea how to fix this problem?

Thank's for any help.


Hi and welcome on board!


seems there´s something wrong with the flat image.

-> Check out article KB304314


found this in another forum:

-> check for these lines in riprep.sif



OsLoadOptions = "/noguiboot /fastdetect"

SetupSourceDevice ="\Device\LanmanRedirector\%SERVERNAME%\RemInst\%INSTALLPA





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