Dr.Melzer 191 Geschrieben 21. Oktober 2005 Melden Teilen Geschrieben 21. Oktober 2005 Frisch eingetroffen: This Alert is to inform you of a minor revision to Microsoft Security Bulletin MS05-050. Specifically, the caveats and FAQ were updated to reflect the availability of Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 909596 and to clarify a known issue that affected a limited number of Windows 2000 SP4 customers who were running DirectX. In the "Frequently asked questions (FAQ) related to this security update" section, the "What updates does this release replace" question was updated to make it clearer with regards to DirectX and Windows 2000. Information about Windows XP Professional x64 Edition to was added to the "File Information" section under "Windows XP (all versions)". Finally, the "DirectX Standalone" "Registry Key Verification" was revised for all versions. For more information, please see the security bulletin at this location: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/Bulletin/MS05-050.mspx If you have any questions regarding this alert please contact your Technical Account Manager or Application Development Consultant. Thank you, Microsoft PSS Security Team Zitieren Link zu diesem Kommentar
zahni 562 Geschrieben 21. Oktober 2005 Melden Teilen Geschrieben 21. Oktober 2005 http://support.microsoft.com/kb/909596 Aha: Wenn man DirectX 8 oder 9 auf dem W2K PC hat, wird das Update für Directx 7 nicht installiert. Wer hätte das gedacht :D :cool: -Zahni Zitieren Link zu diesem Kommentar
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