Flopo 10 Geschrieben 10. November 2005 Melden Geschrieben 10. November 2005 Hi..., habe folgendes Probelm: Habe hier einen Windows 2000 Server mit einem Tandberg SLR5 4/8 GB Streamer an einem Adaptec AIC-7850 PCI SCSI Controller stehen! Backup Software: Veritas Backup Exec - Version 8.6 Seit neuestem wird jede Sicherung mit der Fehlermeldung" Das Zeitlimit für die Semaphore wurde erreicht" nach 6 min abbgebrochen bzw. als Fehler gemeldet! Die Sicherung startet jede Nacht um 01:00 Uhr, die Ereignisanzeige zeigt mir um ca. 01:03: Ereignis-ID: 9 - Quelle aic78xx Beschreibung: Das Gerät \Device\Scsi\aic78xx1 hat innerhalb der Fehlerwartezeit nicht geantwortet! Hab schon einiges über diese Fehlermeldung gelesen, aber wollte mal hier fragen :D! Der Fehler trat etwa dann auf, nachdem ich ein Office Paket (Office XP) aufgespielt hatte, kann mir aber nicht vorstellen, dass es ein Zusammenhang gibt! Vielleicht Treiber, Kabel, Hardware Problem? Hab die Sicherung mal manuell gestartet um zu schauen ob der Streamer überhaupt angesprochen wird, er fängt ganz normal an und hört nach 6 min auf! Bisher, habe ich noch keine Kabel usw. geprüft, um hier den laufenden Betrieb erstmal nicht zu stören! Thx... Zitieren
Flopo 10 Geschrieben 10. November 2005 Autor Melden Geschrieben 10. November 2005 Keiner eine Lösung? Dann werd ich wohl demnächst mal ein paar Überstunden leisten müssen! :D Cya Flopo Zitieren
XP-Fan 224 Geschrieben 10. November 2005 Melden Geschrieben 10. November 2005 Hallo, Google ist mein Freund und support.veritas auch :) Storage Device "[Device_Name]" reported an error on a request to space to end of data. Error reported: The SEMAPHORE timeout period has expired. An unknown error occurred on device "[Device_Name]". Details: These errors may have occurred because the storage device driver did not receive a response from the storage device or the controller within a specific amount of time. Note: If the error messages still occur after performing all the steps described in this TechNote, in most cases, it is due to the fact that the device fails to respond in the time allotted to process a SCSI command. If the device continues to fail, the device may need to be repaired or replaced. At this point, contact the device manufacturer. Since the device driver contains timeout information for different media operations, one driver may have a longer timeout period than another driver. Installing a new device driver may extend the timeout period for some operations. For example, if the default Windows NT tape driver is installed, remove the Windows NT tape driver and install the Backup Exec storage device driver instead. The SCSI controller driver should also be updated using the manufacturer's most recently recommended driver. To get the current VERITAS Software tape device drivers, follow the instructions given below: 1. Go to the following Web site: http://support.veritas.com 2. Under Step-1 Select Product Family, click Backup Exec Server Products 3. Under Step-2 Select Product, click Backup Exec for Windows Servers 4. On the subsequent page that opens, click Downloads 5. Select Driver from the File Type drop-down list box 6. Select the appropriate language, product version, and product platform 7. Download the appropriate device driver file for Backup Exec, and follow the instructions to install the driver The error can also occur if the SCSI controller hardware is improperly configured. Verify the following SCSI BIOS settings: 1. Set the tape drive SCSI ID as low as possible, avoiding 0 or 1, which are usually reserved for bootable devices 2. Set INITIATE SYNC NEGOTIATION for the SCSI ID of the tape drive to off 3. Set INITIATE WIDE NEGOTIATION to off for controllers with a wide bus 4. Set MAXIMUM SYNC TRANSFER RATE to the lowest possible value for the SCSI ID of the tape drive 5. DISCONNECT must be enabled for all tape drive SCSI IDs 1. Check for firmware and driver updates from controller and tape drive vendors 2. Use good quality cabling that follows the SCSI specification 3. Use heavy duty shielded cables for external cables. An external SCSI cable should never be detached from any connection while power is still applied to any device on the bus. 4. For single-ended internal cables, ensure that there is at least 1 foot of cable between devices. For single-ended buses, ensure that the overall cable length from termination to termination does not exceed the maximum bus length of 3 meters (roughly 9 to 10 feet) 5. Use active termination on both ends of the SCSI bus. All external devices should be set to supply termination power. 6. Make sure that no two SCSI devices are sharing the same SCSI ID 7. Verify that there are no mirrored, duplexed, striped, or any other RAID configurations on the same SCSI bus that the tape drive is on 8. Do not use SCSI RAID controllers for tape devices 9. Clean the tape drive. Refer to manufacturer's procedures for cleaning the tape drive. 10. Verify that the manufacturer of the tape drive supports the tape brand being used 11. Verify that the tape device and SCSI controller are supported by Backup Exec for Windows Servers Last resort: 1. Put the tape device on a separate controller by itself 2. Have the media replaced 3. Have the tape drive replaced 4. Replace the controller that the tape drive is connected to 5. Try another PCI slot on the motherboard Viel Glück ! Gruß Sven Zitieren
Flopo 10 Geschrieben 16. November 2005 Autor Melden Geschrieben 16. November 2005 So, hab mir das Problem gerade mal vernünftig angeschaut und nen neuen Treiber installiert! Führe im Moment eine Testsicherung durch, welche bisher sehr erfolgreich läuft! Scheint wieder alles beim alten zu sein :D! Bei weiteren unlösbaren Problemen komme ich wieder :p Cya und thx... der Flopo Zitieren
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