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Verkaufe Windows Internals Buch

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Microsoft Windows Internals Topaktuell

von Mark Russinovich, David A. Solomon

US-Preisempfehlung*: $59.99

Amazon-Preis: EUR 54,50


A guide to the architecture and internal structure of Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Windows server.


Das unentbehrliche Nachschlagewerk für Windows Enthusiasten.


Delve inside the Windows kernel with noted internals experts Mark Russinovich and David Solomon, in collaboration with the Microsoft Windows product development team. This classic guide - fully updated for Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, and Windows 2000 - describes the architecture and internals of the Windows operating system. You´ll find hands-on experiments you can use to experience Windows internal behavior firsthand, along with advanced troubleshooting information to help you keep your systems running smoothly and efficiently.

Whether you´re a developer or a system administrator, you´ll find critical architectural insights that you can quickly apply for better design, debugging, performance, and support



-> Neupreis war 54,50. Gebote bitte an mich per PN.

Buch ist neuwertig, ohne Gebrauchsspuren.


Habe eines übrig aufgrund einer Doppelbestellung.

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