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kostenlos - Novell Technical Resource Kit

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Novell Customer Communities is pleased to offer the latest edition of its Novell Technical Resource Kit free of charge to qualified IT professionals.


With its release of SUSE LINUX Professional 9.3 and Open Enterprise Server (OES), Novell continues to demonstrate its commitment to the Linux platform. Here is your opportunity to experience for yourself what the press and analysts are so taken with. This kit contains over 7 GB of licensed and evaluation software. It also contains many other tools and resources that will help you to evaluate and become familiar with the latest technologies from Novell. See for yourself how Novell can help take your systems to the next level of efficiency and security.


Highlights from this Kit include:


-ISO images for Live SUSE™ LINUX Professional 9.3


-VMWare HOT Lab for Novell Open Enterprise Server


-VMWare HOT Lab for Novell Identity Manger on Novell Open Enterprise Server.


To order your FREE Kit http://www.novell.com/community/linux/order.php


Act now as supplies are limited.



mein kit ist heute nach ca 2 wochen wartezeit angekommen, diesesmal sind es aber nur 2 dvd's.

Der letzte Beitrag zu diesem Thema ist mehr als 180 Tage alt. Bitte erstelle einen neuen Beitrag zu Deiner Anfrage!

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