ErnestoPaczona 10 Geschrieben 6. Januar 2006 Melden Geschrieben 6. Januar 2006 Hallo! Ich bräuchte wieder einmal eure hilfe! könnt ihr mir bitte diese Fragen beantworten!? Ich würde diese ja in google eingeben, aber ich kenne mich nicht so gut aus und deshalb zähle ich auf euch!! 1 When selecting a desktop case style, what is the most popular form factor used today? AT ATH ATX ATZ 2 Which type of equipment is used to test high voltage devices in a PC, such as a power supply? loopback connector outlet tester multimeter wrist strap 3 Which type of connector does a modem use? DIN PS-2 RJ-11 RJ-45 4 Which Type of PCMCIA card is used for memory expansion? Type I Type II Type III Type IV 5 Which binary number represents the decimal number 255? 11111111 00000000 11000011 00111100 6 What is one method to change display properties in Windows 9x? Right-click with the mouse on the Task Bar and select Display Properties from the menu. Right-click with the mouse on the desktop and select Properties from the menu. Right-click with the mouse on the Start button and select Properties from the menu. Right-click with the mouse on My Computer and select Display from the menu. 7 It is hazardous to wear an anti-static wrist strap when working on which of the following pieces of equipment? floppy drive network card monitor hard drive 8 Which memory location is under the direct control of HIMEM.SYS? conventional memory upper memory area extended memory expanded memory 9 Which floppy drive is connected to the end of the cable that has a twist? A B C D 10 How should the boot IDE drive be configured? primary master primary slave secondary master secondary slave 11 Which computer boot up function moves the master boot record (MBR) into RAM? primary bootstrap loader file allocation table secondary bootstrap loader plug and play 12 What is the I/O address range of COM1? 3F8-3FF 2F8-2FF 3E8-3EF 2E8-2EF 13 How many 72-pin SIMMs does it take to fill a bank in a Pentium computer? 1 2 3 4 14 How many file allocation tables (FAT) are created when a hard drive is formatted? 1 2 3 4 15 Which DOS program defines primary and extended partitions on a hard drive? format fdisk hwinfo asd 16 Which memory mode allows one program to fail without bringing down the whole system? conventional protected real expanded 17 Which command will start an upgrade from Windows NT to Windows 2000? D:\i386\winnt32 D:\i386\win32 D:\win\setup D:\win\win32 18 Which Windows 9x utility is used to backup or repair the system registry? regedit msconfig scanreg sysedit 19 Which device does the POST check first? memory CPU hard drive floppy drive 20 Which type of port is a 9-pin male connector? FireWire parallel serial USB 21 What is the binary conversion of the hexadecimal number C1? 11000010 11000001 10000001 11000000 22 By default, which device uses IRQ 6? floppy disk controller LPT1 LPT2 real time clock 23 Which type of processor uses the socket A? AMD Cyrix Intel Motorola 24 An extended partition can be subdivided into a maximum of how many logical drives? 26 25 24 23 22 21 25 What is an acceptable way to load the System Properties applet within Windows 9x? Start > Programs > Accessories > System Properties Start > Settings > Control Panel > System Start > Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Properties Start > Settings > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs > System Properties tab 26 What is the maximum number of devices that can be connected to a Wide SCSI-2 channel? 16 8 7 15 27 When viewing a filename, which of the following file extensions denotes an executable file? .DOC .SYS .DAT .COM 28 What are the labels on the AT power connectors that connect to the motherboard? P1, P2 P3, P4 P6, P7 P8, P9 Zitieren
