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ich habe ein kleines Problem.

Jedes mal wenn ich den Router ausschalte und danach wieder einschalte wählt er sich nicht mehr ins Internet ein. Config hab ich auch gespeichert ist auch alles noch drin. Dann gebe ich die gleiche config nochmal ein und dann gehts wieder. Es ist ein Cisco 1841 Router. Hab ich irgendwas in der Config falsch gemacht. Wie gesagt ich gebe die gleiche Config dann nochmal an mache erst erase-startupconfig und dann wählt er sich auch ein.


Hier nochmal die komplette Config:


version 12.3

service timestamps debug datetime msec

service timestamps log datetime msec

no service password-encryption


hostname Router





enable secret 5 $1$0HpD$rIZNXrjAIEQBcepaWFlwj1


aaa new-model



aaa authentication login userauthen local

aaa authorization network groupauthor local


aaa session-id common


resource policy


mmi polling-interval 60

no mmi auto-configure

no mmi pvc

mmi snmp-timeout 180

ip subnet-zero

ip cef



no ip dhcp use vrf connected



no ip ips deny-action ips-interface

ip ddns update method test


add &myip=http://xxxxxxxx:xxxxxxx@members.dyndns.org/nic/updatesystem=dyndns&hostname=<h>&myip=<a>

interval maximum 0 1 0 0


vpdn enable

vpdn ip udp ignore checksum


vpdn-group pppoe


protocol pppoe

ip mtu adjust



no ftp-server write-enable




username cisco password xxxxxxxxx




crypto isakmp policy 3

encr 3des

authentication pre-share

group 2

no crypto isakmp ccm


crypto isakmp client configuration group 3000client

key cisco123

pool ippool



crypto ipsec transform-set myset esp-3des esp-sha-hmac


crypto dynamic-map dynmap 10

set transform-set myset



crypto map clientmap client authentication list userauthen

crypto map clientmap isakmp authorization list groupauthor

crypto map clientmap client configuration address respond

crypto map clientmap 10 ipsec-isakmp dynamic dynmap




interface FastEthernet0/0

description T-dsl

no ip address

no ip proxy-arp

ip route-cache flow

duplex auto

speed auto

pppoe enable

pppoe-client dial-pool-number 1


crypto map clientmap


interface FastEthernet0/1

description LAN

ip address

ip nat inside

ip virtual-reassembly

duplex auto

speed auto

crypto map clientmap


interface FastEthernet0/0/0


interface FastEthernet0/0/1


interface FastEthernet0/0/2


interface FastEthernet0/0/3


interface Vlan1

ip address

ip nat inside

ip virtual-reassembly


interface Dialer1

description WAN

bandwidth 2048

ip ddns update hostname cobradirk.dyndns.org

ip ddns update test

ip address negotiated

no ip redirects

no ip unreachables

no ip proxy-arp

ip mtu 1492

ip nat outside

ip virtual-reassembly

encapsulation ppp

ip route-cache flow

ip tcp adjust-mss 1452

no ip mroute-cache

dialer pool 1

dialer idle-timeout 0

dialer persistent

dialer-group 1


no cdp enable

ppp authentication chap callin

ppp chap hostname xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@t-online.de

ppp chap password xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

ppp ipcp dns request

crypto map clientmap



ip local pool ippool

ip classless

ip route Dialer1


ip http server

no ip http secure-server

ip nat inside source list 100 interface Dialer1 overload

ip nat inside source list 101 interface Dialer1 overload

ip nat inside source static tcp 21 interface Dialer1 21

ip nat inside source static tcp 20 interface Dialer1 20

ip nat inside source static udp 20 interface Dialer1 20

ip nat inside source static udp 21 interface Dialer1 21

ip dns server


access-list 100 deny ip

access-list 100 deny ip

access-list 100 permit ip any

access-list 100 permit ip any

dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit

snmp-server community public RO

snmp-server enable traps tty






line con 0

line aux 0

line vty 0 4






Also das hört sich ja alles gut an. Und wenn er sich einwählt dann wird auch allses korrekt sein. Frage ist dann nur noch nach dem ab/anschalten.

mach mal im ena-modus copy running-config startup-config nachdem du deine Einstellungen nochmals gemacht hast und deine ISP - Einwahl geht.

Wenn das dann wieder nicht geht schau dir die Config mal nach dem reboot an. Ob sich was ändert.





Ich glaub es hat was mit der Tunnel konfiguration zu tun. Ich hab nähmlich immer als erstes meine DSL Config reingeschrieben dann ist er online gegangen und anschließend hab ich dann die vpn sachen konfiguriert. Ist da denn irgendwo ein Fehler?


So habe gerade mal erst den Tunnel konfiguriert und danach erst den Dialer bekam bei der Konfiguration des Dialers diese Meldung:

AAA: Warning, authentication list "default" is not defined for PPP. Da stimmt doch was nicht ;) ?


Hier der Bootlog:


System Bootstrap, Version 12.3(8r)T8, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)

Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport

Copyright © 2004 by cisco Systems, Inc.

