jaymz1102 10 Geschrieben 24. Juli 2006 Melden Geschrieben 24. Juli 2006 Hi, I have 2 File&Print-Servers hosting Windows Server 2003 R2. The new DFS has been installed as part of the R2 components. ADS scheme has been succesfully updated. As part of the DFS-Replication I have a folder called "Info" holding approx 22.000 files using about 11.2GB of hard disk space. The staging folder has beent set to 8192MB for this replication group. The 2 servers are connected through gigabit connections. Free hard disk space on both servers is 400GB. Server A holds the original data in folder "Info". Server B as been prestaged using a recent backup done with Veritas BENT 9.1. Files on both servers differ in about 100 files which have to be replicated from Server A to Server B. The replication group between the 2 servers has been configured successfully with Server A as "primary" and eventlog states everything to be just fine. After a few minutes DFSR starts staging the files which have to be replicated and copies them to Server B. While replicating these files Server A occasionally reboots every 20 minutes. The eventlog states the EventID 6008 "The previous system shutdown at <time> on <date> was unexpected.". No other errors have been recorded. Searching these groups and the internet doesn't help much. I don't find anything appropiate. Please help me as the new DFS features won't do no good in this kind of state. Thanks in advance Alex Zitieren
Gadget 37 Geschrieben 24. Juli 2006 Melden Geschrieben 24. Juli 2006 Hi Alex and welcom on Board ;) , I tested DFS-Replication a few times but only in a testing enviroment with a small set of data .... Please activate the Memory Dump (Kernel-Mini-Dump) and Load the dump file with the Windows Debugger... http://thelazyadmin.com/index.php?/archives/442-Debugging-STOP-Errors-With-WinDBG.html http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/devtools/debugging/installx86.mspx BTW: Which Real-Time virus scanner is installed? You know that the virus scanner has to be compatible with DFS-R? => http://tinyurl.com/quy8k EDIT: Deactivate Autorestart in the System properties to see the BSOD Best Regards Kohn Zitieren
jaymz1102 10 Geschrieben 25. Juli 2006 Autor Melden Geschrieben 25. Juli 2006 Hi Kohn, many thanks for the quick response. I activated the Kernel Mini Dump as you recommended. Futhermore I deactivated the Auto-restart-Option. The result remains to been seen... I'll keep this post updated. Neither server hosts any Realt-Time AV application. In the meanwhile I identified a possible problem due to the RAID-controller or its driver. Investigations have been started... Regards Alex Zitieren
Gadget 37 Geschrieben 29. Juli 2006 Melden Geschrieben 29. Juli 2006 Sorry Alex, for my late answer I was very busy at work. What´s about the Raid-Controller is it a WHQL (microsoft tested) ? Have you solved the problem? Zitieren
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