aeppelwoitrinkr 10 Geschrieben 7. September 2006 Melden Geschrieben 7. September 2006 Welcome to Hell: Software compatibility and Vista x64 You think you're tough? Then try running Windows Vista in x64 mode: It can make a grown man wail like a little girl whose brother just catapulted Barbie over the fence. What's insidious about it is that the first impressions are deceptively good: After installing the thing in under 30 minutes and watching it recognize every single piece of hardware connected to my PC, I started installing applications thinking that this, finally, might be the time to move fully to x64 on my desktop machine. Big mistake. Applications like Microsoft Office work just fine on the x64 versions of Windows Vista, but almost nothing else does. Adobe Photoshop won't install at all, citing an unspecified compatibility issue. Ditto for Virtual PC 2004. And ******. And Nero. And iTunes. Yikes. --- Jetzt werde ich bestimmt als "Troll" abgestempelt. What shells? :-) Zitieren
zahni 571 Geschrieben 7. September 2006 Melden Geschrieben 7. September 2006 Also Nero geht auch 32-bittig nicht. Itunes ist sowieso seltsam. -Zahni Zitieren
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