HJHartmann 10 Geschrieben 14. Dezember 2005 Melden Geschrieben 14. Dezember 2005 guten Tag habe folgende Meldung auf einem SBS 2003 Critical Alerts Issue Last Occurrence Total Occurrences Process (store.exe) 12/13/2005 4:07 PM 1 The store.exe process is allocating more memory than usual. Check to see if you are having problems with e-mail. If so, stop and then restart the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service. You can disable this alert or change its threshold by using the Change Alert Notifications task in the Server Management Monitoring and Reporting taskpad. Issue Last Occurrence Total Occurrences Allocated Memory 12/13/2005 3:37 PM 1 A large amount of memory is committed to applications and processes. Consistently high memory usage can cause performance problems. To determine which processes and applications are using the most memory, use Task Manager. Monitor the activity of these resources over a few days. If they continue to use a high level of memory and are less critical processes or services, try stopping and then restarting them. You can disable this alert or change its threshold by using the Change Alert Notifications task in the Server Management Monitoring and Reporting taskpad. Was mache ich nun danke hans-jörg Zitieren
GuentherH 61 Geschrieben 14. Dezember 2005 Melden Geschrieben 14. Dezember 2005 Hi. hier weiterlesen - http://www.mcseboard.de/showthread.php?t=68765 LG Günther Zitieren
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