PLD version 0x10

GIO ASIC version 0x127

c1841 processor with 262144 Kbytes of main memory

Main memory is configured to 64 bit mode with parity disabled



Readonly ROMMON initialized

program load complete, entry point: 0x8000f000, size: 0xc100


Initializing ATA monitor library.......

program load complete, entry point: 0x8000f000, size: 0xc100


Initializing ATA monitor library.......


program load complete, entry point: 0x8000f000, size: 0x10c2f54

Self decompressing the image : #################################################################################################################################

########################################### [OK]


Smart Init is enabled

smart init is sizing iomem


0X003AA110 public buffer pools

0X00211000 public particle pools

00046C 0X00016804 Virtual Private Network (VPN) Module

0X0056 0X00035600 Card in slot 0

0X000021B8 Onboard USB


If any of the above Memory Requirements are

"UNKNOWN", you may be using an unsupported

configuration or there is a software problem and

system operation may be compromised.


Allocating additional 19892126 bytes to IO Memory.

PMem allocated: 239075328 bytes; IOMem allocated: 29360128 bytes


Restricted Rights Legend


Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is

subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph

© of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted

Rights clause at FAR sec. 52.227-19 and subparagraph

© (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer

Software clause at DFARS sec. 252.227-7013.


cisco Systems, Inc.

170 West Tasman Drive

San Jose, California 95134-1706


Port Statistics for unclassified packets is not turned on.


This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to United

States and local country laws governing import, export, transfer and

use. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not imply

third-party authority to import, export, distribute or use encryption.

Importers, exporters, distributors and users are responsible for

compliance with U.S. and local country laws. By using this product you

agree to comply with applicable laws and regulations. If you are unable

to comply with U.S. and local laws, return this product immediately.


A summary of U.S. laws governing Cisco cryptographic products may be found at:



If you require further assistance please contact us by sending email to



Cisco 1841 (revision 5.0) with 233472K/28672K bytes of memory.

Processor board ID FCZ09241140

6 FastEthernet interfaces

2 Virtual Private Network (VPN) Modules

DRAM configuration is 64 bits wide with parity disabled.

191K bytes of NVRAM.

62720K bytes of ATA CompactFlash (Read/Write)




Press RETURN to get started!



*May 10 15:17:14.307: %ESWMRVL_FLTMG-5-NOTICE: Notice: FPGA Rev 0x71


*May 10 15:17:29.779: %VPN_HW-6-INFO_LOC: Crypto engine: aim 0 State changed to: Initialized

*May 10 15:17:29.779: %VPN_HW-6-INFO_LOC: Crypto engine: aim 0 State changed to: Enabled sslinit fn


*May 10 15:17:32.815: %VPN_HW-6-INFO_LOC: Crypto engine: onboard 0 State changed to: Initialized

*May 10 15:17:32.815: %VPN_HW-6-INFO_LOC: Crypto engine: onboard 0 State changed to: Disabled

*May 10 15:17:36.831: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface NVI0, changed state to up

*May 10 15:17:37.723: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from memory by console

*May 10 15:17:38.367: %SYS-5-RESTART: System restarted --

Cisco IOS Software, 1841 Software (C1841-ADVSECURITYK9-M), Version 12.3(14)T7, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)

Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport

Copyright © 1986-2006 by Cisco Systems, Inc.

Compiled Wed 22-Mar-06 16:41 by pwade

*May 10 15:17:38.371: %SNMP-5-COLDSTART: SNMP agent on host Router is undergoing a cold start

*May 10 15:17:38.803: %CRYPTO-6-ISAKMP_ON_OFF: ISAKMP is ON

*May 10 15:17:39.831: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface FastEthernet0/1, changed state to up



*May 10 15:17:42.831: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface FastEthernet0/0, changed state to up

*May 10 15:17:44.955: %DIALER-6-BIND: Interface Vi1 bound to profile Di1

*May 10 15:17:45.615: %DIALER-6-UNBIND: Interface Vi1 unbound from profile Di1

*May 10 15:17:48.831: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface FastEthernet0/0/3, changed state to up

*May 10 15:17:48.831: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet0/1, changed state to up

*May 10 15:17:48.831: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet0/0, changed state to up

*May 10 15:17:49.831: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet0/0/3, changed state to down

*May 10 15:17:49.831: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet0/0/2, changed state to down

*May 10 15:17:49.831: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet0/0/1, changed state to down

*May 10 15:17:49.831: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet0/0/0, changed state to down


*May 10 15:18:07.847: %DIALER-6-BIND: Interface Vi1 bound to profile Di1

*May 10 15:18:07.851: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Virtual-Access1, changed state to up

*May 10 15:18:08.455: %DIALER-6-UNBIND: Interface Vi1 unbound from profile Di1

*May 10 15:18:08.459: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Virtual-Access1, changed state to down




du hast aaa aktiviert. Du solltest noch die def authorization und authentication definieren. Sollte jedoch nicht das Problem sein, da der Default local ist (local user db). Falls AAA das Problem währe sollte es gar nicht gehen!


Hast du ip cef aktiviert?

Wann wählt sich der Router wieder ein? (überhaupt nicht?!)



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