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WIN2000 IIS passive FTP ?

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gefunden bei: FTP Site Administratation

Modes and Data TransmissionWhen using FTP, there are two things to consider. The first is the connection mode, which can be either passive or active; and the second is the data transfer mode, which can be stream, block, or compressed.


The IIS-based FTP service supports both active and passive mode connections, depending on the method that is specified by the client. IIS does not support disabling either active or passive connection modes.


The default data transfer mode for IIS-based FTP is stream. IIS does not currently support block or compressed data transfer mode.


Unlike HTTP and other protocols used on the Internet, the FTP protocol uses a minimum of two connections during a session: a half-duplex connection for control, and a full-duplex connection for data transfer. By default, TCP port 21 is used on the server for the control connection, but the data connection is determined by the method that the client uses to connect to the server, as detailed below.


Active-mode FTP connections are sometimes referred to as "client-managed" because the client sends a port command to the server, over the control connection. The command requests the server to establish a data connection from TCP port 20 on the server to the client, using the TCP port that is specified by the port command.

Passive-mode FTP connectionsare sometimes referred to as "server-managed", because after the client issues a pasv command, the server responds with one of its transient ports used as the server-side port of the data connection. After a data connection command is issued by the client, the server connects to the client using the port immediately above the client-side port of the control connection.

auch bei apache & daLUG habe ich nur ähnliche aussagen gefunden: deshalb denke ich, es liegt am client - dieser muss den passive mode anfordern, dann wird ihm vom ftp server ein freier port übermittelt. durch die erneute antwort des client am reservierten port erfährt dann auch der ftp server, auf welchen port und welche ip der client hört. das problem dabei ist, dass heutzutage ftp server oft nicht mehr vor, sondern hinter der firewall stehen - dann wird es etwas komplizierter (nat/pat), aber da bin ich wiederum keine referenz. die zitierte seite ist übrigens nicht genau die gleiche wie im ersten post. vielleicht lohnt sich da nochmals ein blick ;)


gruss, r_t

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