ErnestoPaczona 10 Geschrieben 6. Januar 2006 Autor Melden Geschrieben 6. Januar 2006 29 Which of the following would prevent a user from moving icons on the desktop? The user is not logged in as administrator. The user does not have the correct permissions to move the icons. The Auto Arrange setting is enabled. The Auto Arrange setting is disabled. 30 What is the capability of a program to be broken into smaller parts that can be loaded as needed by the OS? multiprocessing multiusers multithreading multitasking 31 Which term describes a volume that contains identical copies of the same data? simple volume spanned volume mirrored volume RAID 5 volume 32 What is the decimal conversion of the binary number 01101010? 161 160 107 106 33 Which Windows utility views the hierarchical structure of files, folders, and drives on a computer? File Explorer msconfig System Information Windows Explorer 34 Which Windows 9x utility is used to skip a driver when the operating system fails during boot-up? ASD.EXE WSCRIPT.EXE HWINFO.EXE SYSEDIT.EXE 35 Which type of memory is used for cache memory? DRAM SRAM EDO DDR 36 Which of the following is an input device? keyboard printer speakers disk drive 37 Which DC voltages are commonly produced by ATX power supplies? +1.8V, +5V, -5V, +12V, -12V +1.8V, +5V, -5V, +15V, -15V +3.3V, +5V, -5V, +15V, -15V +3.3V, +5V, -5V, +12V, -12V 38 Which of the following correctly describes DOS? DOS is a user-friendly, icon-based operating system. DOS is an essential tool for IT professionals and is used extensively for troubleshooting. DOS can run several programs at the same time since it supports multitasking. DOS can run any sized program because it has no memory limitations. 39 Which utility is a standard text editor used to edit system configuration files such as CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT? regedit msconfig sysedit ipconfig 40 How many pins are there on a floppy cable? 34 40 50 68 41 Which system condition is usually manifested by a stalling (not responding) of the system? general protection fault hard drive memory error lack of virtual memory OS version error 42 Which type of port is a 25-pin female connector? FireWire parallel serial USB 43 Which type of memory is used by RIMM modules? RDRAM SDRAM EDO-RAM DDR-SDRAM 44 Which type of memory is installed by inserting it at about a 45 degree angle, then rotating it to the vertical position? DIMM DIP RIMM SIPP SIMM 46 Which folder permission allows users to create new files and subfolders within the folder, change folder attributes, and view folder ownership and permissions, but does not allow the user to delete the folder? read write modify list of folder contents 47 What is the correct order of execution when booting a computer into DOS? IO.SYS, MSDOS.SYS, CONFIG.SYS, COMMAND.COM, AUTOEXEC.BAT MSDOS.SYS, IO.SYS, CONFIG.SYS, COMMAND.COM, AUTOEXEC.BAT IO.SYS, MSDOS.SYS, COMMAND.COM, CONFIG.SYS, AUTOEXEC.BAT COMMAND.COM, IO.SYS, MSDOS.SYS, CONFIG.SYS, AUTOEXEC.BAT 48 Which function key, when pressed during the boot process, causes the system to proceed through CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT one step at a time waiting for confirmation from the user? F8 F6 F3 F2 49 Which Windows 2000 Pro feature is a library of hardware drivers that operate between the operating system and hardware installed on the user's system? Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) Hardware Compatibility List (HCL) Microsoft Device Driver Library (MDDL) Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional Device List (MDL) 50 Which DOS file contains the internal DOS commands? IO.SYS MSDOS.SYS COMMAND.COM AUTOEXEC.BAT Zitieren
