GerhardG 10 Geschrieben 22. Januar 2006 Melden Geschrieben 22. Januar 2006 der kostenlose vmware player ist eine günstige alternative zur vollversion. neben einigen vorgefertigten images, können auch images die mit der 30 tage demo erstellt werden ohne limit weiterverwendet werden. mit ein paar trick können aber auch ohne die vmware demo/vollversionen beliebige images erstellt werden. dazu wird der opensource emulator qemu verwendet, dieser ist für diverses systeme wie gnu/linux, windows, mac,... erhältlich. online vmx generator: images mit qemu anlegen: VMware Player is the new free (as in beer) great tool released a few days ago by VMware. It can be used to run virtual machines made with VMware Workstation, VMware GSX Server, and VMware ESX Server but it can't create them. The 24th October Eliot Phillips wrote about how to create virtual machines with VMware Player. There is also another, maybe more simple, way to create virtual machines using VMware Player.The problem is to understand how the vmx file works. A vmx file is the configuration file used by the VMware Player to launchvirtual machines. This article explains how to create a vmx configuration file, a hard disk image and how to install a GNU/Linux OS using VMware Player. At the end of the article you can find a tar.gz file containing a complete working configuration with clean hd images ready to be used. To create an hard disk image you need qemu-img for GNU/Linux or qemu-img.exe for Windows. Just run: qemu-img create -f vmdk hda.vmdk 100M to create a file called hda.vmdk of 100 Megs. If you want, say a 5 Gigs hard disk, just use qemu-img create -f vmdk hda.vmdk 5G Next thing you need is a new configuration file so VMware Player can install your new GNU/Linux distribuntion on the hard disk image. The file can be created using a normal text editor.s Zitieren
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