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MS Security Bulletin - Microsoft Security Alert 08/06

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Empfohlene Beiträge


Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool Update steht bevor



On 8 August 2006 Microsoft is planning to release:



Security Updates



* Ten Microsoft Security Bulletins affecting Microsoft Windows. The highest Maximum Severity rating for these is Critical. These updates will be detectable using the Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer and the Enterprise Scan Tool. Some of these updates will require a restart.


* Two Microsoft Security Bulletins affecting Microsoft Office. The highest Maximum Severity rating for these is Critical. These updates will be detectable using the Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer. These updates may require a restart.



Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool



* Microsoft will release an updated version of the Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool on Windows Update, Microsoft Update, Windows Server Update Services and the Download Center.


Note that this tool will NOT be distributed using Software Update Services (SUS).



Non-security High Priority updates on MU, WU, WSUS and SUS



* Microsoft will not release any NON-SECURITY High-Priority Updates for Windows on Windows Update (WU) and Software Update Services (SUS)


* Microsoft will release two NON-SECURITY High-Priority Updates on Microsoft Update (MU) and Windows Server Update Services (WSUS).



Disclaimer and Webcast Information



Microsoft will host a Webcast next week to address customer questions on these bulletins. For more information on this Webcast please see below:


TechNet Webcast: Information About Microsoft Security Bulletins

Wednesday, 9 August 2006 11:00 AM (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

Events Home


At this time no additional information on these bulletins such as details regarding severity or details regarding the vulnerability will be made available until 8 August 2006.


In addition, to help customers prioritize monthly security updates with any non-security updates released on Microsoft Update, Windows Update, Windows Server Update Services and Software Update Services on the same day as the monthly security bulletins, we also provide:


* Information about the release of updated versions of the Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool.


* Information about the release of NON-SECURITY, High Priority updates on Microsoft Update (MU), Windows Update (WU), Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) and Software Update Services (SUS).


Note that this information will pertain ONLY to updates on Microsoft Update, Windows Update, Windows Server Update Services and Software Update Services and only about High Priority, non-security updates being released on the same day as security updates. Information will NOT be provided about Non-security updates released on other days.


Thank you,

Microsoft PSS Security Team

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