ErnestoPaczona 10 Geschrieben 6. Januar 2006 Autor Melden Geschrieben 6. Januar 2006 51 Which command transfers system files to an already formatted 3.5" diskette? format A: move A: copy A: sys A: 52 Which virtual memory file, created during the Windows 2000 Professional installation, has a default size typically set at 1.5 times the amount of system RAM? SYSTEM.DAT EMM386.SWP PAGEFILE.SYS MEMFILE.DLL 53 Which term refers to the capability of an operating system to run multiple applications at the same time? multiuser multitasking multiprocessing multithreading 54 A new PC has been assembled and the operating system loaded. However, the hard drive activity LED has failed to light up. What is the most likely cause of this problem? hard drive has failed hard drive LED plug not connected properly hard drive was not installed properly keylock switch is enabled, causing the PC to be locked 55 Which version of Windows first introduced FAT32? Windows 98 Second Edition Windows 98 Windows 95 OSR2 Windows 95 56 By default, which IRQ is used by the primary IDE controller? 12 13 14 15 57 Where is conventional memory located? between 0KB and 640KB between 641KB and 1024KB between 1025KB and 1088KB between 0KB and 64KB 58 In Phase 1, Preparing to Run Windows 98 Setup, the setup process creates a log file to track each step of the installation process. What is the name of this log file? SETUPLOG.TXT DETLOG.TXT SETUP.LOG INSTALLOG.TXT 59 Which statement is correct about moving or copying icons on the desktop? When the icon on the desktop is copied, the directory for the program is also copied to the new directory location. When an icon on the desktop is moved, the executable file of the program is also moved to the new directory location. When an icon on the desktop is moved or copied, the program is not affected. When an icon on the desktop is moved or copied, the executable file of the program is also moved or copied. 60 What does the red line on a cable indicate? pin-1 pin-34 pin-40 the cable has a twist 61 If a Windows 2000 computer is configured to dual-boot, which file allows the user to select which operating system to load? HAL.DLL NTDETECT.COM NTOSKRNL.EXE BOOT.INI 62 Which registry subtree contains software configuration data about all the software that is installed on the computer? HKEY_USERS HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT HKEY_CURRENT_USER HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE 63 Critical files have become corrupted on the hard disk. Which Windows 2000 Professional administrative tool can be used to repair the files? chkdsk Emergency Repair Disk (ERD) File Services Computer Management 64 Which type of device is hot-swappable? PS/2 device parallel device serial device USB device 65 What is the minimum processor for a Windows 98 installation? Pentium 133MHz Pentium 60MHz 486DX 66MHz 386DX 33MHz 66 Which of the following is a valid DOS file name? LOSS?.XLS MY_DATA.DOC WEBDESIGN.HTM TIME/DATE.DOC 67 Which initialization file is used to load both HIMEM.SYS and EMM386.EXE? MSDOS.SYS CONFIG.SYS AUTOEXEC.BAT SYSTEM.INI 68 How many pins are there on an IDE cable? 34 40 50 68 69 Which type of connector does a network interface card use? DIN PS-2 RJ-11 RJ-45 70 Which Windows 9x utility is used to display the contents of the registry database? scanreg msconfig sysedit regedit 71 Which DOS command will rebuild the crucial OS master boot record? format fixmbr fdisk /mbr chkdsk 72 What is the hexadecimal conversion of the decimal number 255? E0 EF FF F0 73 How thick is a Type II PCMCIA card? 3.3mm 5mm 7mm 10.5mm 74 How many characters does Windows 98 allow in extended file and folder names? 255 254 128 127 So das wärs jetzt endlich! Ich weiß es ist sehr viel, aber ihr würdet mir wirklich sehr helfen! Danke! Katrin Zitieren
IThome 10 Geschrieben 6. Januar 2006 Melden Geschrieben 6. Januar 2006 Wenn man sich nicht auskennt, sollte man lernen (ganz besonders, wenn man den Stoff zum Bestehen irgendeiner Prüfung benötigt) ... :suspect: Haste Deine Midterm-Prüfung versaut, weil Du nicht googeln kannst oder weil Du keine Lust zu lernen hast ? Zitieren
