Gadget 37 Geschrieben 19. August 2006 Melden Geschrieben 19. August 2006 Vor kurzem hat Creative neue Audigy Driver herausgebracht für Vista rausgebracht: Filename: SBAXVSD_PCDRV_US_2_10_0000.exe This download is a beta driver providing Microsoft® Windows® Vista 32-bit and 64-bit Beta 2 Build 5384 and Build 5456 support for the audio devices listed below. For more details, read the rest of this web release note. This download supports the following audio devices only: Creative Sound Blaster® Audigy including Platinum and Platinum eX series Creative Sound Blaster Audigy® 2 including Platinum, Platinum eX, and Value series Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS including Platinum and Platinum Pro series Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 4 Pro and Sound Blaster Audigy 4 Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS Notebook PCMCIA Take note of the following: THIS IS AN UNSUPPORTED BETA DRIVER. There is no technical support for this driver. We recommend that only experienced users install this driver. Do not install this driver for critical tasks. This download supports Windows Vista 32-bit and 64-bit Beta 2 Build 5384 and Build 5456, and may not work on other Vista builds. This beta driver expires on November 4, 2006. When this happens, users should install the latest Sound Blaster Audigy series Vista driver available. Known issues: Waking your computer from sleep or hibernate mode stops audio output. To resolve this, restart your computer. In this download, the Effects Amount slider in EAX is disabled. To configure your speakers, use Audio Console only. Configuring your speakers in "Audio Devices and Sound Themes" in Control Panel may result in loss of audio during playback in Windows Media® Player. To resolve this issue, close and reopen Windows Media Player again. This download does not support Dolby® Digital or DTS® decoding CMSS®-3D recording 6.1 speaker systems Requirements: Windows Vista 32-bit or 64-bit Beta 2 (Build 5384 or Build 5456) Audio devices listed above Leider hat sich an der Situation mit meinem Audigy 2 ZS u. dem passenden Creative 7.1 System ned verbessert. Multisurrond in EAX Spielen u. CMSS wie in den Release Notes erwähnt funktionieren ned..... Die einzige Veränderung die ich erkennen konnte war, das ich jetzt 7.1 Speaker auswählen kann ohne ein permantes Rauschen zu erhalten. Was ich fälschlicher Weise vergessen hab war die Deinstallation der alten Beta 1 Audigy Driver. Vielleicht liegts daran, ich würde deswegen alle Audigy Besitzer hier bitten den Treiber mal auszuprobieren u. Feedback hier zu posten. (Meine Treiberversion => Wie schauts bei euch aus? LG Gadget Zitieren
SwitchOff 10 Geschrieben 31. August 2006 Melden Geschrieben 31. August 2006 hm... also ich hab ne Audigy 2 NX.. und da gibts leider gar keiner treiber für vista. schade. hatte mich echt auf vista rc1 gefreut :( weiss jmd ob creative da schon was hat verlauten lassen? Zitieren
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