Reborncard 10 Geschrieben 15. Juni 2006 Melden Geschrieben 15. Juni 2006 Zitat von: Wesly Hey guyz, Sorry i'm talking englisch because i can't speak german very well.... Got a question, Does somebody of you tried the reborn max xp for windows 98. Reborn told that it is posible but i can't get it on....somebody? Zitieren
Reborncard 10 Geschrieben 15. Juni 2006 Autor Melden Geschrieben 15. Juni 2006 Hi, Windows 98 is easyer than Windows 2000 or XP with Reborn Card, So tell a little bit more about your problem. What is the Hardware Revision from Reborn Card? See sticker backside the Card. What is Software Version from Reborn? do you try a express Setup or do you install first Reborn Card? Zitieren
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