ErnestoPaczona 10 Geschrieben 6. Januar 2006 Autor Melden Geschrieben 6. Januar 2006 Ich dachte, dass hier sei ein Forum wo einem geholfen wird. Ja, ich kenn mich nicht so gut aus, wie manche von euch. Ich könnte ja genauso googlen, nur wahrscheinlich würde mich dass 3 Stunden Kosten, und für euch ist dass alles eine Arbeit von 5-10 Minuten....außerdem hätte ich den nebeneffekt dass ich nicht 100%-ig sicher sein könnte... Also bitte helft mir diese Fragen zu beantworten oder Postet lieber gar nix... Nörglereien kann ich mir überall abholen ;) Sollte jetzt keine Beleidigung für jemanden sein...... Übrigens, mein CISCO-Midterm-Exam hat sich nur auf Mo. verschoben, ich will eben 100%-ig sicher sein... Bitte hilft mir.. Zitieren
cyrus the virus 10 Geschrieben 6. Januar 2006 Melden Geschrieben 6. Januar 2006 Hi ErnestoPaczona, wo hast Du die Fragen denn her? Das sieht mir ganz nach EDV-Grundschule 1.Klasse aus. Wen ich mal ne ruhige Minute habe werd ich sie Dir beantworten. Aber vielleicht solltest Du Dir mal nen Buch dazu kaufen, EDV Grundwissen oder ähnliches, da in den Fragen fast nur Grundwissen abgefragt wird, also Vorraussetzung für unseren Beruf sind ;) . CU Cyrus Zitieren
Gadget 37 Geschrieben 6. Januar 2006 Melden Geschrieben 6. Januar 2006 Hi Katrin, würde dir gerne helfen... aber die Grundlagen musst du schon selber lernen. bzw. Sprache auf Englisch umstellen u. suchen. Als lesen u. lernen => LG Gadget Zitieren
ErnestoPaczona 10 Geschrieben 6. Januar 2006 Autor Melden Geschrieben 6. Januar 2006 Also wenn ich eure Antworten so lese, wird mir echt schlecht und mir vergeht wirklich die Lust an der EDV. Ich wette auch ihr habt einmal klein angefangen und wart auf jede hilfe angewiesen, also wo liegt euer problem!? :( Ich glaube Ihr habt recht, nur dass ich wahrscheinlich wegen euren EDV-Wahn keine Texte lesen könnt... Ich habe geschrieben ich habe die Antworten schon, ich will mir nur sicher gehen dass diese auch Stimmen... ebenso hatte ich erwähnt dass ich gerne nur hilfreiche Antworten erwarten würde als dass jeder einfach ein wenig von seinen Senf dazu gibt. Zitieren
XP-Fan 224 Geschrieben 6. Januar 2006 Melden Geschrieben 6. Januar 2006 @ErnestoPaczona Hallo, ich glaube du hast Kohn überlesen oder ? Wir versuchen ja unser Bestes uns gegenseitig zu helfen wenn es Probleme gibt, aber manche Dinge im Leben muß man alleine machen ! :wink2: - Schule - Führerschein etc. Es geht hier auch nicht darum ob sich jemand die Zeit nehmen möchte um die Fragen durchzugehen, es ist hier schlichtweg falsch. Gruß und viel Erfolg bei der Prüfung :rolleyes: Zitieren
ErnestoPaczona 10 Geschrieben 6. Januar 2006 Autor Melden Geschrieben 6. Januar 2006 Lieber XP-Fan! Da du im Zentrum des Wissens wohnst und trotzdem ein XP-Fan bist geh ich davon aus, dass ich dein voriges Post ruhigstes Gewissens ignorieren kann! Ich werde mir die Zeit nehmen und mich für die Prüfung vorbereiten ... Viel Spaß bei eurer "Arbeit", dieses Forum ist für mich gestorben! Peace Zitieren
IThome 10 Geschrieben 6. Januar 2006 Melden Geschrieben 6. Januar 2006 Und schönen Abend noch ... Zitieren
ErnestoPaczona 10 Geschrieben 6. Januar 2006 Autor Melden Geschrieben 6. Januar 2006 Danke ebenfalls :cool: Zitieren
Dr.Melzer 191 Geschrieben 6. Januar 2006 Melden Geschrieben 6. Januar 2006 Holla, nur mit der Ruhe. Du bist mit Fragen immer willkommen, aber das was du hier willst sprengt die Möglichketen eines Forums wie diesem ein wenig. Wenn du spezielle Problemlösungen brauchst, aber das notwendige Grundwissen mitbringst können wir dir gut helfen. Das was du hier willst können wir so nicht leisten. Vielen Dank für dein Verständnis. Zitieren
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