=BT=Viper 11 Geschrieben 29. Mai 2006 Melden Geschrieben 29. Mai 2006 Hi, auf allen Exchange SP2 Servern ist es mir nicht möglich mittels Exmerge die Postfächer zu sichern. Die üblichen Wege dem Admin das Sichern zu ermöglichen, Exmerge Gruppe oder Send-As/Receive-As, sowie mit einem NICHT-Administrator-Konto (also Alle Wege die mit SP1 funktioniert haben) führen zu keinem Erfolg. Der User kann definitiv die Postfächer öffnen und auch in deren Namen versenden. Daher verstehe ich nicht, warum im Log kommt das er den Informationsspeicher nicht öffnen kann. Kennt einer das Problem? Zitieren
=BT=Viper 11 Geschrieben 29. Mai 2006 Autor Melden Geschrieben 29. Mai 2006 **************************************************************** Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Merge Program, v6.5.7529.0 Start Logging:May 29, 2006 11:32:46 **************************************************************** [11:32:46] Logging Level: Maximum [11:32:46] Operating in Batch Mode. [11:32:46] Reading settings from file 'E:\Programme\Exchsrvr\bin\EXMERGE.INI'. [11:32:46] Data directory name read from .INI file: 'F:\DOWNLOAD'. [11:32:46] Merge action read from .INI file: 0 [11:32:46] RestoreDB read from .INI file: 0 [11:32:46] DomainControllerForSourceServer read from INI file: '' [11:32:46] SrcServerLDAP-Port read from INI file: '' [11:32:46] Source server name read from .INI file: 'POSEIDON'. [11:32:46] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::IdentifyFamilyOfExchangeRunningOnServer) [11:32:46] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::GetNamingContextData) [11:32:46] BaseDN: 'LDAP://POSEIDON/rootDSE' [11:32:46] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::GetNamingContextData) [11:32:46] Default Naming Context: 'DC=prodacon,DC=local' [11:32:46] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::GetNamingContextData) [11:32:46] BaseDN: 'LDAP://rootDSE' [11:32:46] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::GetNamingContextData) [11:32:46] Default Naming Context: 'DC=prodacon,DC=local' [11:32:46] Accessing Domain Controller 'POSEIDON' [11:32:46] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::GetExchangeServerNameInfo) [11:32:46] BaseDN: 'LDAP://POSEIDON/CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=prodacon,DC=local' [11:32:46] Got IDirectorySearch interface [11:32:46] Set search preferences [11:32:46] Filter used: '(&(objectCategory=msexchExchangeServer)(cn=POSEIDON))' [11:32:46] Successfully executed directory search [11:32:46] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::GetExchangeServerNameInfo) [11:32:46] 'POSEIDON' is running Exchange Server 2000 or later [11:32:46] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::IdentifyFamilyOfExchangeRunningOnServer) [11:32:46] Source server read from settings file is 'POSEIDON'. [11:32:46] DomainControllerForDestServer read from INI file: '' [11:32:46] SrcServerLDAP-Port read from INI file: '' [11:32:46] Destination server name read from .INI file: ''. [11:32:46] Message selection start date read from .INI file: ''. [11:32:46] Reading list of subjects for messages to be selected from file '' [11:32:46] Subject string match criteria read from INI file: 0 [11:32:46] Reading list of attachment names for messages to be selected from file '' [11:32:46] Attachment name string match criteria read from INI file: 1 [11:32:46] Folder process setting read from .INI file: 2 [11:32:46] Apply to sub folders setting, read from .INI file: 1 [11:32:46] List of folders to be ignored has been read. 0 folders in the list. [11:32:46] Program will also ignore sub folders of selected folders. [11:32:46] DelimiterUsedInMailboxFile setting read from .INI file: 0 [11:32:46] File containing list of mailboxes, read from .INI file: 'E:\Programme\Exchsrvr\bin\MAILBOXES.TXT'. Zitieren
=BT=Viper 11 Geschrieben 29. Mai 2006 Autor Melden Geschrieben 29. Mai 2006 [11:32:47] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::Logon) [11:32:47] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::GetMailboxesOnServer) [11:32:47] Getting list of mailboxes on the server. [11:32:47] Found default store. [11:32:47] Opened Exchange Server Store. [11:32:47] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::GetMailboxesOnServerFromPrivateIS) [11:32:47] GetMailboxesOnServerFromPrivateIS: QueryInterface succeeded [11:32:47] GetMailboxesOnServerFromPrivateIS: GetMailboxTable succeeded [11:32:47] Number of mailbox records read: 12. (CMapiSession::GetMailboxesOnServerFromPrivateIS) [11:32:47] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::GetMailboxesOnServerFromPrivateIS) [11:32:47] Finished getting list of mailboxes. [11:32:47] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::GetMailboxesOnServer) [11:32:47] Session