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Produktaktivierung Office

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For Windows Product Activation: When Windows XP with SP1 is activated through the Internet and a modem is not used, the first transmission uses HTTP through port 80 and goes to wpa.one.microsoft.com/ to check the HTTP response code. A response code of less than 500 indicates that a product activation server is available. (With a modem, there is only a check to see whether the modem can currently be used to make a connection to the Internet.) If the product activation server can be reached (or for a modem, if a connection to the Internet can be made), any activation or registration data that is sent by Windows Product Activation uses HTTPS through port 443.


Quelle: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/winxppro/maintain/xpmanaged/02_xpact.mspx

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