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SharePoint: Copy Attachments using GetFile

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Hi everyone,


developing a Web Part that is copying an entry from a list to another list (both Issue Lists) I currently faced to a problem:

I have two list items - one is a already existing issue (the 'currentItem'), the other one is a new entry (the 'newRequestItem') to be created in an other list.

I already copied the field values and now i would like to get the attachments as well.


... some code ...


SPAttachmentCollection currentAttachments = currentItem.Attachments;

SPAttachmentCollection newRequestAttachments = newRequestItem.Attachments;


int nofAttachments = currentAttachments.Count;

output.Write(SPEncode.HtmlEncode("nofAttachments: "+ nofAttachments) + "<BR>"); // number of attachments is correctly dispayed


string urlString = currentAttachments.UrlPrefix;

output.Write(SPEncode.HtmlEncode("attachment URL: "+ urlString) + "<BR>"); // the URL is also correctly dispayed


string fileName;

string fileUrl;


for (int p = 0; p < nofAttachments; p++)


fileName = currentAttachments[p];

fileUrl = currentAttachments.UrlPrefix + fileName;

output.Write(SPEncode.HtmlEncode("File to get: "+ fileUrl) + "<BR>"); // the URL+Filename is correctly dispayed


string attachFileString = changeRequestSite.GetFileAsString(fileUrl);

output.Write(SPEncode.HtmlEncode("String from File: "+ attachFileString) + "<BR>"); // no problem to get the content of the file


SPFile attachFile = changeRequestSite.GetFile(fileUrl); // ERROR: Value does not fall within the expected range.


byte[] binFile = attachFile.OpenBinary(); // code not executed


newRequestAttachments.Add(fileName, binFile); // code not executed


newRequestItem.Update(); // code not executed


... some more code ...


As described under the 'SPWeb'-class in the SDK-Reference the public method 'GetFile' should return the file object (SPFile) located at the URL specified in the provided parameter string. However, the hard I try no SPFile is returned. Is there something wrong with my code or is there a mistake in the SDK?

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