logoff successful. [11:32:47] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::DeleteOurProfile) [11:32:47] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::DeleteOurProfile) [11:32:47] Program will start processing mailboxes at index 0 [11:32:47] Program will stop processing mailboxes at index 0 [11:32:47] Using attribute 'PR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TIME' for date operations. [11:32:47] Replacing data in the target store. The program will overwrite existing messages in the target store, by first deleting these messages and then copying the messages from the source store. [11:32:47] Replacing only older items in the target store. [11:32:47] Option to copy deleted items from the dumpster has been selected. Recoverable deleted items will only be copied when extracting data out of mailboxes on servers running Microsoft Exchange Server version 5.5 or later. [11:32:47] Folder permissions will be saved to the target store. Any existing folder permissions in the target store will be overwritten. [11:32:47] Associated folder data will be copied to the target store. [11:32:47] Using 'German' (0x407) as the default locale (Code page 1252) [11:32:47] All mailboxes will be processed, regardless of locale [11:32:47] Using default locale for all mailboxes [11:32:47] Program will use 1 worker threads [11:32:47] Initializing worker thread (Thread0) [11:32:47] ((Thread0)) Before CopyMailboxData -M.FISCHLEIN [11:32:47] Entered Routine: EDKRoutines::CopyMailBoxData) [11:32:47] Using locale 'German' (0x407) and code page 1252 to connect to mailbox [11:32:47] Copying data from mailbox 'Markus Fischlein' ('M.FISCHLEIN') on Server 'POSEIDON' to file 'F:\DOWNLOAD\M.FISCHLEIN.PST'. Zitieren
=BT=Viper 11 Geschrieben 29. Mai 2006 Autor Melden Geschrieben 29. Mai 2006 [11:32:47] DN of object is '/O=PRODACON GMBH/OU=ERSTE ADMINISTRATIVE GRUPPE/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=M.FISCHLEIN'. [11:32:47] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::MapiInit) [11:32:47] Successfully initialized MAPI. [11:32:47] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::MapiInit) [11:32:47] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::CreateEMSPSTProfile) [11:32:47] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::CreateEMSPSTProfile) [11:32:47] Successfully created profile. [11:32:47] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::Logon) [11:32:47] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::MapiInit) [11:32:47] Successfully initialized MAPI. [11:32:47] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::MapiInit) [11:32:47] MAPI Logon successful. [11:32:47] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::Logon) [11:32:47] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::GetSession) [11:32:47] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::GetSession) [11:32:47] Entered Routine: EDKRoutines::OpenStores) [11:32:47] OpenStores: Start [11:32:47] GetMsgStoresTable successful. [11:32:47] Checking service 'Microsoft Exchange-Nachrichtenspeicher' [11:32:47] Found service 'MSEMS' in current profile. [11:32:47] Error opening message store (MSEMS). Verify that the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service is running and that you have the correct permissions to log on. (0x8004011d) [11:32:47] Ending Routine: EDKRoutines::OpenStores) [11:32:47] Errors encountered. Copy process aborted for mailbox 'Markus Fischlein' ('M.FISCHLEIN'). [11:32:47] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::DeleteOurProfile) [11:32:47] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::DeleteOurProfile) [11:32:47] Session logoff successful. [11:32:48] Ending Routine: EDKRoutines::CopyMailBoxData) [11:32:48] ((Thread0)) CopyMailboxData Failed -M.FISCHLEIN [11:32:48] ((Thread0)) Incremented progress bar [11:32:48] MAPI uninitialized. [11:32:48] Number of items copied from the source store for all mailboxes processed: 0 [11:32:48] Total number of folders processed in the source store: 0 [11:32:48] 0 mailboxes successfully processed. 1 mailboxes were not successfully processed. 0 non-fatal errors encountered. [11:32:48] Process completion time: 0:00:00:01 [11:32:48] MAPI uninitialized. Zitieren
=BT=Viper 11 Geschrieben 29. Mai 2006 Autor Melden Geschrieben 29. Mai 2006 :nene: OK, mit einem extra User der Mitglied der "Administratoren" ist tut es. Dennoch frag ich mich warum es auf dem bisherigen Weg (Send-As/Receive-As Verweigerung für Admin deaktivieren) nicht mehr tut. Das war für mich immer der logischste Weg. Wurde da im SP2 für EXCHANGE was geändert? Zitieren
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