slako 10 Geschrieben 24. Mai 2006 Melden Geschrieben 24. Mai 2006 Hallo Leute, was muss mann an einer Firewall freischalten damit die Produktaktivierung von Office 2003 durchgeht? Gruss Slako Zitieren
ChristianHemker 10 Geschrieben 24. Mai 2006 Melden Geschrieben 24. Mai 2006 For Windows Product Activation: When Windows XP with SP1 is activated through the Internet and a modem is not used, the first transmission uses HTTP through port 80 and goes to to check the HTTP response code. A response code of less than 500 indicates that a product activation server is available. (With a modem, there is only a check to see whether the modem can currently be used to make a connection to the Internet.) If the product activation server can be reached (or for a modem, if a connection to the Internet can be made), any activation or registration data that is sent by Windows Product Activation uses HTTPS through port 443. Quelle: Zitieren
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